Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I think we should just get playable the high elves, such as Silver Covenant high elves. that’s it. I would like to have the elven faction + night elves allies.

Aszhara could be redeemed nice idea you mentioned, she could lead naga( elves).

True, but high elves are high elves. That’s what high elf fans would like to play. Not blood or void elf.:slight_smile:

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Blizzard should officially add high elves to the alliance as a playable race, allied race or void elf customization upgrade (high elf tag choice), whatever.
I think this could allow the paladin class to be added without a problem.:man_shrugging:t2:

With the option of the choing voic toggled of - Blood Elf sound
With the option of the Racial toggle of - so you dont turn in to an indigo elf randomly
AND with the High Elven tag
Tho it would be easier to rename the Elven kind Thalassian Elf, blood, high, void, are just names

Let’s not forget the reason they joined the horde was to see Silvermoon destroyed

Oh the irony…… because, you know……blood elves

Anyway. The only way to have playable Forrest trolls now is to do that through the Revantusk tribe. The Revantusk are practically Amani who joined the horde in today’s time.

The High elf NPC’s actually have their own unique voice. They copy some of the night elf dialogue without the Elune stuff, but their voice is meant to be smoother than the blood elves.

Their fight sound and death sounds, however, are same as the blood elves. That’s where they share the voice.

Just to be sure, lets moider a bunch of Blood Elves and High Elves
For science!

Ideally, if Blizzard were to add High Elves as a playable race they should go the Nightborne route of having a unique idle stance and voice acting. Maybe even slightly altered body shape, since Nightborne are actually a tiny bit slimmer than Night Elves.

But voice and idle stance would be the most important, in my opinion. Otherwise you would not be able to tell them apart from Void Elves. But mostly because i feel it’s weird that the Horde allied elf race was given much more development that the Alliance allied elf race was.

why would so much effort be put into those stances when they are literally the same as blood elves minus the fel addiction. If they are going to copy paste blood elves (yet again) then why would these elves be so different. Thats alot of pointless work for literally a copy paste race

Well, Blizzard tend to take the path of resistance
Since it is a copy-paste?
They have 0 extra work with it

True true. If it’s 0 work it’s easier to add

Also makes me sad we still cannot be Forrest trolls and they are allied with the horde since burning crusade ( Revantusk tribe) all because the males have a bigger body. The females are an exact copy of the Darkspear (only with Emerald green skin)

Void elves are such a fake inveted race. Just remove em and add high elves. High elves should have been an aliance race since the first expansion.


And Ogres should have been added since Vanilla

they were techinacally an Alliance race since the first expansion. In vanilla/classic, High elf NPC’s can be found all over alliance questing zones including Stormwind. they were just not playable.

The introduction of Blood elves going horde made it almost impossible to make them playable until Pandas came along, and the idea of allied races. then… void elves showed up.

that being said i do not support removing any races that have already been added. That would be chaotic. Void elves are cool concept wise, they just need a little bit of love to shine.

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Yeah or in BC. Would make sense as we were heading to outland/Former Dreanor were in our timeline were the orcs and ogres are from and ogres were considered as the next race for the horde in bc but after the complains from the horde players that the players base was die-ing blizzard choose the blood elves instead as they knew that alliance was asking for High elves and horde was asking for pretty race so blizzard toought why not kill two birds with one stone.

Well… in my opinion it would have been better if they were a brand new race that made sense with void powers or a race we were familiar with, that was using void powers (Aka the Void ethereal or a new race we later meet in void space that been living and been using void powers for 10000 years.) Void elves is basicly what blood elves were back in BC before blizzard decided to ruin blood elves with Sunwell patch as the blood elves had strayed from the path of Sunwell in search of a new magic power.

Blood elves back in BC, they were all about “POWER” no matter were the magic source came from so yeah blizzard basicly stole the blood elves identity from BC and gave it to the alliance which we never…never asked for, we asked for the High elves already within the Alliance. The elves that stayed with the Alliance through it all and never lost faith in the Alliance.

But like Void elves in a faction that is “All” about “The Light” makes absolutely zero sense to be in the Alliance. That just screwed up the Alliance faction Identity as a whole. So basicly Blizzard devs broke the Alliance lore as a faction and there was absolutely no need for that. Void elves would have made more sense with the Horde than the Alliance. More monster race in the Alliance, sure but considering all the other races in the Alliance have something in common with the rest of the Alliance races…void elves don’t and never will.

