Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

this is just epic.

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Not bad for a Ai voices.

Altough that blood elf males quest was confusing. First he says the Night elves have come to poach the springpaw lynx for their pelts, ok so we should stop them right??.. Nope go out there and kill springpaws and collect their pelts and give them to me and Ill give you a hand crafted piece of armor. …Wait are the Night elves really poaching them or you just blaming them for the springpaws are going missing?

Well I quess Blizzard is going to change the lore Between Light and void instead of giving Playable High elves.

From the US Forums.

I can only hope then if Blizzard going forward with void elves as the future of the Alliance High elves that Veeresa and her Silver Covanent joins with the void elves and we get some Silver Covenant themed Weapons and armor and mount/or updated mounts. So the Void elves get better lore background for being part of the Alliance. Instead of just joining for convenience and then just leave when they no longer need Alleria. Also Update High elves outpost and Telogrus Rift.


im pretty sure i said something similair years ago in the same topics. These allaince high elf people obnoxiously keep this topic alive and before they bumped it they kept making new topics all the time

Honestly we have gotten so many pretty elf like races i think we really need some cool brutish races added, like ogres or vrykul. Before we even should think about more elfs

That’s why majority of players are playing elves.

No, we do not. Horde was dying because of this, so blizzard saved them with blood elves.

[Elf fans. Do you still want High Elves? -


You won’t get high elves. Blizzard gave you a compromise. Accept it and move on.

Remember vanilla? When nobody was playing Horde? Because return of the king just came out and everyone thought that playing Horde makes you evil(Orcs and trolls)? We don’t need another situation like that. If you want to give the red team a treat make Sethrak and Amani avaiable.

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Plenty of people did play horde actually. Its that more people snowballed to the horde when pretty races got introduced. And the horde has its pretty races now. Time to go back to the horde roots and have a more shamanistic brutish race like the ogres wich have been in the horde already lorewise. People already can play their pretty elves and yiffy vulpera. In fact pretty much all races wich have been added to wow have been designed around being pretty or cute except goblins

Sir, prepare for a visit from our elite squad of Vulpera on strict asparagus diet to pee in and on your backpack tonight for that !
:fox_face: :hocho:

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Vulpera players sure have weird fetishes

No kinkshaming
And I didn’t say any of those Vulpera will enjoy it…

…and Honor :eyes:

Well atleast it will get the catpiss smell out of my backpack

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30% were Horde. Alliance had it much easier to find groups and stuff.

Amani were longer Horde then Ogres are. And Blizzard knows Ogres are too ugly so they don’t implement them.

yes we will.

Which is?

High elves will be playable.

Void elves can look normal. Take it and leave it be.

Why do “we need” another blood elfish race?

I’ll answer this one for you.

We don’t.

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Hey Moontear, what do you think about a third entierly elven faction run by Aszhara?

Say Azshara comes back from wherever she has been. She has had some kind of vision of the end of Azeroth. And have decided that the only way to save her world is to unite all of elven kind under one banner. Somehow she does this despite her questionable past.

The faction would consist of Queen Azshara as the faction leader, and these races.

Core Races

  • Naga (functions like Dracthyr in that they cannot wear armor but have a Night Elf “visage”).
  • Night Elves.
  • High Elves.
  • Blood Elves.
  • Dark Elves/Drow*

*A new race of Elves found on the other side of Azeroth. Based on High Elves that continued sailing east after the founding of Quel’Thalas, and settled on some new continent/island on the back side of Azeroth (possibly Avaloren).

Allied Races

  • Nightborne
  • Void Elves
  • Half Elves
  • Darkfallen

Neutral Races

  • Pandaren
  • Dracthyr

In exchange for losing a core and allied race each. The Horde and Alliance would finally get Ogres and Vrykul respectively.

so are some races like void elves and vulpera and mechagnomes. that certainly didnt stop blizz

I thought a long time about it, and I came to the conclusion that Void Elves are way cooler and way more unique than high elves, and most fantasies that void elves don’t match with are covered very well by night elves on alliance, if you are an elf enjoyer

Again this nonsense?
The Amani left the Old Horde before the War ended because Doomhammer broke his promise, over ruled his suposedly equal and left them to march against to Humans…
The Amani since then are the enemy of the Horde and Horde quests constantly stomping them to the ground and Horde heroes time to time kill their champions and leaders…
While the Ogre were made war-thralls, but never were happy about it to be in the Horde and serve their lesser descendants…