Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

yes exactly those ye sure a few might play them but they will be another race that falls into the least played pool like dipper gnomes

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Both kill on sight by both factions as well as all neutral parties

Those high elves mostly became blood elves
The high elves this thread is asking for are the dissidents who went their own way

this post completely seperate from the arguement of wether high elf should stay customization or become its own race
if it becomes the latter it likely won’t be for a while tho, I imagine they’d rather add a few more races before creating carbon copy blood elf #2 on alliance side

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WOW, that’s amazing. Thanks for sharing. here you go Blizzard , we are ready to receive playable high elves.

Exactly this. Most played races in wow are elves.

Thank you Thellanah.

Well what could have been, if the lead devs wasn’t so Horde bias all these years and had given the horde instead back in TBC, a new race that was both savage and beautiful and used wild magic and the horde would kept their savage Identity and the Alliance got High elves back then. When TBC was launched, it was when the lore went downhill. Even the devs admitted it in the clip that Sara put further up. They said they had to change alot of things to make it work for blood elves to join the horde. Aka change the lore for it to make any “Sense” for the blood elves to join the horde even though they said multiple times that High elves were extinct and could never be playable. But then they… simply did. And could have just let the blood elves be what they were meant to be back in TBC. Playing with fel and became a different elves that was more aggressive (kind of like orcs were in the old Horde which would been more understanding why they joined the horde) then Alliance High elves and Survival at all cost using any kind of magic (Fel magic, Void magic, Blood Magic, Necromancy much of what we saw Blood elves did in Vanilla wow) and making them more imperialistic than a Nobel kingdom they were in the past as the first trailer showed back before TBC launched. But then at the end of TBC they made the Sunwell Instance so they could point at the Alliance High elves fans “There, there Alliance, there is your High elves” and ruining what the Blood elves were planned to be.

The ideas Blizzard had for Blood elves were power was the only thing that mattered to the Blood elves. A more darker and Sinister Elves. Much like the Dark elves from Warhammer universe. Scouts into Assassins. Mad powered Mages and Warlocks. They wanted to be the more Supreme Race on Azeroth so they could never fall again.

And Alliance High elves could have been paler than the Blood elves and didn’t have the reddish skin as the blood elves and their hair would also be more paler. Still have blonde hair and such but more paler due to their mana drought. And as it was in WOTLK they lost their glowing blue eyes and had more Human like eyes. So the Alliance High elves had to start over, building a new home for them and at the same time trying to find a new source of arcane power and find a new path toward a new future.

But they made the Void elves, A group a unknown blood elves that never existed or heard of. When Alleira had her sister and her Silver covenant that she could have trained. She choosed to go look for a group she knew nothing about. And the void elves is everything what the blood elves were back in the beginning of TBC. Blizzard choosed to take that story away from the blood elves instead of The Alliance High elves story, that was trying to survive best they could with minimal Mana. And the horde players are not made about that, only on how the void elves “looks” like, is very strange. Blizzard could have given the void elves different look from blood elves just like it is between Night elves and Nightborne only they didn’t. But we all know void elves were a last minute decision.

Hmm maybe I should try that server.


You don’t get to speak of “laziest” when adding void elves required 1000x more effort than copy-pasting blood elves into the Alliance like you guys wanted Blizzard to do would take.

I don’t care, void elves still got added to the game and they should have remained void elves. Instead, you guys ruined the race by demanding increasingly ridiculous changes. After a large part of those demands being met, you are still not happy. Is there an end to the high elfers’ entitlement? I don’t think so.

They ruined High elves first.
I never really cared for the High elves, I am a Hordie Belfie boii! :smiley:

But you have to understand that the High elf community has asked for High elves since day one. then being served a cheap knock off elf with terrible lore just felt aweful for them.
Easy fix is to add two new races, two old races.

Ogre for the Horde
High elves for the allies.
That way, the edge elves can go back to being pure void :slight_smile: and the high elves get all their blonde elven fantasy that they wanted for 10 expansions :slight_smile:

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Yes, Blizzard can still make them playable, it’s just a political decision. And void elves should receive more void related stuff.

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What could this mean?
From the US forums.

A Void elf NPC with Blood elf hairstyle on Dragon isles.

Could it mean Blizzard is going to share customization’s between blood elves and void elves? Similar as they did with Darkfallen Ranger customization’s?


i wish Void elves could get Blood elves hairstyles

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They will. You’ll see :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


If the time gap between NPCs and players getting black hair is anything to go by, you’ve got another couple years to go before you get to use those on a player model.

Wow very nice. That would be great. SO far Dracthyr visage form is amazing.

Looks like a high elf. Im still debating and questioning , maybe the high elves will be playable :smiley:

And where you heading with that lyre? Gonna punch a dragon in the face with it?

No, just sing a song :smiley: But that was quick xmog option because can not play with ugly xmog even while lvling.

Now I’m disappointed. :frowning:

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Why? Visage form really look amazing. And i love dragons. Still high elves are really wanted as playable race.

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I was rather talking about you not making proper use of that lyre as a lethal weapon.

no worries, slapping everyone on sight with that Lyre :smiley:

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No, and this demonstrates how little you have thought about it, since a simple “copy paste” would have not been sufficient as there needs to be work on many areas.

Voicelines, customization, racials, racial transmog, racial mount, racial HUB, etc…

You are wrong again, since it’s Blizzard’s fault.

Almost nobody really wanted a coat of paint on Void elves, but it was the easiest solution for the problem they themselves created in the first place because of their stubborness to not add a lore friendly option to the Alliance while adding what’s literally pre-2.5.1 Blood elves but even more radical into the Alliance.

They are the first ones who does not respect their own lore nor their own IP for that sake, just look at Shadowlands, what can we expect lorewise from people who do THAT while feeling so proud?

You reaaaaally need to reconsider your stance.


And while they are at it, create some storyline to get the Sunwell destroyed.

I am tired of the “almost human” goodie Blood elves with almost no struggle who have everything handed to them.

Hell, make the Void elves do it, let’s go.


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