Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

But why add a High elf race if they end up being neutral pandas?

The whole point of High elves is that they reject the Blood elf’s decision to join the horde and suck magic from creatures. What makes them unique is that they are outcasts who cling to their ancient name and traditions while continue to fight alongside the alliance/humans like Warcraft 2 and the troll wars.

That is what makes a high elf unique. If they end up being neural, then might as well play a blue eyed Blood elf.

But in all honestly I don’t think Blizzard is ever going to make High elves their separate race. And the customizations of Void elves and Blood elves is proof of that

But who knows, anything is possible. I used to think natural hair colors for void elves was impossible and yet here we are today. So anything is possible.

dont forget the two elves who got brainwashed into accepting the horde. They can be found in the Bazaar.


That sounds like the kind of toxicity an Alliance Race has…

Let’s be honest, stop this Elvish bias crap and give us some real races… #VoteForStoneyBoys
There’s already 4 elf races and that’s 2 too many… Almost every topic you see about customization is about elves…

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We need more playable elves in this game. Also rename to world of Elves.

Lesser races such as filthy orcs should be deported to Draenor forever.

I think that you men the whole idea of High Elves is that they are the cowards who left their brethren in the darkest hour of need; choosing the easy path of sucking magical artifacts in Dalaran rather than helping their people rebuild and restrength :stuck_out_tongue:


our bretheren seemed just fine with their fel crystals and sucking magic from creatures. Not to mention they have their allies now who are trolls, Undead, Lordaeronians, and Orcs all of which were previously enemies of Quel’thalas and now fighting side by side with the elves. Oh the irony! even Zul’jin spat on the horde for this irony.

But dont worry, Rommath will push more and more Thalassians towards the alliance, as he had done with Void elves.

enjoy the sewers of Lordaeron, “Blood” elf.

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May your Magical Artifacts taste like an ashtray.

May Elune’s armpit hair shine upon you fallen brother

Edit: does Elune have armpit hair? I do wonder :thinking:

Lordaeronians were enemies of Quel’thalas? :face_with_monocle:

I meant during the time of Garithos since the horde patriots love to use him as an example of how bad the alliance is, even tho he was also racist to dwarves and anything non-human.

Anyway, he was a lordaeronian which according to these Horde patriots was representive of the people that drove off the elves from the alliance to the horde, but guess what? Lordaeron is now horde, as is with majority of its people. That’s why I mentioned it.

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He is a good example of a taint on the Alliance flag, doesn’t mean that Lordaeronians as a whole were enemies of the Elves of Quel’thalas like the Orcs and Amani were.

Sorry but that argument doesn’t sound convincing to me at all, even ironically.

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Well according to the Horde patriots I used to argue with on the forums, they do believe that Lordaeron as a whole were enemies after Garithos took control.

On one hand Lordaeron being part of the horde is a good thing as it shows the old friendship between Quel’thalas and Lordaeron, though both people changed.

And on another hand, there was a brief moment under Garithos and his followers where the elves felt abandoned and were being sent on death missions by people they considered friends. Now these people are horde or dead.

You know what they say. You can’t really define intelligence without stupidity

I’m not too sure which friendship you’re referring to, because the High Elves pre-split were never close to the Kingdom of Lordaeron specifically. Their very old alliance was with the great kingdom of Arathor, the one they reluctantly had with the Alliance of Lordaeron during the Second War greatly depended on Alleria and her followers.

Besides, there would have been no friendly bond between the Forsaken and the Blood Elves without Sylvanas. Undead High Elves constitute the biggest ethnic group within the Forsaken after Lordaeronians.

When it comes to the whole Thalassian argument i truely believe both sides have valid reasons to join whatever faction that they did. These reasons have flaws, but they are valid.

Blood elves should have never joined horde in the first place. Imagine being slaughtered by horde many, many times and then joining their faction lol.


Are the high elf fanatics still not happy even after Blizzard gave in to literally all their demands? Talk about being a spoiled brat.

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We just need to break away from the lesser races and from The Elven Dominion.

to be fair the elven dominion in elder scrolls have pretty much failed twice now it’s not an example you want to follow :stuck_out_tongue: and ironically if the emperor was not such a sad excuse for a ruler the empire would have defeated the elves as per the dominion’s own words of course we dont know what will happen in elder scrolls 6

but back to wow i think the problem is even if all the elves was able to split of from the horde and the alliance they’d be to few to really survive on their own the blood elves have not magically recovered from the damage the first horde and arthas did to the and the damage sylvanas did to the night elves was pretty bad too funny enough the nightborne most likely have the biggest population now heh

Lesser Elves

umh, and what exactly was given to us? High elves are not playable.

and in wow most people play elves…so.

They are. They gave void elves pretty much all cusotmization options which blood elves also use. Stop being greedy and start being happy about what Blizzard was willing to give to you.

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