Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Blood Elves are still fickle. Like trying to pick a hat and stick with it. Garithos! Keep forgetting his name. Just one mean Alliance guy.

It was a tactical move. The Alliance leadership can teach those under them the wisdom of that. Chess players not checkers.

The Blood Elves and even the High Elves are all without exception magic junkies. So feeding on the void is just a new source to save their addiction. Whether it be Sunwell - Arcane - Naaru - Fel - Void. At some point that race will try a new source of magic to feed their ongoing addiction. It could be Druidism next or even the Elements themselves.

The void interfered with their Sunwell especially given that the the remains of Muuru’s corpse is what powers the current Sunwell.
So Alleria took them in. Probably kinship with being cast out of Silvermoon. With her ties with the Alliance and more specifically Turalyon. Alleria Windrunner is the definition of “I think I can fix them”.

But Magister Umbric is now trying to prove the value of the Void Elves to the Alliance. As far as addiction goes the Void is the most unstable source to get their fix.
But between void lords whispers and cthulu like shenanigans and their history with the Horde. Justifiable caution should be exercised.

readcomiconline ← It has World of Warcraft comics. Vereesa Sanguinar in the comics of when the strong willed version of Varian was a slave in the gladiator pits of the Horde. She says herself about how Blood Elf children are born with that addiction.

Don’t remember what they are called. But the shrivelled in the Blood Elf starting area and Eastern Plaguelands shows what they become if they don’t sate this addiction.

They would surprise you.

Nathanos Blightcaller was the right hand man and most trusted of Sylvannas. He led the Horde forces trying to fight their way into Zulduzar.

Leadership - Direction - Guidance - Purpose - Drive to move forward - Organisation and discipline.

cowardice - weakness - appeasement - chaos - inaction and apathy.

And the minute Rastakhan was dead Baine called for surrender. Thanks to his friend Jaina the king is dead and he still protects her. He is no Horde leader.

You are extremely short sighted.
The Horde could not continue the war any longer. Cutting your losses is important but more than that but knowing and being able to assess the military strength you have is important.
A peace treaty with the Alliance protects the Horde including the Zandalari. As a new member of the Horde the peace treaty covers the Zandalari Trolls as well.
So only acts of vengeance by the Zandalari Trolls against the Alliance would cause action being taken. The peace treaty also forces the Zandalari to not be overly aggressive and give themselves time to recover and rebuild.

People like you will send for example: the 50 Zandalari trolls soldiers left against the Alliance only to be taken out. Then claim honour that they died fighting. Instead of they remain to train and replace the Zandalari military.

Banes actions gave the Alliance diplomats a voice to argue for peace.
You claim he is no leader but saving as much of your people as you can is a mark of a leader. Placing their wellbeing and future first.
Saurfang sought to save as many Horde as he could at the battle for Lordaeron when the Horde (once again) plagued the Horde.

I think rebuilding the scattered High Elves should be left to the Wildhammer Dwarves.

Thats why Thalyssra is actually a horrible leader
Leting the Nightwell to go out - while they could stabilize it, not to mention the Eye of Aman’thul after Azshara ploundered the Temple was up to grab again - but actually sooner, we closed the portal because it linked Azeroth to Argus. Then Illian tore a hole to the sky, opened a Portal to there
Allied her people with the Horde, while neutrality would been best, friend to both sides

Just as a regular race please
“Allied races” involve the chore of leveling one the slow way for the sake of heritage sets.

What would we need to level to unlock them anyway? :thinking:
WoTL Argen reputation , the one that unlocks the Silver Covenant tabard?
That woulld be hilerious

The unlock should be a nice party full of Thallasian elves getting high out of their minds on swifthistle and remembering/reminiscing their past

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What I don’t want:

Desolate council
Female Thrall
Walmart Elisande

What I want:

AU Grommash
King Dazar

Got it? I want true leaders and not peace knicks.

What the majority of the Horde playerbase don’t really want:


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I am the salvation of the Horde.

It seems that the Elvish species are very much dependent to whatever degree on magic. But Thalyssra was a shrivelled herself but led her people to defeat the faction that sided with Guldan and the Burning Legion.

That would make the Nightborne no different to the Blood Elves. Their dependency on some kind of well or font of magic power. This made the Nightborne their own people. They turn on the Night Elves they descend from, similar to how Night Elves reject Trolls.

