Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Not against Gnolls becoming playable. Will make one or two gnolls. As well as Ogre characters, in fact would rather them been playable than drakthyr.

Sure the void elves got Alleria (Who have always been loyal to the Alliance and will continue to do so until her dying breath because she have always believed in the Alliance) but Umbric and his followers do not have the lore and story as the Alliance High elves have who have fought side by side with the Alliance for many years and has nothing to prove. Or the Silver Covenant who joined forces with the Alliance back in WOTLK and has proven themselves time and time again for the Alliance. The Silver Covenant is in the same boat as the Dark Iron Dwarves who been part of the Alliance for many years but never been Officially acknowledged as being part of the Alliance…because like the Dark Iron dwarves that joined back in cata was forgotten by the Alliance (Or forgotten by the Devs). The Alliance knows their allegiance. And they could very well go and seek out the remaining High elves within the Alliance to join up with the Silver covenant. And that is the powerful story that the Alliance High elves gives and that is what the void elves lack. And they could have the 3 Windrunner sisters leading The Alliance High elves as they would make the lore and story more powerful for the Alliance High elves.

Void elves however who was outcasted from Silvermoon that the Alliance knows very little about, have alot to prove, for their allegiance. A even smaller group, hardly can be called a race of 20 or less since they are only a small elite squad of mages and warlocks.

So its not the appearance/looks that we want the Alliance High elves as playable (as blizzard could made the slightly different as they did with the Nightborne even though the Nightborne elves should not have existed as Suramar sank to the bottom of the sea, thousands of years ago until Blizzard changed the lore for Legion expansion) but the lore and story that comes with the Alliance High elves. That they always had the Alliance back even when their King told them to go home at the end of Warcraft 2, Alleria and those that Alleria had gathered in the beginning of Warcraft 2 believed in the Alliance just as she does.


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Use search function. “high elves playable” :slight_smile:

This topic. US topic, other site topics such as:

[Official High Elf Discussion Megathread - Page 1319


Because its not about appearance only.

This is why I was iffy on how Blizz approached the other races, many of them simply re-utilise the model from the original races (with Zandalari Makes being the exclusion). I wish they built them from the ground up properly.

Hmm I don’t remember there being a High elf paladin champion in the Paladin order hall. He’s name is Champion En’galad, I could/might have missed him on the way out…No I can’t remember, could they added him lately?

Hi strange box. :smiley:

He was added in DF BETA, so now live on server. Better be they are planning the high elves to be playable. Once and for all.


I seem to be suffering from… “The Square pox” :worried:

Nice, so nothing wrong with my memory. That’s a relief. Hope they get the same voice actor/s they had for NPC Alliance High elves too or sound close to/like them.

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Have they added a new High Elf NPC to the Legion Paladin Class Hall? :eyes:

Yup with a LF Draenai sword.


I thought that one is a Blood Elf :thinking:
Elves, they come in all shapes and sizes

Thanks for sharing the screenshot! Indeed, it is very interesting. Hopefully they’d finally let us have proper Alliance high-elf paladins some time soon! :crossed_fingers:t2:

Long live the Void Elves!

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You guys already got high elfs in two faction lol. You aint getting another bloos elf model as ion sais xD

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I checked on Wowpedia and it refers to him as a high elf. The voice is also the one from the high elves :slightly_smiling_face:

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Its the story and lore that is missing. The Alliance high elves never needed to prove their loyalty as they been there since Warcraft 2 with the Alliance and always been there for the Alliance when they were needed. Void elves are unknown and have alot to prove. The Silver covenant High elves have also been there time and time again helping the Alliance and also been part of the Alliance since WOTLK and I have showed proof that the Silver covenant is part of the Alliance but like the Dark iron dwarves have never Officially joined the Alliance.

Blizzard could have Let Alleria have trained the Alliance High elves and Silver covenant first then later gone to Silvermoon and tried to get Silvermoon back to the Alliance and later on met Umrbric and his Followers and have them join the Alliance High elves and so would the story and lore of the Alliance high elves and Silver covenant been part of the void elves as origin but that’s not what Blizzard did. Instead created a brand new group of blood elves that had NO lore or story of Warcraft that no one ever heard about. Does not have 10000 year of lore, history or their own language or whatever which made the Void elves weird as a playable race as we had no connection with them or history and didn’t feel like they belonged with the Alliance. However Blizzard could have back in Cata that a group of blood elves were fleeing from Silvermoon and asked the Alliance for help to get to Stormwind. And helped us during cata with certain things aswell in MOP. Then during MOP they ask us for help to find their own home to study the void which lead us through the journey in Ghostlands to search Dar’Khan Drathir hidden domain. And we only followed them to the portal which led to Telogrus Rift and we didn’t see them again until BFA. Then in BFA we have Alleria story which was to find Umbric and his people. Which would have made them more part of the Alliance and had nothing to prove as they would have helped us in the past and fought side by side with the Alliance.

But again that’s not what Blizzard did either which left the void elves as a failure as a race compared to all the other races that have a history and story in Warcraft’s lore. And would been better that Alliance High elves became playable back in BFA and Silver covenant would have been the easiest to made playable as they already have a different mounts and tabard and story and lore than blood elves. Sure they all came from Silvermoon but both have taken different path and the Silver covenant home would made sense to be in Northrend as that is were we met them the first time in WOTLK. And later we get a brand new race that has 10000 year of history and lore that have study the void for 10000 that became part of their society like the Ethereals or some other race that make sense to have been using void powers for a very long time. But then again as Alliance have been more Light worship for a very long time, the void users race would have made more sense with the Horde.

Further more Northrend has its own Arcane ley lines that goes under Northrend which the Blue Dragonflight uses but The Alliance/Silver Covenant High elves could have worked with Kalecgos as he is a member of the Kirin tor Council to use the Blue Dragonflight arcane ley lines but also protect their arcane wells.


Yes, high elf paladin.

Well that’s not true. High elves are in the alliance, blood elves and void elves are not high elves.

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Remove void elves from the alliance. They cry regardless of what you give them.

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How about replace into the customization for blood elves or for Quel’dorei?


Yes its true blue eyed thalassian elfs on both sidez just suck it up cupcake tou wont getting more.

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NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and NO like are you serious? You now have Void Elfs, Blood Elfs, AND Dracthyr can also be pretty much ELF male, WE DO NOT NEED NOR WANT another damn Elf…

I vote for more elves myself. Not to play one mind you, I am a Dwarf player forever.

I just cannot stand the fact Vereesa is there, her Silver Covenant is there, and we still don’t have High Elves playable characters in the Alliance.

All arguments against High Elves are shot down.

  • High Elf population is too small

Void elf population is even smaller. They xan hardly be called “population” they are just an “elite squad”.

  • Blood Elves are High Elves actually

No they are not, different factions, different leaders, different politics, different ideology on how magic should be handled. After in-game decades of separation there should be differences in culture as well.

  • Yeah but there are not enough visual differences, we can just leave it as a customization choice and call it day

By that logic, Highmountain Taurens, Lightforged Drenei and brown Orcs shouldn’t exist. These could just be customization choices as well.