the point is that despite the elves banding together to form the dominion they still almost was defeated by a bunch of humans they only secured the victory because the Emperor Tidus Mede II was a weak man who almost broke the elves but at the moment of truth cared more about keeping the throne then winning the battle and thus surrendered if he had keeped fighting the elves would have to have surrendered instead their supplies was near none existent and they was quickly running out of forces
just let him wait for over 5 years or longer, it might happen after Vrykul, Sethrak and few unique races will be added, then a reskinned one will be added
Blood elves and Void elves can have similar customization to High elves
They are.
They are not. We got playable void elves and blood elves, The high elves, are not playable such as Silver Covenant high elves.
the point
That this is World of Warcraft, and Night elves with their nature demigods, Gods , deities were unlimited force. Now reduced to cinders because of this human vs orc crap potential.
They are not. We got playable void elves and blood elves, The high elves, are not playable such as Silver Covenant high elves.
If you use your imagination they are techincally available. All you gotta do is create a Blonde, red head, brown head or whatever Void elf, and add the Silver covenant tabard.
it wont say “high elf” unless you use the TRP3 addon on Argent Dawn roleplay server, but thats about it. Also the Void elf hairstyles is better than the Blood elf ones, the female ones at least. who knows maybe more hairstyles will come in the future too as Void elves didnt recieve a hairstyle update, like the Nightborne did .
Here is a drawing/comission of my High elf/void elf made by Helen Morgun. She added the messy ponytail to reflect the Void elf hairstyles.
this Holy priest i am using is also a silver covenant. The Holy light adds a more High elf feeling since Void elf cannot use the light.
as spongebob would say use your “imagination” man i wish i can post gifs
as spongebob would say use your “imagination” man i wish i can post gifs
I am happy to help.
If you use your imagination they are techincally available.
Why if we have the high elves in the alliance just not yet playable? I can use my imagination to pretend i’m high elves and? I’m not. I’m still night elf, you are void elf.
just let Moontear calm down and wait for over half decade or longer to excite something else. But right now, we need an unique allied race like Vrykul,Sethrak,Tuskarr,Ogre,Saberon,Arakkoa and etc.
and then a copied one will be playable as High Elf silver covenant
Aye void elf females have more elf like hairstyles than void elf males even have 3 that is blood elf hairstyles that have been altered, void elf males don’t have blood elf hairstyles that been altered. Void elf males looks more foreign than elvish.
I did like idea that Zathina had futher up. Silver covenant high elves and void elves working together, even move in to dalaran and that became their magical city (I do like the Symbol which shows the union between void elves and Silver covenant high elves). Expanding Dalaran city. And undead elves and blood elves working together as the picture showed. Maybe there is a way to find common ground. Although blizzard gave undead customizations to both void elves and blood elves which was strange. But perhaps as we saw at Sylvanas trial. Vereesa and Alleria was there to see their sister, so perhaps they will join forces from now on in 10.0 and perhaps Sylvanas will join them later in the future.
I do like the pictures that LideminaCarter does for Sylvanas and perhaps we could get armor look Sylvanas have with a blue theme.
Or perhaps Now that Horde and Alliance will be at peace. Well the void elves are not welcome in Silvermoon or Sunwell isle but perhaps they could be in ghostlands at the windrunner spire and windrunner village. It is Alleria and Vereesa and Sylvanas home and would be far enough from Silvermoon and Sunwell isle.
I do not disagree we need more unique races as the ones you mentioned and maybe Mok’nathal like rexxar’s new model even if is based off kultirans. Be it core or allied race. But with void elves blizzard left them unfinished when they “Created” them as they never existed in the lore before or even mentioned as they were a last minute decision and rushed. If the devs had been given more time to the void elves, they would had been more established in the lore and story. Which why void elves felt so weird and don’t feel like they belong in a Light worship Faction…
Edit: sorry I had to discountinue due to thunder and lightning. Pretty intense thunder. The house was even shaking so im writing on phone now.
Even in the new wow ad they say “light bless you”. Are they going to say in taverns
“Void bless you” or something.
I don’t think blizzard was thinking correctly when they made void elves for light worshiping alliance and would have fit in with the horde better. Ofcourse Alleria would never join the horde as she has always belived in the alliance.
But perhaps blizzard will try and change the alliance forever in 10.0.
But with void elves blizzard left them unfinished when they “Created” them as they never existed in the lore before or even mentioned as they were a last minute decision and rushed.
I mean the same applies to about half the Allied Races, so that theory doesn’t quite hold up to scrutiny. They didn’t “exist” until the developers decided to change that.
I agree the Void Elves should have had more focus until now however, and certainly be given more moving forwards. If they feel like an odd fit, it’s probably because they have by far the least narrative exposure among the ARs.
