Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

No, it’s not relevant because Vereesa isn’t important here.

The only one who was important was Sylvanas.

Again - the best you alliance fans can hope for, is a character who is semi-neutral, but primarily is and leans towards the Horde.
The Horde are far more important to the character of Sylvanas because it’s not the Alliance welcoming her, it’s the transgressions they made against her and the Forsaken, such as trying to invalidate their claim to Lordaeron. Such as Stormwind killing her Ambassadors when she tried to reach out the Alliance to gain allies.

There are dark rangers who decided to join their families and friends from the Alliance at the end of SL.

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the horde also killed 18 of her family members, including her brother.

She just joined the horde because the alliance rejected her due to being undead, which was still a new concept at the time.

she even said “the horde is nothing” in Shadowlands.

that being said, i do think she would lean towards the horde, simply because of the forsaken. she built that society.

Yes - Night Elf dark rangers.
Thalassian Dark Rangers - the main ones, whom are named - they are all still part of the Forsaken and by extension, the Horde.


They killed her Ambassadors.
The Blood Elves rejected her at first but they had the common decency to allow the Forsaken to leave, unharmed.

Darkfallen story is still firmly within the Horde, as a main thing. Alliance only have a token of it through the new character features for night elves and void elves.

Of course she would because you can’t be toxic towards the Horde fanbase and say they are irrelevant to this character now - when the lore is clear as day that she tells Horde players to fight for the good of the faction and tells the Horde Loyalist that she will call on them, if she needs assistance.

if a zombie ambassador came asking for friendship, would you let it slide?

especially after seeing what happened to other human kingdoms where the diseases spread and infected the people?

the humans were just acting out on instinct, but it also depends on the leader. had Anduin been leader, he wouldve been more accepting like he was of Calia.

And yet the Blood Elves were able to let them leave, unharmed? Maybe the Alliance is just stupid?

Ofcourse Sylvanas won’t be accepted right away into the Alliance, She will have to work to earn that trust and she will have a long road to redemption. Her sister will most likley be the first to forgive her, and Alleria can convince her husband Tyralyon. And Sylvanas will be most liklley be treated like the Undead death knights that is in the Alliance.

Then you didn’t really play the Lorderon story in Shadowlands, did you? They really don’t like Sylvanas anymore as they feel they have been betrayed by her. Her fight with Saurfang had a big impact on the Horde and the Forsaken. If Blizzard makes her go back to the Horde and to Forsaken then that story in BFA or Shadowlands had absolutely no meaning what so ever. Making the BFA and Shadowlands expansions storys meaningless.

But because Sylvanas have accepted what she has done and willing to do something about it to make something right for her actions and she seems a little different from before when she was Banshee queen after getting her part of her soul back and accepted her wrong doing. Im willing to give her a second chance.

It was this group of dark rangers.:person_shrugging:

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And you don’t play Horde or seen what she says to the Horde player.

Your coming from a negative perspective that the Horde player is no longer relevant to Sylvanas Windrunner and that couldn’t be further from the truth.

Sylvanas Windrunner tells the Horde player to continue fighting for the good of it and she tells the Horde loyalist that if she ever needs help then she knows who to call on.

Again, you can’t be toxic towards the Horde playerbase and say to them that your not important to Sylvanas anymore - we, the alliance, have her instead.
The only thing the alliance fanatics, such as yourself, can hope for is Sylvanas being a neutral-like character, but actually leans more towards the Horde. 80% Horde, 20% neutral.

I don’t know.

Delaryn Summermoon is the Night Elf who looks different and she’s still Horde.

fair point. The blood elves also seem accepting of other past enemies such as the zandalari, Revantusk, and Orcs.

They are more diplomatic than the humans. why do humans have the diplomat racial :thinking: alliance bias

And you don’t wonder why? Becuase she knows she has done wrong and trying to be nice and polite. Doesn’t mean she be going back to the Horde.

Doesn’t mean she’s going Alliance either

I quess we will see.

We will and I know I will be right because Blizzard knows Sylvanas means far too much to the Forsaken, Blood Elf and Horde fanbases than she ever does the Alliance.

If vereesa or Alleria switched factions the Alliance playerbase would be angry and sad, so i get your frustration and i dont think she will switch sides. her character is already gone through enough trash as it is.

As a matter of fact all 3 windrunners have gone through some horrible writing, with Vereesa going on a murder spree after her husband’s death.

Alleria turning into a void version of Sylvanas

and sylvanas turning into a worse version of Arthas

they all need a break

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The thing is - anything can happen but Blizzard knows that people care about the characters, like Sylvanas.

The care for Sylvanas comes from Horde players. I hated Sylvanas in BFA and SL - that isn’t the character I loved in WOTLK nor the Ranger General I loved in W3. Now, that character has seemingly returned, despite being on a hiatus - I do look forward to her return and see how her story, within the Horde progresses.
I do think their will be connections re-established between forsaken and sin’dorei and I’d love to see Sylvanas at the helm for that.

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dont forget the Nightborne and Sindorei too, Lorthemar loves Nightborne women :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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But Sylvanas has nothing to do with that and Sin’dorei/Shal’dorei relations are already positive :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m just focusing on Sylvanas’ return to the Horde and where she fits in. As much as I do love the Sin’dorei/Shal’dorei thing - I do also miss the Sin’dorei/Forsaken relation and one of the best avenues to re-establish that relation is through the Dark Rangers and Sin’dorei Farstriders.

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In an urn? :thinking:
That ship sailed long ago, Sylvanas is history, the Horde and Azeroth is better wthout her
Wouldn’t be surprised is she would land next to or above Dar’Khan Drathir on the Blood Elves most hated list

We don’t know what the future holds, but what is still apparent is that Sylvanas means more to the Horde fanbase than the Alliance fanbase. My personal feelings towards the BFA and SL Sylvanas aren’t important.

Can you imagine the outrage if Alleria decided to go Horde and the outrage that would have from the Alliance fans - the same will happen if Blizzard puts Sylvanas firmly within the Alliance, especially if Genn and Mia forgive her.