Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

My name for Lor’themar. It is an inside joke back from Blizzcon 2008. A Dev was asked about the leader for the blood elves but couldn’t remember his actual name so he called him Bob instead.

Lorthemar is best thing that ever happened to blood elves. Not to mention he has good taste in women. And is dubbed by briliant voiceactor.

Bob just got Walmart Elisande as his wife. Kael’thas would have demanded the real deal. They could have been a true power couple. Speaking of their pure magical power they both wield. We were robbed.

It is more of an ongoing civil war between High Elf and Blood Elf.
It does happen in other fantasy. High Elf and Dark Elf in Warhammer Fantasy and 40K.
Night Elfs hate Trolls despite their evolution from Dark Trolls.
Both High Elves and Blood Elves have taken shots at each other.

Is that the case of the human civilians that were minding their own business before the Horde claughtered defenceless civilians those they captured their souls were fuel for the fel.

The Horde is what they have always been. Dreamers of Conquest. But there are those that are able to challenge them. Should the High Elves rebuild their numbers and their strength then old rivalries with the Blood Elves that are hiding among the Horde could be settled.

Perhaps it was because when Aethas learned about it he chose to do nothing. Demonstrating the reason why the Horde were purged of Dalaran. That it was no longer neutral territory but a launching point for Horde operations.

So yes there were consequences.
Lorthermar Theron is his name not Bob. The Blood Elves that were safe and cared for were returned to Lorthemar unharmed. The Horde are not known for mercy.

His name is Bob. He has not earned my respect so I will keep calling him that until our true leader returns to us and he gets back degraded as a normal Ranger Captain among the Farstriders. He is a soldier not a politician. He doesn’t know how to lead.

It was a staging ground for alliance operations when Jaina used Kirin Tor resources to hide the divine bell in Darnassus.

We do not take more then we need. Unlike the alliance who currently controls the majority of the good and fertile land on all of Azeroth. Doomhammer would not have continued the war if Draenor had been healed somehow.

There is no civil war. Just a handful of exiles rallied behind a girl that never had authority in thalassian society beside her family name. Once the kingdom is fully repaired we can go back to isolation as it used to be under Anasterian.

Lorthemar Theron led the Blood Elf people and is the reason for their survival today.
The better leaders are those that do not actually want it in the first place. A soldier understands when to act and when not to. Politicians are duplicitous by their vey nature, forcing others to suffer for their politices.

The Night Elves also have mages among them. Despite their bad blood about the Highborne of the past.

The first war was literally the Horde taking more than needed, fighting for the sake of fighting. It is why Rexxar left the Horde for a time even though he came through the Dark Portal with them but later rejoined the Horde in BFA.

Night Elves have consistently fought Horde deforestation. If the Horde don’t blow up one planet they turn life filled planet into lifeless rocks.

Exiles? So it is tyranny of the majority then?
In following Kaelthas Sunstrider. In not abandoning being a High Elf.
It is too late for isolation.

Let me quote our last king directly here:

“I have seen war, Sylvanas. So have your parents. It is a horrible thing. The troll attacks already cost us, in lives, and in the faith of our people that we will keep them safe. This is not our war.”

— Anasterian refuses to war against the Old Horde

It is as good as an option as anything else.

Considering there is no democracy in WoW yes. The majority of the people gets to decide what happens to the nation. That is how a leader should balance his or her actions.

No. Doomhammer knew the humans would strike back eventually and not allow him to keep Stormwind. So he had to fight until the humans were dealt with. That was the only logical thing to do.

Blizzard tells us it was Jaine herself who guarded the Bell behind wards all around Darnassus. As leader of the Kirin Tor back then she acted in their behalf. The Sunreavers couldn’t betray any neutrality that already only exists on paper. Rommath was right about this. Supported by the alliance forces moving through the city during the purge.

He isn’t the leader because he earned it. He is the leader because the people that are better options were killed. Same thing with Cairne and Baine.

You fail to understand that for the Blood Elves there is no future outside of the Horde.
They have made themselves a military target.

The High Elves forget their own path. Just as the Blood Elves have forged theirs.

Demon blood only multiplied Horde bloodthirst. So taking more than they needed is what they done, but more than that they just wanted a fight.

Jaina Proudmoore kept her duties to the Kirin Tor separate to her work within the Alliance. Above anyone else she maintained their neutrality.