Neutrality is not possible and they had shut themselves off from the outside world for a long time. The reason for the Nightborne joining the Horde is apparently Tyrande said mean words to them. So the contribution the Alliance put into saving the Nightborne people meant nothing at that point.

But thats the beauty of it!
The Arcan’Dor Tree cured the Shal’dorei (and presumably, could cure the Sin’dorei too)

Worked for the Pandaren
And now the Dracthyr

Thrall was the founder of the Horde on Kalimdor.
Baine tries as much as possible to maintain the “honour” of the Horde.
Gazlowe built and rebuilt Orgrimmar the Horde has changed a lot due to Goblin Engineering.
Desolate Council is just the Horde trying something new.
Lorthemar Theron is the only leader that the Blood Elves have.
Dracthyr have yet to make an impact.
Thralls girlfriend turned baby momma literally put him back together again.
Mayla is who the Highmountain chose as their leader.
Old Granny Thalyssra meh is the Nightborne’s leader.
Kiro is the voice of the Vulpera and Your new overlord.

Doomhammer is dead and so is his legacy.
Magatha Grimtotem will cause more Horde casualties than the Alliance.
Voljin might be on his way to becoming a loa.
Kaelthas is an angry little Elf that sold out his people.
Gallywix is still mourning the loss of the raid boss monster that is literally made of gold and treasure.
Chen is neutral.
Not sure about Dracthyr.
AU Grommash is an old orc. that made a suicidal charge into High Exarch Yrel’s forces.
Elisande? The Nightborne will never get over the whole - selling her people to the legion both body and souls thing. She is worse than Queen Azshara.
Dragrul was a short sighted opportunist that carved a bloody path of those that gets in his way.
King Dazar is dead a relic of an age long past.
Lei-Shen was a tyrant that thought himself Emperor. Drunk on his own power just to be crushed by the Tolvir.

Imagine if you will. Going through rehabilitation and no longer being a cr4ckhead (or whatever the dr4g of choice). Only then after Rehab to go right back on the stuff that made you a junkie.
Thallyssra was smart enough to understand Mr Mackays lesson: Drugs are bad Mkay.
Meanwhile the Blood Elves monopolise the Sunwell and essentially get high everyday. Except when there are Horde campaigns and stuff to do.

Nightborne are not the Pandaren or Dracthyr.

Like any true Goblin would, unlike the communist Gazlowe.

He defeated Lothar. Thrall can’t even kill Garrosh without his magic.

Should have stayed dead instead of sacrificing Rezan.

The Grimtoten tribe knows how to fight and can change the Tauren for the better.

He is the last heir to the throne of Silvermoon. Bob doesn’t have the guts to stand up to Alleria next time she tries to bribe Quel’thalas to rejoin the alliance.

Was Horde aligned in the past when he helped to kill Daelin Proudmoore.

Just compare her to Azurathel. Guy is tall af.

He might be alive still. We need to find out and return to Draenor.

The Nightwell showed her visions. It is not her fault really.

Zul raised him. He is still active in Atal’dazar. As the first king it is his right to challenge Talanji.

He was against the idea to have outsiders use the hammer.

Without deus ex machina from the Tol’Vir his reign would have lasted thousands of years. I replace Vulpera with Mogu any day.


She seems young in her attitude. Also she was worfed by Jaina. Not even close to be a powerful mage.

She inherited a line of succession. It isn’t a choice when youd do not have the chance to elect someone.

Female Thrall is Geya’rah. They pushed her and killed Durotan for no reason.

It is Blizzard’s way of giving us playable dragons.

No. We can go to Revendreth and make a bargain for Kael’s soul.

Councils are stupid. A strong leader can carry the story on their own. Just look at the alliance.

He is a construction worker. Not an engineer genius. Gallywix at least used his wealth to buy the best technology avaiable.

Wrong. He only exists to be the voice of peace. He only cares about his ideals. Which has cost many brave Horde warriors their lifes.

A green human with no connection to actual Orc culture. If Doomhammer hadn’t died to a cowards attack then the Orcs had never picked Thrall. He has overstayed his time. Time to bring back the veterans.

You constantly make stuff up and have successfully derailed yet another thread. Saw you do the same thing on the Vulpera appreciation thread.

Gazlowe is a Goblin through and through. Gallywix actually enslaved the Bilgewater cartel and they actively resisted him. They were no more than slaves to mine Kaja Mite. Stop pretending as though Gallywix is not the worst of Goblin kind.

