Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

They are the same race. There is no difference between them apart from politics. We had that talk a million times. Fans just want to go Horde that is al. Which is exactly why Ion is right.

High elves and blood elves are physiologically the same race, and the difference between high and blood elves is only political. When Quel’Thalas left the Alliance, some high elves chose to remain with their allies over their kingdom, and to this day still support the Alliance.

High elves will have green eyes if near fel for too long.
And it should be possible for them to have gold eyes as they are bound to the Light/arcane infused Sunwell.

But even if this wasn’t the case, the there are no true differences.
Their culture didn’t have a massive change when they renamed themselves. The Farstriders are still there, the Magisters are still there.

And high elf paladins are a thing, albeit it rare.
Know what else is apparently rare? Void elves.

Never. Alleria is a pretender. She needs to die.

What is Blizzard official stance on this? Are Blood elves and Void elves considered high elves by blizzard?

For me, it all really depends on what you feel the name “High Elf” refers to. Is it the race? “High Elves” were originally Night Elves. The name “High Elf” was exactly that: a name. Something to differentiate themselves from other Elves. But it wasn’t the name of their race.

When the Elves settled in Quel’thalas and built the Sunwell, (some of them) became lighter skinned and they all became shorter. However, some Night Elves who called themselves “High Elves”, including Dath’remar Sunstrider, leader of the High Elves, already had light skin and blonde hair. So the “standard” skin and hair colors of High Elves wasn’t even a “Exiled Elf” thing, as they had that when they were still among the general Night Elven populace.

In the Blood Elven heritage questline, generic Elves were called “Thalassian Elves”. That appears to be the current Blizzard given name for the combined race of the various Elves. The names “Blood Elf”, “High Elf”, and “Void Elf” are all currently used names to differentiate between the different and splintered groups of Thalassian Elves.

Blizzard even stated quite specifically that “the surviving high elves changed their name to “blood elves” or sin’dorei (children of the blood in Thalassian) in remembrance of their fallen brethren, and no longer consider themselves high elven.”

Some people want to still call the entire race of Thalassian Elves “High Elves.” That’s fine. Go ahead. But in game, there is a very specific difference between what we call a “Blood Elf”, a “High Elf”, and a “Void Elf”, even though much of that is just political and social, but also racial/appearance differences, allegiance.

Lets face it Blizzard, you keep teasing the Alliance with the High Elves, even though you given us the customizations to allow us to play as a “High Elf” through the Void Elf allied race, but you know what? They’re still Void Elves. They are still a group with a lore that goes for 1 sentence long. People have been requesting for the High Elves since Vanilla, and well, I’m only going to speak for myself on this part, but I still want to see the High Elves as a seperate playable race for the Alliance. Not the Void Rejects from Silvermoon which you seem to only want to compromise for the Alliance. I want to play an Alliance High Elf because of the strong lore that they have still to this day.

It is time to give the Alliance the playable Alliance High Elves! Not the Void Rejects from Silvermoon, and not the Blood Rejects within Silvermoon.

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The Amani - Gurubashi - Drakarri - Zandalari.
One can tell just by looking at them the differences among the Trolls. But with the High Elves Blood Elves Void Elves there are very few dinstinguishing features.

The High Elves are to the Alliance what Ogres are to the Horde.
Might have had a presence for some time, Have assisted in Alliance military campaigns. On relatively friendly terms but not necessarily an ally.

A 3 year old thread. thought there would be new points and arguments but there could be die hard High Elf fans. Allied races are a pandora’s box that was opened.

Alleria may die, but her legacy will live on.

She has two statues in-game and one is located in the entrance of Stormwind, reminding new players and old of how great she is.

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It’s been on life support for longer than I care to remember. These are just a few instances in less than the past year:

There’s a prize if you can guess who bumps it just about every time, either on their main or on alts.

Which really says all there needs to be said for the thread’s importance.

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I do Love Crystalsong forest and would have been perfect place for Alliance High elves new home.

And all the rest of the Alliance High elves from Allerian stronghold, Highvale, Stormwind etc should all join under the Silver Covenant faction. Blizzard gave us The Silver Covenant back in WOTLK, so why won’t they let us play them? The Alliance High elves have deviated from Silvermoon and the Blood elves and gone their own path that is more align with how High elves were back in Warcraft 2.