Exactly the leader they needed but did not know if they wanted.

New leaders can arise among the High Elves. But although much fewer than the Blood Elves, the High Elves will not submit to Horde rule.

Ok Bobo. You can go to Shadow Lands and start Kaelthas Cringestriders fanclub. I like Lorthemar and his new wife. After all we were there with Thalyssra all the way from her betrayal, to the bottom of almost wretched existance nad all the way up back to glory.

Elisande got slapped around by few loot hungry adventurers as far as I remember.

They have spent the last 3000 years in isolation. Before the Alliance or Horde even existed. They can do so again if the situation requires it.

What does this have to do with my answer?

They didn’t fight because they wanted. They kept fighting becuase Lothar already had plans to return to Stormwind and push the Orcs out.

She didnt. That is the big lie Aethas kept telling himself ignoring the obvious. And I swear if we have him apologize to Jaina it will just show more of alliance bias from Blizzard in a world were wrongs that happen to the Horde are never avenged while the Alliance keeps killing our leaders and raid our cities with no consequences.

Nobody asked for him. He has guards around the city that manipulate citizen’s mind if they step out of line. Go to the bazar in Silvermoon. A little conversation happens there. You might be surprised.

They already have leaders. Alleria, Vereesa and Auric.

By that same logic the blood elves are being lapdogs to the orcs and trolls.

High elves are not just part of the alliance because of humans.

Some High elves, like Highvale joined the alliance because of old friendships with the Wildhammer Dwarves.

Other high elves, like the Theramore ones, were loyal to the Alliance because Jaina took them in and protected them from the scourge,

The High elves of Quel’lithean, didn’t agree with the fel tactics the blood elves used on TBC.

The high elves of Allerian stronghold, were affected by the orcs invading their villages in Warcraft 2. Some lost a brother, a son, a family member and this joined Alleria on her mission of Outland.

Using the windrunner sister’s marriage choices to suggest all high elves are lapdogs of Humans is not right.

Especially since there are plenty of Blood elves who fell for humans. Kael’thas fell for Jaina, Valeera fell for Flynn, and that Dark skinned horde blood elf in Dragon isles who said Khadgar is handsome.

And that a certain Male blood elf mage seems to have a thing for a human female mage in 10.0.5.

I rest my case

She shares the same fate as Kael. Being offed so Blizzard can give players more loot. There is no actual lore reason for them to die beyond the PvE.

I will bargain for his soul and demand the Winter Queen to bring him back to life.

With their engagement with Alliance and Horde they won’t be left alone. Even if the Vulpera replace the Blood Elves.

Blood Elves already turned their back on being High Elves. Others didn’t - they remain and won’t be dominated by the Blood Elves.

He doesn’t have to be asked. What the Blood Elves are now after the defeat of Kaelthas is owed to Lorthemar Theron.

Why can’t you people just pick void elf and install sound replacer addon to swap velf lines to belfs? Would be nice community effort and it would end this elf humping once and for all :smile: Might be more productive than keeping this thread alive too.

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No. Without Kael reaching out to Illidan and syphon Fel magic the blood elves had never recovered. Bob is at best a better steward, nothing else.

So let them go to a pointless war again. It is not the concern of the elves any longer. The Horde resources are drained and the Forsaken lost control over half of Lordaeron. Only Tirisfal and Andorhal are still in their full procession. They can’t hope to defend Quel’thalas if the humans go north to get the rest. Without Horde alignment the sin’dorei can make sure not to get under colletoral fire.

The current high elves are defined by being tools of their human friends over the nation. They stay with the alliance because they get heyed by them. Nothing else. Alleria and Vereesa are alone with their blue patriotism.

Lorthemar Theron took a race of magic junkies who are defeated demoralised and betrayed by their own Prince and turned them into somewhat of survivors. But with the help of the Draenai now returning to their own kingdom.

You fail to understand. Horde interference is the only thing that is preventing the Alliance from conquering Silvermoon. Then giving it to High Elves and Void Elves. Then purging the Forsaken as well. Resettlement efforts. So the Eastern Kingdoms could then be under Alliance control fully.

You see Moira actually once controlled Ironforge until Varian interfered with the whole kidnap of Anduin thing and left it under the rule of the council of Three Hammers.

