Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

They are not.

Correct me if I’m wrong: Highborne were Night Elves using Arcane magic and after they refused to stop using it, the other Night Elves forced them out of their society. Some followed Azhara and became Naga, others were left behind in Suramar isolated for 10k years and became the Nightborne. But those who left to the Eastern Kingdom became High Elves. Many High Elves died during some attacks(?), but those who survived renamed themselves as Blood Elves. I reckon some High Elves did not follow the new “Blood Elves”, but decided to find their way back to Stormwind and other Alliance territories?

Night Elves and Highborne were the same thing. Highborne were the nobles effectively. A higher class in the society.

The Nightborne sealed themselves off during the War of the Ancients and the Naga are Aszhara’s followers who were lost beneath the waves.

While we’re here the Shen’Dralar sealed themselves off in Eldre’thalas.

The Quel’Dorei (which is the word for highborne but has changed connotation over time to just mean High Elves.) Were exiled for continuing to use magic after the War of the Ancients and would later become the High Elves/Blood Elves we know today.

Arthas, in his bid to serve and later become the Lich King attacked Quel’thalas and decimated it. 90% of the population of the Quel’Dorei were killed during this attack leaving 10% remaining. After some other things, 9% of these remainder would change their name to Blood Elf or Sin’dorei in honor of the fallen. The remaining 1% was either not there, left because they didn’t agree with some decisions the Sin’dorei made, or had some other reason to remain using the name High Elf.

Those remaining 1% were spread all over or moved to other locations outside of Quel’Thalas for the most part. The largest group of them is most likely the ones in Dalaran, many of which would become members of the Silver Covenant though Dalaran has high elves who are not associated with any political factions.

Other areas we find them are a small group in Stormwind, a small lodge in the Loch Modan, a group within the Hinterlands called the Highvale, remnants of the Alliance’s expedition to Outland and a scattered few in other locations. (Like Formerly Theramore.)

Void Elves meanwhile are blood elves who were tossed out of Quel’Thalas more recently and got trapped in a trap by Ethereals turning them into Void filled elves. They appear to have a smattering of Blood and High Elves showing interest in learning to use the void like they do and probably are becoming new void elves themselves.

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Incorrect. Rose through determination - will - strength and fortitude.

What the Horde done to Draenor they will to do Azeroth given time and opportunity. With the burning of Teldrassil there is not much if any opposition to Horde deforestation. Between this and the spread of plague for all of the talks about the Alliance having fertile lands the Horde will turn fertile lands into barren or plagued lands.

Thrall could have still called upon the elements to try and stop the drowning of Theramore. But should there not be any reprisal after the bombing of Theramore?

A hero in your own mind. That would leave a weakened Horde in a weaker position. No leadership and direction - less stable - no unity and moving forward as one as a Horde.

Dark Irons have always lead our own future. Not look to the Bronzebeards or anyone else.

Some of the original shadow-council of original Guldan still remain. One made an appearance on the Broken Shore staging area after the armies of the Order Halls fought back.

Magatha GrimTotem will only make the Bloodhoof an easier military target.

Story writing did take a hit but Voljin could become a Loa.

However it altered them was not just physically.

The Blood Elves still chose to turn their back on and reject everything that is High Elf. The Blood Elves also came to use or taste the Fel while the High Elves did not. The Blood Elves went to enslave the Naaru called Muuru and drove him to its death.

I don’t think Blizzard will add Alliance High Elves as a playable race but they may add an option in character creation to choose between Void Elf and High Elf.

We won’t get the full high elf pack (mount, armor…) but it would be better than nothing.

It almost closed this thread

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We were so close :sob:
You had to necro this, didn’t you???


3 days remained that could be closed

this thread will never close. its destiny :pensive:

going back to the topic you can make a very convincing High elf using the correct mount and transmog. all that’s missing really is a voice and nameplate.

some examples below:




a mount i recommend getting is Sundancer. its basically an updated version of the Quel’dorei steed.

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This option would be perfect for me.

Blizzard could do the same for wildhammers and other races could be added like the dragonmaw clan for example.:+1:


If Nightborne could get Felborne Option when the Nightborne could be demon hunters back in 7.3.5

But Nightfallen option could not work, since nightborne are no longer mana addicts

We just gotta re-enable their addiction, easy

speaking like it would not simply come back again the high elf thread on the only forum that matters aka the US has been killed so many times and keep coming back :smiley:

this thread is like the w40k Emperor (may the light be with him always): on the verge of death but it still stands.

God frkn dammit let the thread die already! Stop reviving it!

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There’s clearly a demand for playable high elves :smile:

I doubt it would happen as its own race (think Blizz has been strongly against it ever since belves were added, and velves entered the fray only so the alliance fans could play on their favorite side while still being a Barbie or Legolas), but there could be a choice of racials for both of these races.

You should be able to opt for these in a neutral city with high elf presence (mainly thinking Dalaran here), and they replace belf and velf racials fully, while also adding the High Elf tag for your race while it’s active.

I don’t know what would be a good racial for them so feel free to give examples.

Ooo she’s purty!

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Really??Are you sure? What do you think is in the wine of yours?

I rather it be the Alliance High elves start in Dalaran (Northrend) Silver Enclave were we are introduced into the Silver Covenant by Vereesa Windrunner and from there take the portal to SW Embassy. As it is there Vereesa Windrunner began the Silver Covenant.

Silver Covenant Ranger Heritage Armor. Updated Silver Covenant Unicorn mount and Updated Silver Covenant Hippogryphon.

As the void elves don’t work for the Allliance becuase they LACK the allegiance to the Alliance, the Void elves don’t have long history with the Alliance. They are only in the Alliance because of convenience to learn to control the void powers from Alleria, after that they have no obligation to stay in the Alliance, so much for loyalty. And that’s what Void elves is lacking, that conviction to the Alliance. The Alliance High elves stayed with the Alliance even when their king told them to go home because they believed in the Alliance and they still “do” today just like Alleria did and still do.

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FR, void elves can literally have blue eyes and white skin colour, and in fact, most of them are high elves. YOU ALREADY GOT YOUR HIGH ELVES SINCE THEY ADDED THESE VISUAL OPTIONS.
how people can be so annyoing. let’s add 3rd race which looks exactly the same …
its already hard to recognize og blood elf and most of white void elves with blue eyes

To be fair that comment you replied to was from May 2020. Back then Void elves didn’t have natural skins, natural hair, or tentacle toggle. That all came much later and in different times from each other.

They’ve come a long way since 2020. Still remember the grandma phase when I was forced to use Grey hair as it was the most natural looking hair color :rofl:

Or when we were forced to Roleplay using the blue skin in BFA and acted like the blue skin was a sign of being patriotic to the alliance :rofl: LOL

That would be an option, but i would prefer stand alone the high elven race.

that would work for me then too. Nice idea.

well, visuals are part of why we want playable high elves. Why this bothering you so much?

Yes we need the high elves.

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