Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

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The Sunreavers’ presence in the Kirin Tor was not without its critics.
Silvermoon’s Magisters, led by Grand Magister Rommath, strongly opposed the notion of their own magi supporting Aethas and the Sunreavers, unwilling to look past the Third War. Rommath himself, a survivor of these events and a former Kirin Tor archmage, was vehemently opposed to Aethas’s desire to have Silvermoon support Dalaran in the Nexus War, or anything pertaining to the Kirin Tor’s welfare. While more open to the possibility, even the regent lord of Quel’Thalas, Lor’themar Theron, privately agreed with Rommath’s disdain, though knew the Sunreavers would find support no matter what the official stance was.
Lor’themar eventually accepted Aethas’s proposal, commanding him to look after any blood elves who would find themselves in Dalaran during the Northrend war.
The Sunreavers also found opposition from Rhonin’s wife, Vereesa Windrunner, an exile from Silvermoon who had made Dalaran her new home. She formed the Silver Covenant, a militant core of high elves, to act as a deterrent to any potential Horde uprising.
I would say It is a shared blame IF there was any crime against the Sunreavers

There was no Horde uprising. Vereesa and her lackeys put the Sunreavers to the sword because Jaina told them to. The one moving the divine bell from Darnassus to Silvermoon wasn’t even a Sunreaver but from the Reliquary.

IF all Sunreavers was put to the sword. Then why is there still Sunreaver around to complain about it. And also on Thunder isle, why did Lor’themar demand Jaina to release his people from the Violet Hold. Because most of the Sunreavers were “not” put to the sword. Only a handful that resisted and fought the Silver covenant were killed. The others either escaped with Rommath or was put in the Violet Hold prison.

the text from Vereesa speaks for itself. You can’t trust the Alliance ever.

Vereesa Windrunner was ever an Alliance member tho’?
Silver Covenant, sure, but that is a Kirin Tor thing, Dalaran thing
She was an Ambassador and I think nominally member of the Alliance of Lordareon while it existed… :thinking:
But the new Alliance?

She was ever since wotlk. And the Purge of Dalaran is an example of her true loyalty. It is pathetic that the worm Aethas still tries to get in Jaina’s good graces. I hope Hathorel replaces him.

This is a woman who lost 18 of her uncles, aunts, and cousins including her brother to orcs

Her parents lost to Amani trolls, who were allied of the horde at the time

Her older sister Alleria got lost in the dark portal until Legion expansion, she was believed to be dead. Because of the horde

Her blood elf cousin, Zendarin, tried to kidnap and murder her children

Her husband got nuked in theramore

And you ask why she hates the horde? Give her some slack

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The invasion of Draenor was the choice of the alliance. Nobody forced them to put the Orcs to the swords. No wonder the Fel Horde is still hostile to everyone. Thrall’s hippies betrayed their own kind for the peace with the humans.

People who tried to ket their land back. That is not a crime.

with a short temper and full of hypocrisy.

After he chose to break the Kirin Tor neutrality.

Because she ist racist scum like most high elves and humans. It is a shame that we can’t kill her. All other Knaak characters are dead.

I’m not going to say no to another playable elven race that has been in the game since before WoW anyway, so yes please.

I think some members of the Old Alliance don’t see a difference between the Alliance of Lordaeron and the Grand Alliance.

Vereesa being one such character but also the Kul’Tirans not really seeing a distinction.

Technically they are new things but I think in world not everyone really notes the difference. (Same goes for the Horde too.)

No matter what you say Erevien will ignore inconvenient truths about the Horde. Including why the more militant Alliance adjacent people are so anti Horde.
The Horde can do no wrong <— This is the mindset of many Horde players.

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The day will come when Vereesa faces retribution and plot armor won’t protect her any longer.

Vulpera were not around when the Horde burned Teldrassil. Many people after selling their souls to the Horde wanted to come to the Alliance.
They also cheated again in Mak’Gora. Using it Malfurion defeated Sylvannas 1 v 1 until the “honourable” Varok Saurfang cheap shot him in the back to save the Warchief.

The Wildhammers are too close of pals to allow Blood Elf prejudice to harm the High Elves and Dark Irons do love a good scrap.
So it won’t be plot armor but part of the Alliance might that will prevent the loss of High Elves.

They need to have more babies or something. But rebuilding as a race could take time.

I hope they make a cutscene of the conversation between Keal’thas and Bob. I want to see the advice our prince can give the regent lord. Would he disagree working with the alliance? Would he scold Halduron having Vereesa aid him? Would he actually do something to rebuild the other half of Silvermoon? I always wonder about these things. After the purge of Dalaran all high elves who enter Quel’thalas should be shot on sight.

Those that followed Kaelthas Sunstrider became the Blood Elves.
The Blood Elves handed over Silvermoon to the Horde despite their presence there.

Do you mean Lorthemar the same reagent Lord that wanted the Blood Elves to rejoin the Alliance?

2:15 / 6:03 timestamps.
Dealing with the Elvish schism between High and Blood have been a challenge for the Alliance.

That will never happen.

His name is Bob.

High King Varian himself was chastising Jaina Proudmoore.
The process of the Blood Elves returning to the Alliance was ALREADY HAPPENING. The Purge of the Horde from Dalaran is what put a stop to it.

Reintegrating them back to the Alliance would have been problematic. As most won’t overlook their ‘we was Horde’ phase. The similar issue that the Void Elves are having to deal with. The Blood Elves sent (drove out) their Void kin over and a Windrunner took them in.
Maybe if efforts is put into rebuild the High Elves then as a race they could play major roles and become an asset to the Alliance.

high elves are a dead race who are just a gimmick for the humans to become their wifes and husbands. Blood elves make up the bulk now and they will stay on the Horde for a slong as this game still runs. Now we only need a competent leader that is not Bob.

The Horde side of that indicates that Lor’Themar wasn’t super interested and only considered it because of what Garrosh was doing.

Even Varian suggests that he had only started to talk.

I think honestly Varian hoped it would lead to that and maybe it would have but Lor’themar wasn’t super invested beyond the direct danger to his people he was beginning to see Garrosh as.

And yeah the Purge put a full stop to whatever it was regardless and since I really doubt we’d ever see the Blood Elves consider rejoining the Alliance now.