If a Blood elf defects from the Horde, returns to the Alliance, and elects to identify as a High elf, then he is a High elf.
You have no proof. Your videos are hearsay.
If a Blood elf defects from the Horde, returns to the Alliance, and elects to identify as a High elf, then he is a High elf.
You have no proof. Your videos are hearsay.
Accept facts that high elves aren’t playable. That’s why this topic still here. We want playable high elves such as silver covenant.
I think I’m the one upsetting you. You don’t like being disagreed with looks like. Maybe you should take your own advice.
“For thousands of years, the high elves of Quel’Thalas drew strength from the Sunwell, a magical font of arcane energies. An invasion by the undead Scourge decimated the kingdom’s population and deprived them of the Sunwell’s might. Taking the name blood elves – or sin’dorei in their own tongue –the people of Quel’Thalas sated their magical thirst for a time with demonic fel energies. Once the Sunwell was restored, the blood elves worked to rebuild their homeland and help lead the Horde into a bold future.”
Accept the fact that you’ve been defeated in the discussion about Belf and Helf differences by the lore of the game itself.
They are all high elves just as high elves can be blood elves since when they took up the name blood elves they didn’t become a new species of elves, they are the same people just with a different perspective.
Someone who gets it
After they changed name, they also changed their lifestyle. Using fel powers, changed them, they aren’t high elves anymore like high elves in the alliance. “Former high elves” YES, “high elves” - NO. Like void elves also changed into new race.
Hearsay and your subjective opinion. You have provided no proof
So you actually are draenei not lightforged draenei?
Facts, that can be checked in-game.
While I agree with most of your arguments here I think we should try to refrain from personal insults as this is a public forum and we don’t want any mod actions taken , let’s try and keep it civil
What I propose you do, Moontear, is try and push for a High elf sub-race. So that it will use the already existing assets from High Elf NPCs, as well as the existing Void elf hairstyles (without tendrils ofc). It will have its own renamed racials. And it could start in Dalaran or Stormwind.
Therefore, the Thalassians would be separated in 4:
Alliance: 1. High Elves, 2. Void elves
Horde: 1. Blood Elves, 2. Darkfallen
Nopes. Hearsay and logic that is out of context. Using the labels “High elf” and “Blood elf”, which you can see in-game, like you did before, doesn’t prove us wrong when we say that Belves and Helves are the same.
I didn’t knew that “being disagreed on” was getting angry answers from someone who ignores all logic just to feed his grudge LOL
What logic? You are so full of crap and you get upset case you get called on it. The reason being cause you didn’t like when people pointed out that if you would get this, you would move on to demanding you get what’s left of belfs which you tied to justify and now that I’m telling you it’s unjustifiable, you get upset. You have no idea what you are talking about, because you don’t even know what tone I’m using to write my replies to you. You are just imagining it and talking it for fact. Get over yourself.
Calm down man, seriously, stop being this hot headed, I literally explained you something and you just come off this aggressive LOL
The difference lies in the tones, not the voices and it varies from one language to the next. Female Blood Elves often sound soft and kind in French, just like the High Elves of Dalaran. Some male Blood Elves too.
Oh right, I forgot that the faction determined the biological difference between High Elves, Blood Elves and Void Elves. Spoiler alert, it does not ˆˆ How do you explain that the High Elf looking Void Elves have Blood Elven underwear if you think that what you see in game explains and justifies everything?
I’m pretty sure that most people actually do get it. I won’t make any comment on the guy you’re talking to since he’s got the support of users who mass report you out of nowhere. Not worth getting a nasty notification from system for that person
I am against the idea of High Elves being a playable race solely because i don’t want another race being a reskined bloodelf.
I am not sure what have been discussed in this thread, but i really like the idea of a neutral “Thalassian Elf” race. Much like Pandaren.
Unlike Pandaren though, some customization options would be limited depending on what faction you pick. With the Alliance having access to void stuff and the Horde getting undead vampire things based off the San’layn and/or Dark Rangers.
Maybe their body types would be slightly different too, like Night Elves and Nightborne, but i am not sure of what direction that would go. Maybe Alliance Thalassian elves would be leaner and more muscular to give them more of a farstrider vibe. But then again, i suppose the majority of High Elves would have been living in Dalaran and thus has arguably had a more comfortable life than Blood Elves. So… yeah, idk.
Racials might have to be changed since i am not convinced Arcane Torrent makes sense for any flavor of Thalassian Elf besides Blood Elves. Although i would argue that AT doesn’t even make sense for Belves since the removal of Mana Tap anyways, and the Void Elf racials obviously makes no sense for the non-void kind either. But maybe a mix of the two would work. For example.
Talasssian Elf Racials:
Their “Active” racial would either be Arcane Torrent, Spatial Rift or maybe even Entropic Embrace. Although the name(s) would have to changed. Or perhaps something entirely new.
Because void elves were blood elves. lol.
Big no. Void elves have ugly hairstyle ,
Unless it is playable Silver Covenant high elves otherwise there cant be any compromise because nothing can change the high elves, like high elves themselves.
For what exactly you were reported here?
Hmmm, sorry, but I disagree with this one here. Yes, all Blood Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves.
I am not against the idea of a seperate High Elf race, but I am sick of the laziness of Blizzard is putting towards now, especially when it seems to be more “copy-paste”
Not sure I get how that can be the case.