Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Why? They are already here and people like to play them.

Yes we will. :stuck_out_tongue:

Exactly. And the high elves are most wanted and ever requested.


High elves should be a thing, or Void Elves should be given Paladin class choice. Before you go on about lore, they can be holy priests. So all arguements of lore implications with that imo is thrown out the window.

Also, lore shouldn’t impact fun.


Lore is part of the fun. Like continuity. For some it would be “fun” if Harley Quinn can 1 v 1 and beat Galactus to death.
Anyone that knows the slightest thing about comics and those characters will know why it will not work.

Until recently Tauren could not be Priests and that added flavour to the race.
Whereas the Void and Light always clash. It would make as much sense as the Lightforged Draenai and Prophet Velen becoming Warlocks. Or Forsaken and Mechagnomes becoming Druids.

Muuru – The Naaru that the Blood Elves captured robbed of his light and drove to his death.
Kaara – The Naaru that was dying and made an appearance in Warlords of Draenor.

It could make sense if there are other Shadow Naaru that the Void Elves take care of. But a dedicated Paladin class for void elves is nonsensical.
Retcons can only go so far.

High Elves are has beens. They were trampled by the Amani and traded the secrets of arcane and mages for the might of the Alliance. They have little to nothing to offer and the few left were part of the now neutral Kirin Tor.

There are already too many Elves. It’s not as unique as say the Elder Scrolls. Wood Elf - Dark Elf - High Elf are uniquely different to each other. Even the Bretons that are half human half Elf have some variation among them.

Blood - Void - high Elf of WoW are too similar.

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They are a thing since WCII, just not playable, because dev said so.

Well, elves are most playable races. Why not make something that has been ongoing request forever, playable?

Blizzard could give us a hundred flavors of blood elf and some people would still complain until one of them says High elf.

what intoxicating pampering you demand. :roll_eyes:

High elves are scattered into different groups found around azeroth

Silver Covenant being the biggest one. Neutral, but Alliance leaning. Even the blood elves asked for their help to deal with the Amani in cataclysm. They helped the Nightborne too in legion.

Kirin tor being the second biggest ones. neutral.

Highvale (Hinterlands) are the ones who gave up arcane, and instead focused on farstider skills. They are best friends with the wildhammer, enemies to the horde.

Stormwind High elves are well known, but only few are shown in-game and 100% of them are women/female/body 2. so we dont even know if male high elves exist in Stormwind.

there is the quel lithien Lodge, which majority of them turned to wretched in Cataclysm and a few remaining survivors were spotted in Pandaria.

lastly, there is the Allerian stronghold, a group of High elves who left with Alleria in warcraft 2 and since then have been living in outland. Although one of them was spotted in Highmountain during legion, and the other was spotted in Boralus, indicating they might have left outland.

There is also the High elves part of the 7th legion, well known in the alliance.

my last point: with the void elf customizations, high elves are here. If you ignore the voidy voice emotes.


If for whatever reasons all these scattered groups of High Elves came together. Their numbers will still be too few.
Other than the faction they fight for there are not really any variations between Blood Elves – Void Elves - High Elves, What race leaders will they have? Compare them to the Troll Tribes. If you exclude the Dark Spear and Zandalari there are a lot of variations that makes Trolls unique and feel as their own race.

Allied races did open up a pandora’s box among the player base where some will call for X because they want X.

In terms of visibility for the High Elves as a race that is still too few of them. Some might say the Windrunner sisters. 2 out of the 3 Windrunner sisters Vareesa and Aleeria are aligned with the Alliance and Sylvannas has her own fan base.
But Aleeria Windrunner is leading Blood Elves that have turned to the Void not a dedicated faction. Similar to how Sylvannas lead the Forsaken humans of Lordaeron.

7th Legion have been rather important in game, not sure I remember any High Elves among them.
Coexisting with the Wildhammers. Wasn’t that because the Dragonmaw Orcs were hostile to everything?

There were some High Elves in the Warcraft movie as the Alliance of Lordaeron was formed.
Not sure why Blizzard should go for it. What contribution will High Elves bring to the Alliance as a whole?
Strength - Territories - Technology - Military or magic and more. In terms of classes High Elves will probably be just a copy paste of Blood Elves. Like Pandaren in character creation, Tushui or Huojin is the only difference.

If you ask me High Elves make a lot more sense than the Void Elves, from both a cosmetic and lore perspective.



