Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)


They did and right after gave void elves (blood elves - lesser option) for the alliance.

But we still want high elves, such as Silver Covenant high elves.

Pretty nice. Remind of Crystal Song forest.

They are not dead and pretty much alive. Even made to legion cinematics and other expansions and new npcs.

Well, they made void elf faction from 3 NPC’s.

Lore, voice, appearance, faction, name tag, etc.

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Well you’re not gonna get them. You lost.

Yes we will get them. Just need some time. Anything possible. And high elves are most requested of any other race.

According to the poll i made even gnolls are more sought after than High elf. Where as Ogres are the most voted.

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Suck it up.

i doubt blizz cares about poll or somethin.

Sadly yes, ages ago since Blizzard acctually listened to thier fans. Not surprised the playerbase is so low.

But it does atleast say something, about what races the players want, and if Blizz acctually do something about it is something else.

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Draenei is the only unique/original race that is not very easy to be added

Wolf race worgen still has a failure that lacks of Hairstyles during cata

Check few lines and you’ll see worgen male hairstyles

not seen this thread in a while are you sure players still want them ?

That’s really not surprising. The elf model has been used way too much. We got horde elves, alliance elves now dragon elves, even if it’s just the male version, or to speak in hip terms, body type 1 (or was it 2?) but still out of every male/body type model out there they chose the one that’s been used twice. At this point asking for another elf model to be added is ridiculous. Especially considering that what’s being asked here, basically an belf with blue eyes and blonde hair on the Alliance side is very much doable thanks to the character customization options.

Your threads are always fun and creative, things sometimes difficult to find nowadays in the forums, never stop making them!

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Thanks! much appreciated!

to wow forums. High elves were, are, will be, the most requested ever. ;D

Yes we will have them playable.

Elves are always popular in any game. in WoW most people playing elves. Why make " :poop:" races that nobody ever asked and are played by few people, like mecha fart gnomes , kultiran humans :DDD

high elves should have been added instead of void elves. But void elves found their way into the alliance, but still high elves are wanted as playable.

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because they don´t give a “:poop:

they wanted to make BFA worse than WoD and Shadowlands that did not have any mercy, and allied races grinding with reputations were the most annoying part and system they ever made

shadowlands has a mercy, because castle nathria was one of the best SL raids

WoD has mercies that Raids and dungeons were fun, and leveling is fun too, but the rest aren´t that good, the awful stuff were “Lacks content and stories”

Yes they could

Same with Ogres and Vrykul, but the cat race Saberon might belong at the 5 top, since they´re the fierce tigers

If the developers won´t begin to add Quel´dorei High elves or the unique and original races like Ogres, Vrykul and Saberon, then…

If the only person on that forum was you, that is.

Why make races you didn’t ask for, you mean. Arguably nobody gives a crap about gnomes, in any form but Kultiran humans are a very nice addition.

But they were not.

By who? You and another two guys here? It’s over. This is the best you get. You are beating the dead horse into paste at this point.

that one yes

What you mean? Regular gnomes are fine that I respect but not the mechagnomes

Mechagnome is one of the cringiest race in the entire game, We could get Vrykul instead of mechagnome

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Mechagnomes are cool.
Id say they were cooler than normal gnomes, but normal gnomes have so much more customisation options when it comes to hair and stuff.

I still think subraces should be baked under a single race with unified racials, and some secondary racials for each subrace.

Orc >> Maghar
Human >> Kul Tiran

Just seems very messy the way its been separated at the moment. In some cases its literally the same model with some tweaks, its dishonest to call them new races unless they give them completely new animations and models.

Can’t see why High Elves can’t be done as a cosmetic for Void Elves?

I’m worried that if they did that, they would have just added some cosmetic options, not a quest line to show how the respective race joins one of the factions and no unique armor sets.