Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

If you pause it at the 2:32 time stamp of our video.
Despite the mounts - the clothes - the flags they stand beside there is no difference.
Even your profile picture is simply a blood elf that has changed to the void.
They are a race divided among factions.

The push is actually in practice more Blood Elves in the Alliance. Void Elf is not enough you need more Blood Elves except you call them High Elves.
There was no difference when they were part of the Alliance - Then left under Kaelthas Sunstrider - Then wanted to return under Lorthemar.

A rivalry within the race under Silver Covenant is what is happening in the world.

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“Void Elf”. It will forever be tainted as a monkeys paw by blizzard until they actually add high elves to the alliance.

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and yet, its still better than roleplaying high elves using the Human/night elf model like the old days.

i dont care what my name tag says, that might change in the future. who knows


Let’s have a moment of silence for all those Orb of the Sin’dorei that never seen dayligt again after the Void Elves recived the non-void options :roll_eyes:
We spent many many many happy RP sessions with the orb and prism combo to look like a proper elf

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that is because Blizzard is going for the tickbox & diversity crowd.
There are a lot of black eves these days.
That or Elf girls are following the Windrunner sister except prefer bbc.

I still use mine quite often…

Wait are we supposed to have stopped?

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Still remember the days when the only natural color void elves had was grey and I had to Roleplay a old lady, high elf. :rofl:

Good old days. Let me see if I still have pictures


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I always loved the teal black. In most light it comes out black more than teal.

Same though.

A black blood elf?
But you’re a Horde race.

Charcoal Blood Elf
Stood too close to the Sunwell and burned

Stay classy.

While not all humans are part of the Alliance. Human - Elf relations have been normalized. Besides tickbox for “diversity and representation” there are few other ways to explain it. You even see black gnomes in the Azure Span… Buuuut lets not go there.
The Sunwell feeds the magic addiction which they were never cured of. Not actually tanning them, its the remnants of Muuru after all.

Anyway the High Elf fandom are essentially the Blood Elf fandom just with another flavor. The more they try to convince people they are not the more similarities than differences there are between them.

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To be fair, sometimes even the Blood Elves forget, they ARE High Elves, just rebranded the race, the name is different, but remained the same… :roll_eyes:

A Vulpera lore nerd?
Well you are a race of scavengers.

But yes. Arthas and the Scourge kicked their butt - booted them out of Silvermoon and they renamed themselves as Blood Elves.
But through the Horde those remnants became stronger than those that ended up with the Silver Covenant.

This is the main issue. There are no differences between them.
Take the Maghar for example. The variety shows that players can hail from the different Orc clans. Warsong - Laughing Skull - Blackrock - Bleeding Hollow and more.

allied Alliance an Quel’dorei Elves race as High

pls guys


I thought this video will be relevant to the thread.
The High Elves appear to be a race of has-beens. Similar to the Trolls that dreamed of the time when they were once the “most powerful Empire on Azeroth”.

But the telling thing is that the High Elves are very close friends with the Dwarves. But Branz Bronzebeard (9:17) himself speaks about how the remaining High Elves are too few in number right now to play a major role in things.

The Alliance shields them from the Blood Elf kin but it won’t be prudent to have say their combine might of 40 soldiers to participate in Alliance offensives. The odd person here and there but as a people they have to rebuild in strength and numbers.

You cant apply logic here. We dont do that. We just want bloodelves on alliance that aint void elves, cuz its not high elf in the name and also kirin tor and vereesa and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah…

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That was back in classic wow then later on things changed when Blizzard decided to make blood elves playable on the horde side which made no sense and the devs themshelves said They had to make “alot” of changes to make it work, aka change the lore so much that it make some “kind” of sense why they join the horde. Back in classic the Blood elves were hostile to all. Alliance and Horde but you know what was in the Alliance…High elves, Always been there and that has never changed.

Brann also said that the High elves will be able to rebuild in time and will be a great boon the Alliance in the future. Aka play a major roll in the future. And they have already through the Silver Covenant. All they need is a place of their own as suggested that Crystalsong forest to be there “own” home as Silvermoon has not been their home for a long time. And as we seen the Blood elves do not want them there. Some say that Auric Sunchaser went home to Silvermoon did not do the quest for the elf sword back in WOTLK and made it up in their own head. Because Grand Magister Rommath banished Auric Sunchaser from Silvermoon. Auric Sunchaser was allowed to stay for the ceremony but…but then He and his soldiers have to “leave” Silvermoon, that was Grand Magister Rommath order. After Lor’themar Theron had touched the elf blade and was thrown back and Grand Magister Rommath accused Auric of treachery and Auric reminded Rommath that the Sword chooses its wielder and Lor’themar should have known about that.

