Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Why is this thread is still up?

Shut it down already, please.


the forum mod likes useless spam threads

It’s because the high elfers will never have enough and be happy with what they got. Hijacking an entire allied race they talked crap about since its release and ensuring the concept of void elves never gets any support again was only the beginning.

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Because people want playable high elves such as Silver Covenant high elves.

We never get anything to be as high elves we ever wanted or asked. It is not “enough”, it is nothing at all. Void elves and blood elves are not high elves.


Except they are? You pushed for enough changes that they basically are high elves.

Except they are not. If they were they would be called high elves, such as silver covenant “HIGH ELVES”.

Void elves and blood elves not high elves.

Here’s video. Kaldorei, Queldorei, Sindorei.

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I know that is a lot to expect from you, but have you heard of the exciting concept called “imagination”? If your character can look identical to a high elf, wear Silver Covenant colours and is aligned with the same faction as the high elves, they are a high elf and no one can tell you otherwise.

All you’re missing is a couple lines of dialogue not calling you that, the race displayed in your tooltip can be customised with roleplaying addons. Pushing for either an extra race or void elves being renamed just to suit those very niche scenarios comes off as extremely entitled.


Can you start imagine that people want to play high elves not void elves or blood elves. And nothing but real high elves playable can change that?

Lore, voice, appearance, faction, name tag, racials, mount. Yes it is exclusively for high elves only and no void elf or blood elf can change that.

Especially when it is so easy to make them playable right now with least recourses required.

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You know what… I’m just gonna put you on my ignore list. Not like any of your posts are ever worth reading. If you’re a troll, well done. You managed to get an annoyed reaction out of me with your nonsense. :clap:


Oh that moment…

No, nobody wants them, everyone is sick and tired of the word elf in general already.


I agree 100% we have enough already and the ones we have cover this idea already.

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Elves are most played races in WoW and game history. Please. Asking since Wc II give playable high elves. We have them ingame, we want them to play so much and as much as you love to play nightborne.

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And you did get them by whining 24/7.

The true High elves are the Nightborne and the Blood elves, you want to be high-class aristocratic elf? Go Horde.


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Can’t stress this enough:

Elves deserve nothing.

Because there is already 4 different elfs ingame

And btw human is most played on alliance side.

This is because of the awful purple hue Void elves give offf in combat and sometimes it glitches so you’re perma purple til relog.

I know i play one :stuck_out_tongue:

As do I, I really wish I could turn the proc visual off, it’s awful.

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void elves 1,8%? ok its 2019… but i think this is unprecise

Here is Blood elf Darkfallen with void elf hairstyle from Dragon Flight. Also from the US forums. Maybe they will copy and paste from both sides eventually.

Even though there was some hairstyles that would have been great for the void elves if it was to be unique from blood elves hairstyles. But I guess they gave everything to the Drakthyr, even starcursed hair idea.

There was one on the US forums who said Steve Danuser wrote on his twitter that Void Elves and Silver Covenant High elves will be joining forces. Make sense, since Veeresa and Alleria are sisters. Although I haven’t find the tweet.

Well I would love if High elves became playable as I am more traditional Warcraft fan from Warcraft 2. But it still feels like its just compromise after compromise instead of making High elves playable. Blizzard could fix that by making High elves playable and letting void elves become what you others want void elves to be. Which is not an elf at all but instead become a corrupted beast which would make them an entirely different race, that it is not an “Elf”. And there still be only four elf races just like you others want and would not make it to Elfcraft as some claims it to be.

Yes I seen the pictures.

It would have been better if Alliance had the Traditional High elves playable on the Alliance and would have made more sense and void elves on the horde As dark elves using dark powers (The void). That’s what Blizzard could have done back in TBC. The void doesn’t make sense in the Light worship Alliance. And In other Fantasy games or books. Dark elves are mostly evil and as the horde has been portrayed as evil (until Thrall took over the Horde, its been jumping between Black hands horde and Thrall’s horde). Like the guy who remodel the Paladin horse, found out that the Blood elves paladin horse name was “Evilhorse” suggest it was meant for something else but later was given as mount for blood elves.


Or Dungeons and Dragons (Baldur’s Gate/Neverwinter etc)

Dark elves have always been part of the horde (Might have different names in other fantasy games but its the same thing) in other Fantasy games…except for wow, for some reason. (And well Elderscrolls were they both good or evil) And as a traditional RPG fantasy player, …it just doesn’t make sense.


However as I said many times, I do like Sylvanas new model at the end of Shadowlands. Which does have a Elven look, Similar to old High elves.

But also the Cinematic version.

Maybe if the Alliance High elves were based of Her. Sylvanas gives that which we High elves (of Old) fans seek. And has the colors of that which the Silver Covenant have. Blue, White color Silver metal. With almost human eyes. Like the Alliance High elves had in the past. Their story, their struggle with mana starvation. That the Blood elves didn’t have since they found new ways to saten their mana addiction with Draining mana from living creatures and using fel magic. And also their Noble voices (Which some say are the same voice actors for Night elves and the Alliance High elves voices have existed since wow vanilla, long before blood elves become playable for the horde) But with the addition of void elves, Blizzard took away the Alliance high elves story and their struggle with mana.