Void elf could be a customization for blood elves or quel’dorei high elves

(Clearing throat) I will add that The Silver Covenant has been in the Alliance since WOTLK and is not neutral as it was previously believed.

He is in Wintergarde keep in the High elf building and if you hover over him it says in his info “Silver Covenant”. Also “7th Legion”. So does it say on his High Elf Guards. But like the Dark Iron dwarves is that the Silver Covenant never officially joined the Alliance but has fought with the Alliance since WOTLK. Which can be easily fixed like the Dark Iron dwarves. Well since Anduin Wrynn is not around anymore it will have to be Turalyon and it would make most sense that he does it, Since he has been fighting for years with the Alliance High elves and he also married Alleria and has a Half Elf son. And would be awsome if all 3 sisters was part of the Alliance. Sylvanas won’t go back to the horde since they don’t want her there, not even Forsaken, as they moved on from her to start over. And Sylvans is now more Ranger General Sylvanas than banshee queen Sylvanas and her sisters would be more open to her. But she will also have to prove alot for the Alliance to accept her in. Tyrande has given Sylvanas a chance for forgiveness by finding the souls of her Night elven people in the Maw.

Oh you mean like Void elves that is only 20 people (Elite Squad is never a race), yeah that make up for an entire race, Or Vulpera who are way less than High elves, that only exist Vol’dun which is nomads living in wagons moving from one place to another around Vol’dun. The numbers do not matter anymore any can become a playable race.

If all the Alliance High elves come together under one banner (Like the Silver Covenant) they have a chance of rebuilding. And they can have their own place in Northrend where we first met Veeresa and the Silver Covenant. And Northrend has its own Leylines which is owned by the Blue Dragonflight but most of the Blue Dragonflight have left Northrend and gone to the Dragon ilses and left one Guardian. If Veeresa talk to Kalecgos who is current leader of the Dragonflight to help the Guardian protect Coldarra and the Northrend Leylines. They would have their own mana source and not bound to the Sunwell (But I would like if they build their home in the Crystalsong forest as its perfect location for them and those trees to the west in the forlorn woods can look like the trees in Quel’thalas if they fix the leylines there that was broken years and have buildings in both Forlorn woods and The unbound thicket crystal forest in the Crystalsong forest area.) And due to their mana drought/lack of mana over the years and only able to siphon little mana from artifacts their skin became more pale as did their hair color. They even lost their glow in their eyes which gave them more Human like eyes. But if they gain access to Colderra and its Leylines they could regain that blue eye glow.

Why we want High elves? IS because of their allegiance to the Alliance that never wavered, Not even when their King told them/ordered them to go home after second war. Just like Alleria, she never gave up on the Alliance, and she is not going to start now or ever. She gathered in the beginning of second war likeminded elves to go and help the Alliance to fight the horde, going against her Kings orders. And those High elves stayed in the Alliance to this day, believing in the Alliance just like Alleria. The High elves in Stormwind, Outland, Highvale and other Human settlements. And they even gained more after Rommath came back with his new technique that drains mana from Magicial creatures that even some blood elves rejected using. And Lorthemar banished the Alliance High elves and those Blood elves that rejected Rommath teachings so it wouldn’t start a civil war within Silvermoon. And those blood elves that was banished to the Human cities/settlements retook the name High elves again and began to help the Alliance.

You mean like the Nightborne? Nightborne is Identical to Blood elves in mind, culture and mana addiction and see themselves as a superior species, no wonder the Nightborne and the Blood elves get along with each other. They even had their own Sunwell that was called Nightwell. But with the help of both Horde and Alliance they found a new way to gain mana by that magic tree and its fruits. They have regular parties, mana wines or arcwine as the Nightborne calls it.

There is nothing saying there won’t be more elves in the future because there was alot of Highborne elves scattered around Azeroth before the Great Sundering. Some died due to dangerous magic practice. Some was wiped out by an enemy faction. Some became Naga etc etc. But nothing says there can’t be more elves out there in Azeroth. Its all up to the devs.

Did you know that Nightborne did not exist in Warcraft until Legion expansion. In Warcraft 3 lore Suramar and broken ilses was under water and all elves there drowned. Blizzard changed the lore for Legion to introduce a new Elven race which they even said at the Blizzcon before Legion was released, that we were going to kill “all” of them. Because all of them elves had joined the Legion but blizzard changed the lore again since the Nightborne became so popular so some survived and joined the Horde and Alliance against the corrupted Nightborne. And we also helped their fallen Nightborne to become Normal Nightborne again.