I often speak about how every single time the Horde cheats at Mak’Gora their “sacred” duel. Oh and Turalyon cut down Doomhammer swiftly after with the broken sword of Lothar and chanelling the Light through it.

Prayer - worship - there are mortals that became loa. The same thing happened with Bwonsamdi.

Grimtotem are militaristic they care for nothing other than Grimtotem and war with anyone and everyone.

Does not disporve what I said. Not sure who Bob is. More headcannon?

Chen on his adventures helps out those who he chooses to. Chen has always been neutral. The crisis at the time to the Horde was if the Horde could live in peace. Jaina sold her father for peace with the Horde only to have the Horde blow up Theramore later on.

Ideological subversion. Now Dracthyr are made androgenous. probably to “challenge gender stereotypes” or something. Neutral races did have masculine and feminine characters.
You can tell a male and female pandaren at a glance. You can’t say the same about Dracthyr.

The Horde made their last stand and was steadily crushed to dust by the Draenai led by High Exarch Yrel’s forces.
The only thing he done yet again was one last suicidal charge. Abandoning his responsibility to those that follow him.

Elisande made decisions that her people suffered for. While she was literally in her tower bathing in the power of the Nightwell from dusk to dawn. Her actions could not be forgiven her peoples souls became fuel for the Fel.
This is what you want in power? Another tyrant.

Enemy of Progress. ← This is a saying that Nigerians have in the real world.
This seems to apply to you. The Zandalari have grown and changed since their first King. But you would drag them back to the times of their first King. Although there are many many generations far removed from his reign.

Dragrul killed anyone that won’t submit even his own people. He abused the little bit of power that he had despite the world being invaded by the Burning Legion at the time. He had a short but bloody reign.

You fail to understand that Lei-Shen’s fall was due to his arrogance. So drunk on his own power that he thought that no force on Azeroth could challenge him. He learned otherwise.

You will bow to Kiro. It’s only when.

But yet Granny Thalyssra was asking Jaina Proudmoore about the magecraft used for…

Odd for humans to teach Elves magecraft. no? thought that was the thing for Elves.

Enemy of Progress. The Blood Elves have change a lot and moved on from Kaelthas rule.

Constantly comparing the Horde to the Alliance instead of just focusing on the Horde. Sounds like Alliance - Envy if you would admit it.

Without Gazlowe the Horde will lose a lot of its engineering talents and expertise and become weaker as a whole. Militaries are supported by infrastructure.

Peace purchases a future for the Horde.

This is nonsensical at best. The Humans instilled positive and long lasting values in him that tempered the more savage nature of an Orc. But he is still very much Orc.
Cowards attack? He was slain in combat. Though the Horde praises a warriors death.

Move on from the past.

This thread became pointless because Blizzard already gave the alliance extra customization options to make your void elf character look like a high elf. Moontear’s complaints won’t archieve anything.

Without demon blood to make them physically stronger and warlock magic the Orcs form the AU have a great disadvantage. Not to mention that Naaru apparently can one shot the entire garrison stationed at Beastwatch.

Sided with the Darkspear rebellion. If he was neutral he would have waited for the Shado-Pan to arrive.

My name for Lor’themar. watch post above. I explained it already.

Yes. They are perfect. They can turn Tauren back to their Warcraft 3 selves. “Death to the enemies of the Horde!”

You miss the obvious. There was no need to kill Rezan or bringing Vol’jin back. This is fanservice, nothing else.

Because Doomhammer was wounded. To this date he is still the strongest warrior the Orcs ever had followed by Grommash. Back when we had those fighters we stood a chance in war still. Now our leaders are soldier tier at best.

He is not. He is a Lenin. He is inches away from sparking a red revolution. Goblins are supposed to be capitalist. Gazlowe is not the best. Never been. He got the job because of nepotism from Thrall.

Gallywix is the embodiement of what it means to be a Goblin. Rich, greedy, cunning and all that. I loved his screentime.

What I want is leaders who can match the might of the alliance on even scales. Not soldier tier people who get sneezed away by simple spells.

There is no progress to be speak of. Talanji is a feminist power fantasy. She is not a character buta plot device for the woke agenda of Blizzard. dazar however build Zuldazar and lead the Trolls out of Nazmir to become the first and oldest civilization of Azeroth.

He fought against the White Tiger and won. Of course he thinks he can take Uldum if they hadn’t had that forge of origination thing.

Thalyssra is a weakling. I already pointed that out before. It is a shame all great elven mages are outclassed by humans.