I mean the same applies to about half the Allied Races, so that theory doesn’t quite hold up to scrutiny. They didn’t “exist” until the developers decided to change that.
Void elves are a step apart from the other races still tho
They are the only allied race whose reputation grind had nothing to do with them, whats likely is that blizzard wanted to add the belf aesthetic to alliance but at the same time was fearfull of adding basically just a carbon copy of one factions race to the other, so they added the void tint to it because after that was BFA and we all know 8.3 had some massive void themes that had been building up since 8.0
That being said by now they have been solidified already in the lore to the point where their removal makes little to no sense
They are the only allied race whose reputation grind had nothing to do with them
Quite, which ties into my saying that
the Void Elves should have had more focus until now
Aside of that my point remains. They are similar to several other ARs in terms of lore relevance up until their inception (which is to say no relevance at all), from which point they were especially neglected when held up in comparison to the others.
whats likely is that blizzard wanted to add the belf aesthetic to alliance but at the same time was fearfull of adding basically just a carbon copy of one factions race to the other, so they added the void tint to it because after that was BFA and we all know 8.3 had some massive void themes that had been building up since 8.0
Only to then backtrack in Shadowlands and basically make those carbon copies anyway. Which I don’t mind at all, I might add, though the stagnation of the actual Void Elves in terms of both customisation and story is rather disappointing.
whats likely is that blizzard wanted to add the belf aesthetic to alliance but at the same time was fearfull of adding basically just a carbon copy of one factions race to the other,
i have this theory too. One of the reasons the Void elves were created with blue skins.
What annoys me is that they couldve easily given them unique customization with Alleria’s return. Braided hair, Tattoos similar to the Wildhammer. Similar to the Warcraft 2 depiction of High elves. They couldve had a much more “wilder nature” celtic theme, as opposed to the elegant Middle eastern/Byzantine theme of Blood elves.
they already ride Unicorns which in itself is a unique mount compared to the Hawkstrider
Unicorns and Silver Hippogryphs. In warcraft 2 they had the symbol of a unicorn. And some did go for the wilder style like the ones in highvale. But I guess that was too similar to Night elves. Also as I said before that there are alot of ancient Night/Highborne ruins in azeroth they could have made as home for them.
Still remember that blizzcon before legion came out that there was some ancient highborne elves on broken isles and there was a picture of azuna fields and with a high elf statue. and I thought “Yes this is the perfect time to introduce high elves for the alliance”…then the dev said and we are going to go there and kill them…“I was like What??” Turns out those ancient elves had joined the legion and they had to be stopped. “are you kidding me blizzard??” and we know all the rest what happend during legion expansion.
But in the long run if Alliance going to continue to worship the light…the void elves is going to be a problem. Which is why I think blizzard didn’t think through with void elves, they just find them new and cool. unless as I said further up that in 10.0 the alliance have to change (Probably a civil war within the alliance that will split them up and become more like the horde as the horde now is become more like the alliance. The horde has had 2 civil wars I think). But probably is going to be difficult with turalyon who follows the light (Anduin was more forgiving) and the nobles also believe in the light as they always have. And most races in the alliance have in common is the faith in the light. Even if turalyon loves his wife, he “might” come to position were he have to choose his wife or his faith.
But in the long run if Alliance going to continue to worship the light…the void elves is going to be a problem.
Whats funny about this is that the leader, Alleria windrunner, is married to a Lightforged human paladin
Yes as I said that he “might” come to position were he have to choose his wife or his faith. Even Xe’ra imprisoned Alleria for a time for playing with the void. Which Turalyon was only able to convince Xe’ra not to give Alleria harder punishment than want she has already been given. And he is the High Exarch.
just let Moontear calm down and wait for over half decade or longer to excite something else.
what? Im very calm. People just want playable high elves.
But right now, we need an unique allied race like Vrykul,Sethrak,Tuskarr,Ogre,Saberon,Arakkoa and etc.
I think blizzard should focus on races that most people playing and generating money. Then you can add more other races.
High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political. When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.
the difference between high and blood elves is only political.
no, they are not same anymore. and they are different. that’s why we got 3 separate group of elves not 1.
How are they different?
Blood Elves are High Elves who survived Arthas’ conquest of Quel’thalas during WC3. They took the name to honor the 90% of High Elven society Arthas killed. The name split happened when Kael’thas made his people turn to using fel energy to satiate their mana addiction.
This was caused after the Sunwell got corrupted from Arthas using it to ressurect Kel’Thuzad as a lich. Those that didn’t agree with Kael were made outcasts and kicked out of Quel’thalas and kept the name of High Elf.
Void Elves are Blood/High Elves who want to channel and master using the void as a means for power.
So all three are actually the same people just using different forms of magic to fill their mana addiction, thats the only difference.