Wrong… wrong… wrong. Lore says you’re wrong.
Give it up, man. The majority and the lore is against you on this.
Wrong… wrong… wrong. Lore says you’re wrong.
Give it up, man. The majority and the lore is against you on this.
Except when i click on your “high elf” in-game it says void or blood elf
Still have yet to see Moontear mention how High Elves are visually different from BE and VE, when canonically there aren’t any difference.
Also lol at calling Silvermoon an Alliance city, did you forget that Lor’Themar has banned Alleria from ever visiting again? And denied her request to re-join the Alliance?
The guy has chosen to remain willfully ignorant, because he is too proud to admit that reasonable arguments and evidence from sources has proven him wrong. There is no hope for such a person who just lives in utter denial because they don’t get what they want.
Adult of body, immature of brain.
Well I had no doubt that you people would try to work this into a reasonable “compromise” where you rob the belfs of literally everything they got. Sad, really sad.
You’re right, they’re not apart of the High Elven faction. In fact, there is multiple High Elven factions out there, but guess what, the Void Elves and Blood Elves are the same race as High Elves.
And also, the Blood Elves didn’t fed off Fel Energies, they used Demonic Magic to help power the buildings and rebuild Sivermoon, and the Fel Radiation from the magic changed there eyes. As well as for the Blood Elves who were in the outlands hanging around the Fel magic, the radiation from that magic changed there eyes. But the Blood Elves never fed off the Fel.
They did also syphoned energy from living creatures.
“Amazon UK posted several preview pages from Exploring Azeroth: The Eastern Kingdoms, an upcoming book by Christie Golden. There is one page up that states that “In the end, with their addiction to first arcane magic and then fel energy, and the horrors brought to their doorstep and beyond by Arthas Menethil and the Scourge, the blood elves demonstrated great courage, determination, and strength.””
NO the difference is when I click on a high elf NPC, it says high elf.
When I click on your “high elf”, it says blood elf. You get to use the blue eyes and now you get all the other bells and whistles, but you are a blood elf, and when I click on you, the game itself says you are a horde blood elf. Doesn’t say alliance high elf, it says horde blood elf.
“And the buildings that they have taken over, and remain standing in prestine order, they’re using demonic energies to maintain the architectural structure.”
YEs they used fel not only for addiction but building and maintaining their structures as well.
Actually, this person sums it up better with there post.
And we even see this in the game today.
I thought you like facts from “books” so gave one. You didn"t like it?
It seems you are incapable of understanding it even if I separate it into very small pieces of information, prove me wrong:
An Alliance theme is “to retake Lordaeron”, and it’s similar to the High elf theme of “retaking Quel’thalas”.
Lordaeron is of the people of Lordaeron, currently the Forsaken.
Quel’thalas is of the people of Quel’talas, currently the Blood elves.
It is a similar theme that denotes an existence of one of some fantasies that the addition of a proper High elf playable option can bring.
It doesn’t mean Quel’thalas would has to become Alliance, only that the fantasy is similar as another one from the Alliance, even related to one another, see: Lordaeron AKA Undercity in Tirisfal.
And by the way, I do play Blood elf and I wouldn’t like to lose Quel’thalas to the Alliance, but I do understand the fantasy of the opposite faction of players of the game.
Can’t dumb it down more for you.
It also denotes that the belfs are not only stupid but meaningless to an extent where they would be replaced entirely. So, please spare me the routine helf bs.
Don’t worry friend, I simply indicated that I was going to bed and that my RL was being consumed by the forum a lot more than I’d have liked.
You’re surely not expecting Moontear to go back and actually READ the lore are you?
You’d have more chance of Erevien reading the lore…
I think it should have been High elves that was released at the end of legion.
I dont but I’m bias as heck because I love void elves
You’re surely not expecting Moontear to go back and actually READ the lore are you?
Lore arguments annoy the hell out of me
As I said earlier the lore is the lore
High elves as a whole did not like the alliance and it ended very poorly for them
But some High elves also chose to be alliance
People should not pretend that the High Elves are a staple of the alliance because its simply not true
But people should not pretend the alliance has no High elves either because they do.
People have their sides but the story is just the story
It also denotes that the belfs are not only stupid but meaningless to an extent where they would be replaced entirely. So, please spare me the routine helf bs.
Yeah pal, act even more aggressive when you’re demonstrated wrong, good job.
Maybe don’t click on the thread if it turns you this mad.
yes they renamed BUT also they changed lifestyle, their eye, skin color, voice , faction different from the high elves. They are not same as they used to be.
Blood Elves have the exact same voice and physical features as the High Elves. The days when using fel was mandatory are over so, like I’ve said before, they are getting their blue eyes back which makes them identical to High Elves. The only difference is that they wear red instead of blue
Adult of body, immature of brain.
I can just repeat myself. You keep talking and exposing yourself. What you did said, it’s about you not about me.
Blood Elves have the exact same voice
No, they do not. It’s different. Blood elves have more like high pitched like cackling voice, while high elves have more like night elves , smoothing, calming voice.
I did videos, check by yourself or just in game.
physical features as the High Elves
You still can tell who is high elf who is blood elf. No they are blood elves and void elves.
That’s what they are literally coded as in the game. When you look at the tooltip when you select one it says either horde blood elf or alliance void elf.
Doesn’t say either of them are high elves. Because they aren’t. They are horde blood elves and alliance void elves. That’s it. That’s literally what the game says they are.