Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Lorthemar said tho he disagreed with her, he respected her sacrifice during the battle. Thanks to her, the 10% survived.

He did speak of her in past tense tho, but i dont think she would be hated as much as Dar’khan. She would however be on the Night elves and Gilneans most hated list for sure. for:

  • Causing genocide
  • Destruction of home
  • Exile
  • Killling of children and innocent
  • Invastion, etc
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Shandris even states that some kaldorei will not even settle for Tyrande’s judgement and still demand her head.
Forgiveness will come sooner from the Blood Elves than it will from the Night Elves and Worgen.

Thats why she should stay in the Maw for an eternity and a day more, to avoid such scenario
To be honest the whole trice cursed Windrunner line should be erradicated, they caused so much trouble
Alleria becoming an insane void abomination is just around a corner as we seen in N’Zoth vision - and the Void sees all possible futures - the girl consumed the heart of the slain void revenant Nhal’athoth then the essence of the Dark Naaru L’ura! Just a little push and she is in the deep end of the Void

She can’t be ignored forever.
Just like Illidan - Sylvanas will return in due course.

I’d gladly see Illidan more alliance-leaning and Sylvanas more horde-leaning. I’d take that.

Either way, Illidan and Sylvanas will return in time - it’s not a matter of if, it’s when and how.

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Just because he should be returned when we killed Zovaal

To be honest this seems like a female character issue, rather than Windrunner sisters issue.

Jaina went mad and went on a Blood elf killing spree almost drowned orgrimmar too.

Tyrande also went mad, and went on a killing spree.

Vereesa went on a killing spree after her husband died

and sylvanas is…well you know.

its like all it takes to drive these women crazy, is war. not a good message.

Except Lady Thalyssra remained relatively calm during Suramar’s liberation, the Fourth War and when she was in Nazjatar.

It’s got to be the right time.

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No, thanks to her 90% of the Elves died… she just couldn’t keep her mouth shut and had to gloat and taunt arthas “you will never get pass the Gates… except if you find those three key fragments located here here and here…”
But she never was worthy to her Ranger-general tittle, the only reason she got it, because big sis not wanted it… :roll_eyes:

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i forgot about that :rofl:

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I agree to that, but whether she goaded Arthas or not - he was still fully intent on claiming the Sunwell to revive Kel’Thuzad, slaughtering any Quel’dorei in his way.

If anyone thinks Arthas would have turned and walked away because Sylvanas hadn’t said anything to him, is an idiot.

People are free to like bad stories but does not mean that it is not bad story telling.
There is a lazy trope of the “strong whamen” which is that: There are no female villains that female villains are just misunderstood or misguided in some way. That they are good all along.

You see this completely removes agency. If females have no agency then they are simply children. Sylvannas was always her own person, made her own choices, whether she actually cared for those that she led or she was simply using others as a means to an end. Like using the Forsaken for revenge against Arthas, and a shield to prevent her murder and perma-death. Using the Valkyr to take her place in what is now become the Maw.

When bad story telling becomes the new cannon some times there is no recovery from it.
Does Sylvannas have agency Yes? or No?

There is nothing good left in Sylvannas. She proves that time and time again. The ranger-general that Blizzard is peddling died in defence of Silvermoon defeated by the Scourge.

probably my favorite female character for that reason. She has an amazing voice actress too

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The bad story started when they made Sylvanas warchief.

Sylvanas is a character who moves in the shadows. That is her thing. She works better in that scenario, rather than Warchief.

I didn’t like the Cataclysm changes, but that was because they were moving her away from the Ranger General vibe that was once in balance with the Banshee Queen and just went full “Banshee Queen” mode. Distancing the Forsaken and Sin’dorei was a mistake. The two should have maintained a union with each other.
I understand that the forsaken fanbase felt that their leader was being shared with the blood elf fanbase and I fully get that - but, for me, I preferred Sylvanas when she was more, in touch with Quel’Thalas than what she did post-Cataclysm, where she was always going to war on the Humans.

Um no. You know that is a lie. Most High elves were arrogant back then as they believed they were superior and some still are, the 9% as they became the Blood elves. So it wouldn’t have matter if it was Lor’themar or anyone else that was at the gates. They would have done the same thing towards Arthas.