Brann also said that Blood elves will never call themselves High elves ever again.

Also the guy in the video is wrong that the Alliance High elves were not welcome to Darnassus, Veeresa and Rhonin and their kids was invited to Malfurian and Tyrande’s wedding. “And no large High elf group has trown themshelves in in the faction conflict” I wonder if the Guy has even played the game becuase they do have thrown themshelves in the conflict between horde and alliance. Even as far as back in classic they have and then Outland as they were spying and fighting Kael’thas forces. In WOTLK we had the Silver Covenant (Who as I will remind is not, not Neutral, they are Alliance and have been since WOTLK, evidence is in Wintergarde keep where Halford Wyrmbane recruited the Silver Covenant “INTO” the Alliance, into the 7th Legion. Again they have chosen to throw themshelves in the conflict with the faction war.

And Silver Covenant High elves are exaclty as we High elves fans wanted. The Silver covenant have gone back to the old ways as it was back in Warcraft 2 before the Elf king made changes as the unicorn was the High elf symbol not the eagle that was seen in Warcraft 3 and in wow and we can find in places in eastern kingdom, old High elf ship that has the Unicorn mount and the ship is more Night elf design than what they have today. and also the SC have unicorn mount and also a white hippo gryphon as they used in the past.

And as we High elf fans have said we want to play those High elves that have always been “Loyal” to the Alliance no matter the Conflict that the Blood elves consider them as traitors. Something you will (as it seems) never understand.

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There is a good opportunity to bounce knowledge of Lore off each other and from different sources.
There is a schism between High Elves and Blood Elves. You see old hatreds that happened in the Silver Covenant and Sun Reavers.
Many of them followed prince Kaelthas Sunstrider those that did not remained the High Elves. The Blood Elves are larger and stronger than their High Elf former kin and within the Horde are a stronger force.

Silver Covenant is not the overall force of the High Elves. Just a small faction within a dwindling race of people.
As for what you say about Night Elves. The legacy of Azshara is still very much looked down upon. The Night Elf mages used to be part of the ruling class Highborne Night Elves. Since the sundering and the Night Elf war against the first legion incursion. As a race they turn to Elune and Druidism but Mage-craft was still a punishable offence within their society.

Diplomatic relations are one thing. But old prejudices are another.
Few High Elves that engage or remain in the Alliance or try to take part in the Alliance operations. Some even making it into the 7th Legion.
However until as a race they rebuild. It would not be prudent to whittle down their numbers.
The fanbase of the High Elves is mostly tied to the famous Windrunner sisters. But that alone is not enough to consider participation into the Alliance. In the Warcraft Movie (despite taking creative liberties like race swapping Taria Wrynn with a half black actress), there were High Elves present in the coronation of a new King and the forming of the Alliance.

Whether it is Silver Covenant or not. High Elves do have a presence within the Alliance and even some part in Alliance military operations. However not necessarily a participant. There is no unifying force since Kaelthas Sunstrider. For the Blood Elves they replaced Kaelthas with Lorthemar Theron.

The friendship they have with the dwarves. Will see that the High Elves will be protected especially from Blood Elves. But as a people it is still necessary for them to actually rebuild.

Silver Covenant could not purge the Sunreavers from Dalaran without the help of Jaina Proudmoore a very powerful mage. The conflict or rivalry between the Silver Covenant and Sunreavers on the Throne of Thunder as the plans of the Zandalari that resurrected Lei Shen.
For the High Elves were more costly. The High Elves do not have anything close to resembling a standing army. A few outposts here or there or a ragtag militia.

Look. Gilneans have been refugees since the Cataclysm. But have somehow produced armies and been an active part of Alliance military offensives.
The extinction of High Elves as a people is not something that those of the Alliance would want. But making them a legitimate military target for the Horde a global superpower could do just that.
A brave few - a rag tag crew. But not the High Elf people as a whole.

Silver covenant must pay for their crimes against the Sunreavers.