Incorrect. Wildhammers are a strange bunch, just the hills and their griffons. but there is a strong bond between them and the High Elves.
There are probably more High Elves that are neutral to the Alliance than those that are pro Alliance.

The Horde did nothing when Zuldazar was under siege of the alliance. They will continue to do nothing when the EK get under attack because Baine and Thrall are too keen on preserving the peace for the Kalimdor Horde. That is why leaving the sinking ship before it sets fire is the right thing to do.

Kael went to Outland and have the Netherstorm used to draw out as much power as possible since the Nether is the origin of all magic. Would have worked if the Horde hadn’t send their lackeys to kill him. Meanwhile all Bob ever did was sitting his bum out in Silvermoon being passive. It is a meme by now that the Horde leaders pretty much never move in action by themselves.

All high elves I met ingame are alliance aligned. The only neutral I saw was a single boat captain in Ratchet. Because Northwatch sunk his ship and kidnapped his crew.

You constantly make stuff up then talk about headcannon.
The Horde was led outside of Zulduzar as Blade Master Telamon led a distraction force of Night Elves - Void Elves - Dark Irons to lure out the bulk of the Zandalari army.
The Darkspear Trolls and Bilgewater Goblins were part of it and fell for it. Alhthough Telamon almost destroyed Rokhan on his own. He only fell to a combined Horde effort.

Horde are known to be would-be conquerors. What if they stomp out talks of Blood Elf isolationist.

Does not mean that there are not a sizeable population among the High Elves that are neutral to the Alliance.

It does not matter if you are grateful or ungrateful. Lorthemar done so much for the Blood Elf people. They will follow him as a race. Your dreams of isolationist is just a dream.

There is nothing to be grateful for. The Fel crystals came from Kael’thas. The techniques to drain living beings from their magic too. It was Velen who ignited the Sunwell anew. And it was Rommath who dictated the more confintational course against Dalaran. None of these accomplishments are the work of Bob.

Source or it didn’t happen.

Not under the current leadership. Our government is now similar to the alliance. If you want to leave you can. The Horde almost lost the Zandalari due to their inaction.

A Horde under control of Sylvanas. Baine and Thrall wouldn’t have acted the same way. Infact the first thing Baine did after the raid was to surrender and lose the war.

Actually they left partially due to the fact they didn’t really buy into it in the first place, partially cause they didn’t want to continue sending resources after the Second War was over, partially cause the Alliance mostly pulled out of their lands when Lordaeron was under attack and left them to deal with the Amani and a small group of Horde that stayed to keep attacking Quel’Thalas and partially cause Deathwing in human form was messing with everybody at the time.

They technically left the Alliance as a country after the second war but maintained some of their connections. The High Elves had always been mostly aloof from the Alliance, and Alleria and her band were more involved.

Kael’thas and his forces were definitely pissed about the Garithos thing cause y’know… they tried to kill their prince and his forces for, lets say, less than stellar reasons. But I don’t think thats the whole story as to why Quel’Thalas was a little sus of the Alliance as a whole. They always have been.

Between the time of TBC and MoP the Blood Elves were only still finding their footing and what Garrosh was doing was a ridiculous departure even from the things that bothered the Blood Elves beforehand about the Horde. (Like Sylvanas demanding they send troops right after TBC to the war effort in Icecrown.) Lor’themar cares, like most leaders, for his people more than anything and Garrosh was trying actively to push all but orcs away.

So yeah when Varian started squawking about rejoining it would have looked mighty appealing. Still we see it wasn’t really something he was super into in the Horde side of the quest. He was hesitant but afraid of what Garrosh would do.

That doesn’t mean he wasn’t still unsure the Alliance was a good move for his people. By then a lot of conflict had already happened between Blood Elves and the Alliance. Not like it would have been an easy fit right back into the Alliance fold.

Given they are exiled and their once former hero came to their rescue I really don’t begrudge them going with an offer to join the Alliance. Small group like that getting all the supplies the Alliance can bring them? Its a good deal. Not sure its fickleness as much as pragmaticism.

Also keep in mind part of the reason Umbric’s group weren’t super bothered by the whole join the Alliance thing is because they as a group never really wanted to be Horde.

It came a bit after that according to Chronicle. It wasn’t until the Blood Elves began using their arcane tap magic thing to drain magic forcefully from living things. Further sealed of course when Quel’thalas joined the Horde. Their schism has always been more ideological than anything else.