Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

not sure how logic works in wow but pretty sure thats not the case.

Void elves have blue blood, which racially makes them different than High/blood elves.

but do you have a source for this? never heard of a void elf giving birth before. and to a high elf child at that. Seems weird.

Ever asked the demon hunters’ pregnancy but when their children are born, they don’t have fel eyes, only their parents because demon hunters are bound to the fel magic

But Forsaken cannot! Because Forsaken are undead

Blue blood?

Nightborne are blue and purple, and they can be white nightborne too, well similar to Kaldorei

But, the void elves can be blue, purple and white too? But they look different

Now the reasoning is that: Not all High Elves need to join the Alliance. Instead of the few remnants band together as a race just even fewer High Elves as a faction.

The problem is that the High Elves are in a similar situation with the Alliance that the Ogres are with the Horde. While few of them have cooperated and fought with one faction and sometimes against the other.
To put a military target on a race is not something that would be smart. Especially if the Hord hunt the High Elf remnants to the point of no longer having a viable population.

While there are other human kingdoms. When the Horde was capturing humans as fuel for the Fel it was only within the Alliance that Humans as a whole were able to defeat the Horde and protect itself. Same with the other races, Including the Zandalari trolls after the fall of Rhastakhan

As a race High Elves have not become a big enough nuisance or threat to become a legitimate military target.
The Thunder Bluff Tauren was near extinction but some travelled beyond Thunder Bluff or not part of it. You see off-shoots like the Yungol in Pandaria and the Taunka in Northrend.

The Gilneans their off-shoot are the modern day Kul Tirans. There were are hardy people even prior to the curse of the Worgen. A mixed population of Worgen and non Worgen Gilnean forces. The Bilgewater Goblins thrived within the Horde so a population growth is understandable.

Zandalari are probably the most powerful tribe of trolls and have led other troll tribes. Only in time of weakness after being defeated by the Alliance did they join the Horde.
Maghar Orcs are the defeated remnants of Draenor Orcs.

There is no unifying force or figurehead for the High Elf people. Their city is now a ruin. The Silver Covenant is just one part of militants. Backing the Alliance? That was for convenience. They never had the strength to attack the Blood Elves as a whole let alone the rest of the Horde.

Blood Elves have incorporated among the Horde. The doing whatever it takes and survivalists methods. Good example of this is Muuru the Naaru enslaving him and driving him to its death.

Night Elves were never magic Junkies. Nightborne once they were cured of their Withered state were able to live without it.

With Kaelthas Sunstride. What I mean is that with their defeat by the Scourge. High Elves and Blood Elves were defeated and scattered. However the High Elves addiction to magic. Led them to find any source of magic to get their fix. Fel - Naaru - Void. This was something that was never cured they just had to get a steady source of magic.

Prophet Velen using the remains of Muuru to cleanse their Sunwell does not cure them of their magic addiction. Void Elves will have brought this with them to the Alliance.

Perhaps the High Elves would have more sense than to dabble with the void.

Interesting list. But that was not the High Elves as a race but few members of an organisation.
Silver Covenant have a strong hatred of Blood Elves. So using a powerful Arch Mage Sylvannas they could kill and capture many Blood Elves. Especially given Vareesa Windrunner wanting revenge for the death of Rhonin who died with the Horde mana bomb on Theramore.

Should the Horde seek a reprisal against the High Elves as a species then they can disassociate from these few Alliance aligned High Elves.
But yes a few have been useful to the Alliance but the Alliance have been independent of them. The High Elves are more receivers than contributors.

Not really, you might look almost like a high elf, but still not close enough like blood elves can now. And even they can not look exactly like high elves, such as silver covenant high elves.

Agreed. I would like to play void elf paladin and high elves.

Are blood and void elves are high elves? No, they’re not. Ion doesn’t understand the lore and doesn’t dictate it.
Blood Elves are not High Elves, otherwise they’d be on the Alliance, where the actual High Elves are.

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They look exactly the same though, as the difference between the two is only political.


I think it’s as good as it’s going to get.

Leave this damn thread die already :rage:


I shouldn’t have responded…
But he must make more alts to get it back up and away from locking.

well, there is some differences with eye color, as high elves dont have golden or green eyes, since they arent near the sunwell.

as for Paladins, they arent even a High elf thing. Blood elves are the ones who started the idea of Thalassian paladins with the blood knights,

and a few high elves (barely 3 NPC’s) borrowed the paladin class from the Argent Dawn/ Humans.

Majority of High elves are Hunters/Rangers, and Mages. as long as you have the two, you can roleplay away.

that being said im not against Void elf paladins, since Void elves are now 2 races in one thanks to customizations.

Im a holy priest on this character

This thread was only 9 days away from being closed. Shame.

And they never want us to reexperience Well of Eternity :pleading_face:

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Tell me about it
There is always one joker who can’t sit on his hands and bump this abomination

Void elves are still just void elves.

They have customisation options that arent void related, but theyre not exclusive to non void high elves. Void elves can look normal as well.

So basically you can RP that youre not a void elf, but youre still playing one, using customisation options that are for void elves.

I already see them demanding blood elf hairstyles. Next they will ask for Silvermoon.

From lore , RP and other reasons the hair style is a reasonable “demand” since the Void Elves were Blood Elves - and the Blood elves ARE High Elves just rebranded themselves and took up a new name
So it is a reasonable demand, you don’t loose your fashion sense after a void infusion
Logically, if a Blood Elf became a Void Elf, kept his hair…
Silvermoon is another can of worm, they got exiled, so keep out - even tho’ it was a stupid reason and Void and Old god worshiper insane shadow priests and fel junkie, Demon using warlocks are alowed to roam free in the city…
Nontheless, Umbric and Co. was exiled, so swallow it and keep the tentacles off from Silvermoon


dues vulp!

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and apparently the void gives you a British accent, as if you havent been exiled from Silvermoon 2 seconds ago.

Blood elves have become a blue version of horde. they are not the same as burning crusade, using whatever magic necessary to servive. You even had a blood elf shadow priest brainwashing 2 blood elf citizens to accept the horde, now thats the blood elf we missed.

so yes void elves makes no sense, but we love them. wouldve been better on horde side tho.