Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Please come with arguments that makes sense.

You’ve lost this entire debate.

High elves are blood elves and blood elves are high elves. Period. Stop making a fool out of yourself over and over when the lore of the game itself speaks against you. There ain’t anything more solid than the game which we’re debating over itself saying you’re wrong.

You’re just upset that your insults doesn’t bother me. :slight_smile:

They aren’t. When i click in-game i see horde blood elf, or alliance high elf.

And you’re too proud to admit that you’ve been thoroughly defeated :slight_smile:

Oh, okay, so High Elves do not exist in World of Warcraft at all then, according to you, just because the label “High Elf” haven’t been added to any of our playable races?

Impeccable logic, brah xD

The difference: one race is Blood Elves and the other race is Void Elves. There are no “high elves” playable YET such as Silver Covenant high elves.

The Void Elves are High Elves with the customizations you’ve been given. You’re only missing the label. Just because the label is not there, that doesn’t mean you don’t technically have High Elves at this point.

If you’re saying that Void Elves can’t at all be High Elves, then why are roleplayers using the Void Elf alternative and their customizations to make a High Elf?

Your argument is based on the logic that, just because something’s missing, that means it’s not there. That is not always the case, and the customizations that were given to the Void Elves proves you are wrong. You have High Elves. Deal with it and move on. Ask Blizzard for new labels and classes instead.

And your argument about Helves and Belves being 2 different races is still as faulty as it’s always been. Their physical appearance, for the thousandth time, has nothing to do with what they are. They chose the name sin’dorei to remember their brothers and sisters, as can be quoted from what Kael’thas himself said.

That is lore working against your arguments. Concede and keep what dignity you have left, lmao.

wow, lightforged draenei keep humiliating himself :smiley:

Why does Elisandre address the elves as the Sin’Dorei and Kaldorei and Quel’Dorei? Why does the game tooltips also make the distinction? Why does the reputation system make this distinction?

If Void Elves and blood elves are simply the same as High Elves , why can’t you make a Paladin Void Elf?

The past 15 years the game has been telling me there’s a difference. Even now the game tells me there’s a difference. Why you keep trying to prove otherwise, when it is not? :smiley:

It’s spelled Kaldorei, not Kal’dorei.

Your point about Elisandre doesn’t prove anything. It’s just another point you cook up in a desperate attempt to salvage what arguments you have left after all your previous ones were utterly rejected and proven wrong using actual sources and the lore itself.

Everyone were displeased when Blizzard gave us Void Elves instead of High Elves. :smiley: That’s a sore mistake to not acknowledge. People didn’t actually want Void Elves to begin with, they wanted High Elves.

Just because we haven’t been given playable High Elves, that doesn’t mean High Elves do not exist.

Because they are Void Elves with High Elf customizations. That’s why they don’t have paladin. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure any of this out.

What makes absolutely no sense is that Blizz gave Void Elves Helf customizations and still withhold paladin from them.

Again, you’re ooooonly missing the label “High Elf”. Aside from that, you have High Elves, only you are missing the remaining few details you need for them to be complete.

Helves and Belves are the same :slight_smile: Stop tarnishing your dignity consistently with these useless arguments, many of which often have nothing to do with what we’re actually talking about. I.E you pointing out that I am playing a LF Draenei for absolutely no good reason at all :joy: :joy: That is frankly the funniest part about this entire debate.

Adult of body, immature of mind.

It does, she addressed them by who they are. Night/ High/Blood elves.

??? They been in alliance since WCII, and still are, just not playable, most notable SC elves.

It still proves nothing. She is referring to them using their chosen names and identities. What exactly about this is difficult to comprehend for you?

Yes, SC elves and Silvermoon elves. Aka Blood Elves. Exactly the same as High Elves save differences of culture and identity.

Again, you’ve proven nothing. The Elisandre thing just baffles me. What on earth were you trying to achieve using the Elisandre fact? It’s just a fact that she referred to her cousins by their respective names, nothing else.

Again, I ask, what about this is so difficult to comprehend?

Ask yourself, what’s so difficult to understand what i wrote?

She referred about who they are, different races.

Different races? Did she say that specifically? Please quote her :slight_smile:

That they are different, not same. So high elves are not blood elves.

In the void elves starting zone, there are blood elves and high elves students, so NO blood elves aren’t high elves else they would only be named “students”.

Again, you defeated yourself using faulty logic.

Sin’dorei are referred to as Blood Elves because of their new culture and identity. Quel’dorei are referred to as High Elves because of their culture and identity.

It has nothing to do with race.

Is that hard to understand, that labels exist for a reason? For clarification, yeah?

yeah, so people like one could understand that they aren’t same. They are 3 different races. Void/high/blood.


Here is why you are wrong.

“We must put this misery behind us. We must enter a new chapter! And so I say to you that, as of this day, we are no longer high elves! In honor of the blood that was shed throughout this kingdom, in honor of the sacrifices of our brothers and sisters, our parents, and our children, in honor of Anasterian… as of this day we will take the name of our royal lineage! As of this day, we are sin’dorei! For Quel’Thalas" - Kael’thas Sunstrider.

“The blood elves (or sin’dorei, “children of the blood” in Thalassian, are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. Their new name is a dirge, referencing both the blood of their many brethren who fell during the Third War, and their royal lineage.” - wowpedia.

“For thousands of years, the high elves of Quel’Thalas drew strength from the Sunwell, a magical font of arcane energies. An invasion by the undead Scourge decimated the kingdom’s population and deprived them of the Sunwell’s might. Taking the name blood elves – or sin’dorei in their own tongue –the people of Quel’Thalas sated their magical thirst for a time with demonic fel energies. Once the Sunwell was restored, the blood elves worked to rebuild their homeland and help lead the Horde into a bold future.” - https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/game/races/blood-elf

Same people, divided into two different cultures.

You’ve lost the argument. Move on. Anything you say from here on out against this, I will object to in advance and I shall invoke hearsay, because you have absolutely no proof, no sources, no evidence.

Lightforged Draenei aren’t really biologically Draenei anymore either. They were fundamentally changed when they became Lightforged.

Same with High Elves vs Blood Elves, years of fel contamination vs none. Yes the Sunwell was cleansed but it can only do so much.

So no, you are wrong again. They all biologically have changed, that’s why they called void/blood/ high elf.

Nope. I object and call hearsay.

I provided sources and evidence, you did not.

Take care :slight_smile:

yes, like i said addicted to fel magic that changed them biologically.

Again, no sources to back up the claim that they were changed biologically by the fel. Only their eyes changed, and they got various new skin colors, while many retained the skin color they had while a High Elf.

You have no proof.

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I did in-game videos , you didn’t liked that.

Blood elf will never call himself “high elf”, because he is not one.