Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

But we have 10 types of the human races

  • Human (Original humans)
  • Undead Forsaken (Humans who got magical rebirth)
  • Gilnean Human (bitten by elven worgen)
  • Kul Tiran Human (bulky human)
  • Dwarf (Short and bulky human)
  • Gnome (Tiny smart humans)
  • Blood Elf (Pointed ear human)
  • Void Elf (Pointed ear human and bound the void magic)
  • Dark Iron Dwarf (Short humans with darker skins)
  • Vrykul (Gigantic humans with long beards) but still unplayable yet
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So then Nightborne and Night Elf will get the same?

Why is that my opinion to make sense?

  • Nightborne are yet another Night Elf variants

  • They have the same goddess Elune

  • Their languages are an offshoots

  • Illidan and Malfurion have cousins with Nightborne

  • Kaldorei has the stories about Suramar before the sundering

  • They have the same size both male Kaldorei and shal’dorei, and so do female Kaldorei and Shal’dorei

you forgot
orcs, green humans
tauren, cow humans
elves, pointy ear humans
trolls, misshapen humans
goblin, small, green humans

this is wrong, not everyone are humans

Nightborne and Night elves aren´t humans either, because of unique skin color while in demon hunters, same with trolls when they become demon hunters too, then they get unique skins too

Orcs will turn into red orcs as DHs, because they aren´t humans either

Tauren are just cows, not humans with cow clothes

goblins aren´t humans either, i think it for a decade

elves are humans with pointy ears
taurens are human cows
orcs are green stronk humans etc etc

And we get 5 th as Dracthyr visage form. Umh…and?

Well, 2019. And i think it’s only max lvl characters. But Blood elves are like 40% horde players, + nightborne and dracthyr now.

I mean , Sylvanas here look amazing. That’s how all high elves i imagine to be.

That is not true at all. Maybe you can say humanoid form but not human kind :smiley:


Excatly, if it says type of humanoid, doesn’t mean they are humans

They just always act like a human being

Furry races get called humanoid too, and non-human races get called humanoid too

Also naga get called humanoid, because they act like a human being

elves are humans with pointy ears and what’s so hard to understand?
you say dwarves are short humans, elves are literaly humans in every way except their ears. now stop commenting at me because yoy can’t live with this fact.

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but not the Orcs, Kaldorei, Shal´dorei or a cow race tauren, Trolls, Draenei and Goblins

but why are Night elves and Nightborne not the human races?

  • Unique skin color in DHs

but Blood and Void elves yes, they are human pointed ear

because of skin color and DH ones, same that Human DH get these skin colors

Elves are elves, humans are humans, like dwarves are dwarves. Humanoids but all are different. not “Men kind”.


Humanoid are mortal and living beings and they act like a human being, but doesn’t mean to be related to humans

Also as me and Moontear have said in the past, that Northrend could be the High elves new home. So much arcane power from the leyline wells there and they have history with the blue dragons so they could forge an alliance with Kalecgos and there is also Highborne ruins there they could rebuild, giving them a new look. A new different kind of elf architect buildings that is different from the blood elves (I mean it wouldn’t be difficult for the dev team to make a new kind of High elf buildings that is different from Blood elves. Like the Dragon flight buildings on Dragon isles is basically based off blood elf buildings with a new twist). And Kalecgos is also part of the Kirin tor Council of six and Silver covenant is also Allies to Dalaran and Kirin tor even if Silver Covenant work with the Alliance now. One place in Nothrend is the Crystalsong forest. Crystalsong forest is a magical place. There they could also have Kirin tor mages and Blue dragonflight working togheter with the Silver Covenant High elves.


reply to this then, the post I was mocking

Hi Tifa. i cant im on a Break. Hope its not something Important :slight_smile:

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Hmm okay enjoy your break


Thank you. I do miss wow tho so i hope to play again soon

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Oh I thought you were taking a break because you weren’t having fun :sweat_smile:

no no no. I left two months ago due to the summer break and now i started studying and working again. So very busy. Wow is never boring because i mostly roleplay and dont do end content anyway

Oh okay I see… hopefully time soon then!

As to not derail this topic… those Northrend pictures are stunning!