You have no source to confirm this. There might be still a huge movement of his supporters. Afterall his body was buried on Quel’danas. It could be a pilgrim side.

Goblins want to be paid. that is all they care about. They have no line of morality.

Peace means weakness.

He is not. His own people have questioned his ability to lead many times. He didn’t grow up on Draenor. He has no idea what the Orc race was like before they ended up in camps.

It is needed to see who is stronger. And a good way of doing that is to put the leaders next to each other. And in there Alliance wins with miles ahead.

Human potential. Blizzard has made clear they are their pet race.

I will not. Vulpera are a critter race and they need to be removed from the Horde.

But these are not High Elves. But a completely different people that like the rest of the Blood Elves declared that there is nothing about them that is High Elves anymore.

Demon blood made them slaves to the Burning Legion. It was ultimately the plan of Khiljhadden to use the Orcs as the tool of the destruction of the Draenai.

Once again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge of the Lore. Chen and Voljin are old friends from back in Warcraft days. There was even a book about their adventures called Shadows of the Horde.
Chen was simply coming to help an old friend. The Alliance also assisted the Darkspear Rebellion but are not actually Horde.

So when they decide that the enemies of the Horde are members of the Horde. What then? The Alliance will sit by and watch the Horde kill each other off.

Doomhammer is what he always has been. A puppet leader and simply a tool of Guldan and the Shadowcouncil.

You fail to understand Goblins as well. Goblins only have 1 true love. Money. Thats it. Yes the Bilgewater Cartel has done great within the Horde. Gallywix even funded the 4th war for the Horde. But other than that trial and error with invention. Might blow up a few things but eventually make things work.

Good luck with that.
Old rivalries still exist. That Bronzebeard Princess is a place holder. You see should the blood of Dagran Tuarissan prove to be diluted by Moira then the Dark Irons will do what we always have and take our future into our own hands.
You might think your tough until a few mole machines pop up in Silvermoon.

The source is that some split off from Kaelthas and did not follow him to the Magisters Terrace dungeon.

Goblins know where the wind is blowing and whats good for them. The Bilgewater are hedging their bets with the Horde.

You will only bring ruin to the Horde. The Horde does not take Erevien seriously.

Draenor is dead. The Horde blew up the planet. Thrall was the first generations of Azeroth Orcs. Reconnecting the Orcs back to the elements and trying to live with nature. Since genociding the draenai caused the elements to break off contact and relationship.

The return of Thrall could make the Horde a legitimate threat once again.

The Vrykul also underestimated humans potential. But surpassed them and defeated the very King that ordered human babies should be executed for being smaller but not weaker.

Talks like that could cause Kiro to arrange for Vulpera to teleport you somewhere for re-education on Vulpera appreciation.

High elves are blood elves. Just ask Ion. Blizzard will not implement a race that is an exact carbon copycat of another race that already exists on the red team. Just play Horde.

It is a meme. Blizzard chose humans as the poster race for the game because most people identitfy with them. In reality this race could have never defeated several empires on their own. Them and dwarfs rose to power for plot reasons.

Maybe it can be revived. And finally give the Orcs a home that is worth to fight for. Unlike that barren wasteland called Durotar.

He couldn’t stop Jaina when she tried to drown Orgrimmar. Without Kalec talking sense to her all Orcs would be dead.

I am the only one willing to defy the council. I am a hero.

Is that why the Steamwheedles are neutral?

The Scryers are neutral. They haven’t aligned themselves with Silvermoon for the past 16 years. They answer to the Naaru.

Unlike Talanji and the other 5 similar strong Zandalari women characters she is actually interesting. I am quite jealous of the dwarf leadership.

Profit. Gallywix understood this. That is why he is still a fan favorite.

You mistake him for Blackhand. He restored the honor of the Horde when he send his forces after him and put the traitors to the sword. Or Axes in this case. Gul’dan and all his followers are dead. That is what their greed for power brought them.

Magatha and her family can hold the bloodhoof weaklings in line.

If he had to pick a side it would be Horde. I am sure of it.

Which was stupid. They built up Vol’jin just to tear him down. Same with Sylvanas. Horde leaders get the shaft as always.

And gave them more broad bodies. And muscles. And red eyes. They looked more scary then before. Previously they were brown skinned and brown eyed.

They are. Just like blood elves. Being a high elf is a poltitical statement. Nothing to do with looks. You don’t stop being a human just because you immigrate to a different nation.