Sorry for the Long text everyone.


You do know Void elves have been mentioned as being a Elite squad, a small group. The population logic is out the window.

There was many High elves shown within the 7th legion especially battle mages. There was a few reddit posts asking why “blood elves” are helping the alliance lol. One famous highelf is Yvera Dawnwing, is a battlemage in boralus that also appeared in Stromgarde.

no because the High elves always loved the Wildhammer ever since warcraft 2 days. They respected them so much they decided to send high elf children to the wildhammer dwarves when Arthas invaded, sadly the ship sank and never made it.

The High elves of Highvale (hinterlands) remained within the Alliance and remained best friends with the wildhammer.

true true

but i also like that gothy Alliance fans got something they consider unique and more similar to what they enjoy. in this case, the void elves. im happy for them and in the end everyone should play what they enjoy :smile:

In my opinon, the dev team should have instead of making a race like the void elves as a playable race from exiled blood elves and made Alliance High elves playable for the Alliance back in Legion. And just made a brand new race (Alien race that comes from void space) that make more sense with using void powers and have 10000 year of knowledge and history and culture and tradition and its own language as the void magic comes from another galaxy far from Azeroth. And yes they could have made them a gothy alien race with tentacles. Maybe look similar to a Naga with tentecals but with a beautiful humanlike face and have two legs.

The points I raised was not if there is or is not a fandom for High Elves. But that there is no in game or story reason to add them.
The “I want it I want it I want it” culture was unleashed with the introduction of allied races. But there are some that are calling for Murlocs as allied races others like Taliesin and Evitel calling for Tuskars as allied races.

As for the Void Elves. Some Alliance members see them as the magic junkies that they have always been. Kaelthas Sunstrider casts a long shadow and legacy. The Void was only 1 option.
It was never determined how many blood elves went down the path of the Void or if they have started reproducing. Being born with Void and Shadow energies is different from simply becoming it.

I like your idea of new territories for the Alliance and Horde. Especially since both factions have grown in size - power - reach and influence.
Problems being is that the Silver Covenant do not lead the High Elves as a whole and can’t survive without Alliance backing.

The plot-holes created by Shadowlands…The helm of domination was once the ONLY thing that kept the Scourge in check if not they will wash over all of Azeroth killing and raising others into undeath.
The few High Elves that are left will get slaughtered if they go to Northrend. The Horde also have a reason to be there as well, Especially since Zhul took the secrets of the Drakkari to steal the power of Loa’s.

Allegiance of some small numbers does not gurantee membership, neither is it reflective of the race as a whole committing to a faction. Gilneas was initially rejected admission into the Alliance when the Horde plagued Gilneas.
Something similar to the Horde with the Azeroth Ogres. Now that the Orcs are stronger their help and participation in the Horde is the only thing stopping the Orcs from hunting them to extinction.

Alleria is simply an Elf in love that stood by her husband Turalyon through thick and thin. As is Vareesa.
The alliance have come a long way from the old bonds with the High Elves. The price was paid - Alliance military might for teaching 100 humans to be mages.

Few High Elves does not mean that the race as a whole has decided on a course of action. There is no unifying leader or figurehead like a King of the High Elf people.
The high elves have more to gain than to offer. A scattered people with no leadership - country/territory.

Compared to say the Gilneans. They were one of the strongest human kingdoms for a reason. Though they walled themselves off they did give a paultry sum of forces in the Alliance of Lordaeron. Despite that they have produced strong military and had a presence in the ongoing Alliance conflicts.

As for your thoughts on the Nightborne. I agree that Blizzard can create new Lore, Continuity is important. Trolls are the most common race on Azeroth. The Dark Trolls became the Night Elves who then some became Naga and some even became NightBorne.
They have been changed by the NightWell and have become uniquely different to their Night Elf ancestors. To be recognised as a separate Elf race.

Incorrect. For example the Tauren of Thunderbluff was few in number and was being hunted to extinction until the Orc and Trolls helped them out and they became one of the founding races of the Horde. They have since then rebuilt their numbers and power.

