Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Bob is the Baine of the blood elves. He literally only exists to make the peace treaty possible.

Ah yes because eternal war for a race thats already gone through a genocide is the best option so hes clearly weak for being ok with peace.

I haven’t forgotten the Purge of Dalaran. Also Night elves had genocide too yet they keep fighting the Horde. Lor’themar has betrayd the interests of his own people like pretty much the entire Horde council. I spit on the Dragonscale expedition and everything they stand for.

Do the Night Elves still fight? Way I hear it they’ve chosen Renewal.

You betray your people to war and famine? Foolish.

Yes they do. Read Exploring Azeroth Kalimdor. Silverpine, Azshara, the Barrens and Durotar are under constant threat of alliance forces.

Half of Silvermoon is in ruins. Ghostlands full of scourge. Jaina is alive. The Zandalari army is depleted and the fleet is mostly sunken. The majority of the Horde races are in a bad shape. And it is all due to their leaders chosing sycophancy with the alliance. Horde lost. Alliance won. We were humiliated.

Exploring Azeroth is old now. SLs is ended. Not really sure the Night Elves still fight given they’ve chosen Renewal.

Even the Worgen may have stopped since the Pallid Lady intends to pull the Forsaken out of Gilneas.

Peace opens doors for everyone who by now is very much depleted from constant war.

Ah yes, lets keep fighting wars so we can’t focus on fixing that finally.

Ah yes. Settling scores will truly help rebuild Silvermoon. Its a great idea to waste time in war to kill just one human.

No one has a fleet anymore. Remember the Alliance Fleet was dropped to the sea floor.

The Alliance is any better? Everyones in bad shape. Because they’ve been fighting wars for a very very long time.

These last three years in game time have been the first opportunity for any real rebuilding.

Horde lost because it followed a woman who was trying to kill them. They didn’t have the honor or will to stand up to their warchief for the second time for some random reason and they threw themselves into a pointless war right after already depleting their forces against the Legion.

Alliance didn’t actually fare much better all things considered.

If you see it as humiliation then you’re on the right track. Its humiliating that any war happened at all after Argus.

Stop bumping this nonsense thread already.

another filthy traitor.

If the rest of the council has a brain they will not do that. We need Gilneas to make sure the alliance can’t sandwich us between there and Stromgarde.

Peace benefits the alliance only. The Horde council is a joke with every passing day Rastakhan is not avenged.

Just a portion. Most of it is intact.

She is the greatest alliance weapon. Without her they have no deus ex machina to win their battles.

As Metzen put it. They are still a super power with limitless resources.

Their leaders decided to align with the alliance. They rather harm loyal Horde soldiers then the enemy.

Which it is. 8.1 was the finale of the expansion. And the Horde lost everything.

I would If the high elf crowd realizes Blizzard has already given them what they wanted. Twice.

The real and only High elves are the Blood elves, the ones who respect their fallen ones, and carry their name using Sin’dorei, instead of being lap dogs of the humans, and playing nobility.

The high elves are gone. We were reborn as something new and better. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Now we are Sin’dorei. We suffered but prevailed. Now we only need our true leader back in the fold that actually has interest in our wellbeing and doesn’t crumble once the Alliance gives him a mean look.

I mean renaming the gang isnt the same as being reborn. Just saying.

To some the High Elves might as well be extinct. But they still have a presence and can still recover. Look at the Tauren. The centaur almost wiped them out and pushed to extinction. But with the protection of the Horde the Tauren have rebuilt their numbers - societies - military.

Prejudices born from the schism is understandable. As for interbreeding and watering down Elvish blood.
There are Black Blood Elves around. So that could be happening on both sides. Despite the faction differences. But then again not all humans are Alliance.

Lorthermar Theron is as competent of a leader that the Blood Elves will have. Kaelthas turned to the Fel to satisfy blood elfs addiction to magic. Velen seeing the Blood Elves already murdered Muuru simply used his remains to restore their Sunwell. So the magic junkies are back on their old supply.

Bob is just a ranger. Kael’thas was a mage on par of power with the likes of Jaina. Fel magic made us powerful. The crystals he brought form Outland reignited the magic in the city and helped us rebuilding. That is why his statues are everywhere. Because he saved our race from extinction, rallying the survivors under the phoenix banner.

The Blood Elves as a race are a very fickle people. They left the Alliance because 1 guy was mean to them.
Warchief Hellscream was mean to the Blood Elves as well and a few Blood Elves died during his campaign. This is what made Lorthemar want to return back to the Alliance.

Tactically it would have been the smart choice. With Silvermoon under Alliance control. Then with the Trollbanes in Arathi and supply routes from Ironforge and Stormwind then the restoration of Gilneas to the Gilnean people can be possible as well as return of Lordaeron to the LIVING Lordaereons.

But Jaina’s actions did drive them back to the Horde.
That Void Elves have come to the Alliance is just evidence of the fickleness of the Blood Elves.

The schism between High and Blood I think came around the time of the Scourge defeating them and those that follow Kaelthas.

Alleria has no authority. The majority of the convocation died and Kael was the last heir to the throne. Sylvanas was the ranger general and Lor’themar her second in command. Alleria was a captain and I doubt Vereesa even had a formal rank among the Farstriders. Everyone who actually had some leadership power in the old thalassian society sided with the Horde one way or another.

90% Did follow Kaelthas and no longer consider themselves High Elves.
But to pretend that High Elves don’t exist is foolishness. They are few in number yes but can still rebuild.

Alleria is a leader so the Void Elves turned to her for leadership. More than just controlling the maddening whispers of the Void. She just did not have a leadership position in the Army of the Light as time flowed differently so was part of the 1000 year war against the Burning Legion.

Vareesa just was a family girl. Just wanted her Rhonin that the Horde murdered among other people including the High Elves that were peacefully existing in Theramore.

Vereesa has always looked for an excuse to throw the Sunreavers out of Dalaran. Aethas was a fool to trust them even more now that he tries to give Jaina a gift. The SR should elect a new leader that doesn’t cower before the Kirin Tor. Not to mention he gave Felo’melorn to the Tirisgarde. He is peak perfect at betraying his own people like Baine does just worse.

The mistake that Aethas made cost Blood Elves their lives. They died in helping Garrosh Warchiefs campaign. They died as a consequence as some of the Blood Elves chose to take up arms against Jaina Proudmoore. While others were simply imprisoned - unharmed and taken care of before their release.

Someone already listed the reasons for why Vareesa dislikes the Horde but you ignored all of it.
Baine has always led his people with pride. Drove out the Grimtotems, has a friendship with Anduin and his actions communicates to the Alliance that some of the Horde have scraps of “honour” left.

There would need more than the Silver Covenant to rebuild the High Elves as a people.

The Silver Covenant is a bunch of war criminals that hasn’t been punished yet.

Because she brought all on this on herself. If you don’t want the Horde to kill you then you don’t cross their way. Rhonin decided to break neutrality and aid Theramore. And so he had to deal with the consequences. Jaina personally entrusted Vereesa with carrying out the killing of the blood elves. But instead of searching for the actual person(Fanlyr Silverthorn) who used Dalaran portals to get the divine bell from Darnassus to Silvermoon, she instant took out the Sunreavers who had nothing to do with this.

She acted without authority from the rest of the council. It lead to the only good thing Bob ever did(Trying to have her release her people or threaten Jaina with death if she didn’t comply).

Who the hell is Bob?