It all comes down to the shield ok. 90% dead was because of Dar’Khan Drathir which also was the Main quest of Quel’thalas to kill the tratior if you didn’t know. The Scourge raised Dar’Khan Drathir becuae they knew about the shield and “that” is the reason they raised him. Sylvanas sacrificed soldiers/rangers so the people had time to escape and get inside the shield.
It had nothing to do with her being arrogant. The Scoruge was too powerful and Sylvanas realized that so the only way was to actived the shield and get everyone inside it. If it had hold then the Alliance would have saved the High elves and we would have had a different warcraft story than we have today.

How? you wonder. Well the lorderon alliance was scattered and was hiding from the scrouge so they couldn’t help as lorderon was the first to fall “Before” Silvermoon as Sylvanas pointed out in Warcraft 3.

But The Alliance in the south was still around and also their army was in all corners of the kingdom as the second war been over for awhile and there was no need for an army at the time and it takes “Time” to mobilize an army. First to get all to Stormwind to regroup and then deploy to Quel’thalas. But alas the “Shield” fell becuase of a particular elf named Dar’Khan Drathir and the High elves were slaughted and Sylvanas became a Banshee. And that was the plan while Arthas was keeping Sylvanas busy at the gates then Dar’Khan Drathir could slip past the high elves defences unnoticed and get to the shield and shut it down.

So don’t lie.

I agree with you. But the problem is that activsts came to Blizzard. The same thing for female empowerment and strong whamen stuff that you saw in the M-SHE-U (MCU) is what is happening here.

Take a character that works best in the shadows and behind the scenes then push her front and centre. Even focus Shadowlands all about her. Thrall doing nothing but throwing an axe at Helya is not a subtle jab at Sylvannas being front and centre.

As for the gap between the Blood Elves and Forsaken that adds to their lore. Despite their fanbase the Forsaken will always be a part of the Scourge. The same Scourge that forced them from Silvermoon is part of the Horde.
Even in Siege of Orgrimmar should the Horde group wipe then Sylvannas will turn Lorthemar into an undead.

The main difference between the Blood Elves and the Lordaereons is that when the Scourge came for both of their cities. The Living of the Blood Elves were able to rebuild but the living of Lordaeron were not.

Sylvannas is out of place in this thread. She is just an Undead now.
Alleria and Vareesa are the surviving Windrunner sisters but both end up with human husbands and water down the High Elf bloodline with half breeds.

High Elves are just remnants of remnants. Few people even know anything about them and even then it is the Windrunner sisters.

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They were the most requested race on the alliance side since 2004,

And the most debated topic on the forum.

I doubt “ few people know anything about them” as you claim.


  • Helped the Alliance in Hinterlands
  • provide much of the 7th legion army with powerful Mages
  • Helped the Alliance in Outland
  • Helped the Alliance in WOTLK, Northerend
  • hosted the alliance In Tournament grounds
  • Even the blood elf ranger general called for their help to defeat the Amani in cataclysm
  • the high elves of Theramore contributed greatly to Theramore’s army as seen if you quested there before the bombing
  • Helped Jaina purge Dalaran from the horde
  • Helped the Alliance again in MOP during the Thunder Isle campaigne
  • Participated in the battle of Arathi (BFA)
  • Helped liberate suramar with Tyrande and the others
  • even Elisande mentioned them as being a separate race from Blood elves.
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Cry enougy and you get what you want it seems.

Okay that is a funny video.
However the “high elves” are indistinguishable to blood elves.
Character creation - give a blood elf blue eyes then bam! you have a High Elf.
Especially around 2:27 of the video.

Bold claim about the 7th Legion. They might produce a few but humans have overtaken them in Mage-craft in terms of numbers and prowess.
The High Elf presence for the Alliance is similar to the Ogre presence for the Horde. Might have been part of military offensives here and there but not necessarily an ally or membership.
Outside of the Windrunner sisters they are practically unknown.
The Silver Covenant seems to be a militia at best under the Kirin Tor.

As for the debate. It just seems to have quite the fandom behind them.

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why would i play a blue eyed blood elf

i mean… look at my profile picture. Im happy.