It is unconfirmed how many Blood Elves left Silvermoon and became Void Elves. But they did contribute an army to the Alliance war effort in Battle for Azeroth.
Reproduction of Void Elves have not really been explored yet.

The High Elves have benefitted greatly from the protection of the Alliance but what contributions if any have they made to the Alliance?
Not seeing what their contribution to the Alliance would be.

For example the Bilgewater Cartel of Goblins once joined they brought Goblin technology that more often than not produced positive results. Their love of money also saw that Gallywix single headedly funded the Horde war effort in the 4th War BFA.
Trade Prince Gazlowe built and rebuilt Orgrimmar even after it was sacked during the Siege.

What specifically do High Elves have to bring to the table?
Human understanding and study of magic has probably surpassed theirs. Rangers and Archers to the Alliance?
Yvera Dawnwing? Okay.

Interesting. Wildhammer Dwarves and High Elf friendships is something I would have to look more into.

The races that are playable in wow are a faction of the races, if you didn’t know?

Bloodhoof Tauren are not the entire race of the Taurens but a faction of its race (Who also was almost completely extinct in Warcraft 3 and been slowly been growing). Not all Taurens are part of the Horde. Gilneas Worgen are a faction of human race just like the Stormwind Humans are also one faction of the Human race. The Green skin orcs are 3 factions of the orcs (as are the Mag’har orcs, Same clans as the green skin orcs) and the rest of the race are hostile. So the Alliance High elves are a faction of The High elves as are the blood elves. A faction that joined the horde. Majority sure but still a faction of the race. The trolls that joined the horde are 1 faction called the Darkspear trolls and so is the Zandalari trolls, one faction of trolls and not all Zandalari joined the horde. There are those that are hostile. The Goblins that is part of the horde is only one faction, the Bilgewater Cartel. The rest is either neutral (Former horde members) or Hostile. So each playable race do not, not represent their entire race.

As for the Void elves. Ion said they are an Elite Squad of elves…Elite means small like no more than 20 or they are not an Elite. So if a small group of 20 can become playable race and Alliance high elves are way more than 20. Also you do know that the Dark iron dwarves aren’t that many either. Moira Thaurissan was not able to convince “all” the remaining Dark iron dwarves to join her and the Alliance.

No, not yet but they can, Go gather the rest of the Alliance High elves and to join the Silver Covenant and also why wouldn’t the Alliance back them up? As The Alliance High elves and the Silver Covenant High elves has always had the Alliance back for a long, long time. Also Blood elves were never meant to be in the horde. The devs themselves said that in a behind the scenes trailer back before TBC was released, they had to change alot of things to make it work aka “change the lore for it to make any kind of sense for them to join the horde”.

Most elves have always been magic junkies. Everyone knows that.

What do you mean by that? Keal’thas played with the fel magic not void. But that only happend when they came to Outland as Illidan taught them how to use Fel magic. Magister Umbric and his followers were the ones that started playing with void powers as they believed they could use this void corrupted Sunwell to rebuild Silvermoon but the other Blood elves rejected the Idea of use of void magic and Umbric and his followers was outcast by doing so. And apparently they started practicing that since Warcraft 3 when the Sunwell was changed to a fountain of void to open a portal for Archimonde to come to Azeroth. Which later Kael’thas shut down the Sunwell as it was not safe as we saw in the Blood elf heritage armor questline.

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we dont even know if void elves can reproduce. There are no void elf children.

it is correct. Void elves are described small in population.

  • Helped the Alliance in Hinterlands
  • provide much of the 7th legion army with powerful Mages
  • Helped the Alliance in Outland
  • Helped the Alliance in WOTLK, Northerend
  • Even the blood elves called for their help to defeat the Amani in cataclysm
  • the high elves of Theramore contributed greatly to Theramore’s army as seen if you quested there before the bombing
  • Helped Jaina purge Dalaran from the horde
  • Helped the Alliance again in MOP during the Thunder Isle campaigne
  • Helped liberate suramar with Tyrande and the others

apparently wow logic with population is always…shaky, as we see with the high elves. even a small group people can form a army in wow logic.

so its no suprise the void elves helped in the battle. High elves were shown time and time again doing something similar

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There are more than 20 void elves at telogrus rift alone. And thats not including alleria or umbric.

I think its safe to say the void elf population is far greater than 20

Yes they can be pregnant but their children become High Elves, or If they are Quel’dorei

Void elves are bound to the void magic, am I correct?