They have their own racial mount/mounts that is different from Blood elves. They have their own voices that is different from Blood elves. They have their own Tabard and Banner that is different from Blood elves. Their armor “Is” different that of a Blood elf. Silver/white/blue while the blood elves are Gold/red/green. The Alliance High elves are “Ready” to be playable and have been for years. I don’t get why they keep refusing to add them but “do” love to tease the High elves existence in our face for us who are High elf fans.

Wish we had that Ice pale skintone that some of the Silver Covenant members have in the video, Fits well with the white hair.

But maybe when Sylvanas comes back, she will take with her the High elves (Like she did for the Blood elves to join the Horde, She could do the same for the Alliance for the High elves to join with her sisters) to Officially join the Alliance even though they have been part the Alliance since ever and the Silver Covenant have been part of the Alliance since WOTLK as Halford Wyrmbane have recruited the Silver Covenant into the Alliance and into the 7th Legion. And Sylvans New look from from Shadowlands is perfect look for the Alliance High elves.


Latest from Lid Carter.
Amazing art as Always.

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Why was this new pnj added to the paladin order halls ?:thinking:

He’s a high elf paladin, it could be a coincidence or Blizzard is planning something for later…:face_with_monocle:

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You are rubbing salt in the wound. The Sylvannas redemption arc $h1t all over her pre-established lore.
She died a long time ago and became an abomination that is hard to keep dead.


Yeah I hope so.

Well I happen to Like the new Ranger-General Sylvanas and where they are going with her. Im willing to give her a second chance.

Ranger General Sylvanas, in her current form, should return to the Horde (not lead it), but serve as the go-between, between Forsaken and Sin’dorei - particularly for the Thalassian Darkfallen and Sin’dorei Farstriders.

But then they go against the lore again if they do that becuase in BFA and Shadowlands the Horde has rejected Sylvanas (And also accepted Calia Menethil in to the Horde as seen in pre Shadowlands) and so have Forsaken if you followed her/their story. The Forsaken is going their own path away from Sylvanas and as we saw in Lordaeron that they were going to have a council from now on, The Desolate Council. So in other words she is no longer Welcome back to the Horde.

Sylvanas herself said that Silvermoon is no longer her home and she is no longer Ranger-general and she only wants to be with her sisters. And where is her sisters? In Stormwind aka The Alliance. And Tyrande willing to forgive Sylvanas once Sylvanas have finished her task in the Maw. And her sisters are willing to give her another chance even if Alleria is a little skeptic she is willing and said We shall see. And with the ingame Time skip her return will be sooner.

But that equally contradicts what Sylvanas said about fighting for the good of the Horde.

There’s no way she will be accepted within the Alliance. She needs to remain with the Horde, otherwise - Alliance needs to lose an Alliance character to the Horde. It is also accepted that Genn hates Sylvanas so, she can’t be within that faction (nor should she - she’s always been a Horde character and the Horde is where she needs to remain.)

She has no belonging within the Alliance. No undead who can sympathise with her at all. She would be welcomed back by the Deathstalkers and the Apothecary Society and Velonara wouldn’t need an excuse to say no.

other than her only living relatives Vereesa and Alleria.

Again, Vereesa. she was pretty sad when Sylvanas jumped into the maw. Vereesa is not undead, but she is family.

Who weren’t there when Quel’Thalas fell. They also share an allegiance with Genn Greymane and Mia Greymane.

Vereesa has to accept that Sylvanas has changed and she belongs with her people. As Velonara said, both sin’dorei and forsaken.

Again - the Horde is suffering and Sylvanas tells the Horde player to fight for it. She also calls on loyalists that should she ever need help, then she knows who to call on.
Sylvanas is still Horde at heart.

Vereesa was pregnant with twins, and then had to fight her hunger by sucking on Arcane crystals with the support of her human husband

she tried try to go back, but found no living relative left, and her only living relative who is a blood elf tried to murder her children.

and because her children are mixed, she got a rather rude comments from blood elves.



Sylvanas did the hard work and she was alone, with only her Forsaken and Darkfallen Rangers who she could call “family” in that instance because they all suffered the same fate.

When the Blood Elves joined, Sylvanas was feeling more connected. This is why, no matter what - she is still both forsaken and sin’dorei.

None of this detracts from the point that Sylvanas tells the Horde player to continue fighting for the good of the Horde. She tells the Loyalist that should she ever need assistance, then she knows who to call on. This isn’t made up - this is factual evidence and it’s in game.

The best Alliance fans (and fanatics) can hope for, is a semi-neutral character, but primarily leans horde.

pretty relevant if you ask me.

If im pregant with twins i dont wanna go fighting in a war that killed 90% of my people. unless im insane