And the void elf fans don’t really want void elves to be elves anyway. They want void elves to be Naga 2.0. Just look at what they ask for customizations. void elves don’t even look like elves anymore so what was the point with void elves then as they were just a compromise for actual High elves and the void elf fans don’t want them anyway as they want a completely different race.

Its better Blizzard makes the Alliance High elves playable (Aka the Silver Covenant High Elves as they can gather the rest of the remaining Alliance High elves to join them and they…they make more sense with the Alliance then void elves could ever do and do not brake the Alliance faction lore at all) and void elves can be turned “into” a different race that is not a elf and is more “Alien”,…just what the void elf fans want.

Yeah the Forrest trolls should been part of the Horde as a playable race or as customization for the playable troll race as they are now different tribes of trolls as one playable race. So would the Amani trolls now to be part of the Horde as well since they joined the Zandalari back in Cata and the Zandalari back in BFA joined the Horde so the Amani are now bound to the Horde weather they like it or not.

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what’s cool about em? They dont trully exists in the lore. They were just inveted for cosmetic reasons.

during Wrath or final major patch of Wrath, Metzen promised to add Ogres instead of goblin in cataclysm, but it failed so

In 5.4 they actually promised to add Ogres in WoD and to add Starting zone with Highmaul, Ashran or Farahlon. But instead of it, they went to lie so hard and scream “No Ogre for you”

Blizzard wanted to lie the lore/story so hard to confuse us that they thought that “Ogres did NOT escape to Azeroth from Highmaul or Ashran”

In fact, Ogres escaped to Azeroth from Ashran and Highmaul

I guess they are cool for Alliance players who want more of a darker/ gothy vibes

I personally like more of the nature/ light aspect of the alliance more especially LOTR themes. So I have mixed feelings about the Void elves, but to be fair I have mixed feelings about the Lightforged too. What’s so special about Draenei who love the light. That’s practically the Draenei we already have.

They do fit a warlock class or a shadow priest. But that’s it. If you are anything like me; you will get Bored of wearing only black and purple and thus I ended up race changing my hunter :rofl:

They did come out of nowhere, yes. And I find it ironic they appear to be what the blood elves were in Burning crusade, which is being desperate for power even if it’s dangerous .

Meanwhile, the High elves who shunned the blood elves for using fel are now buddy buddy with the void elves and giving them a tour of Stormwind.

None of this practically makes sense if you ask me. It all feels rushed.

yeah but that’s just cosmetic. Void elves have nothing iconic behind em. They should never existed in my opinion.

Yeah Blizzard have no more excuses anymore, not to make playable ogres. We given all the suggestions and ideas on how to make it work.

Well in almost all RPG games that has been the trend. Humans, Dwarves and High elves fighting along side each other against “the Horde”. In the game Dungeons 1-2-3 what do we see there is Humans, dwarves and elves fighting togheter. Even if the game is abit comedy it still stay within the traditions of RPG even if you play as “The bad guy”. The horde there does have elves but…its Dark elves as it should be. So dark elves in Wow/Warcraft universe, the horde could been given dark elves if they wanted a pretty race and would have made more sense. And they do now with the Nightborne they have dark elves and they “Are”…“Are” Identical to the Blood elves in every way.

So in truth they could have made the void elves playable for the Horde (And would have made more sense) and Alliance High elves playable for the Alliance. So in TBC they could made High elves playable to the Alliance and later down the line void elves/dark elves for the Horde. Or just let the Blood elves stay as they were at the launch of TBC as Blood elves were better as a race that was searching for more powerful magics the stronger the better and it did not matter how darker the magic was and it would lead them down a darker path (as we could see in the first blood elf conent trailer back before TBC was launched) and that would made more sense for blood elves instead Blizzard just instead thought lets revert blood elves back to high elves (Even if they never call themshelves high elves ever again) just to say to the Alliance players “there, theres your high elves alliance!!”.Blizzard decided it was better to break the warcraft lore, just to please the horde players instead.

The light was never Blood elf thing, it was all about “Magic”, the mana addiction. And it made sense for blood elves not to be able to use the light. They instead was draining/stealing the light from the narru which didn’t devieted from their identity as magic/mana additcs, researching in other magic sources to make them strong even darker magic, any thing that could make them strong again. But reignited the Sunwell destroyed their identity on “survival at all cost” and being mana additcs.

Blizzard really, really need to “fix” the lore. Its been broken far too long and it started back in TBC.

We can see from the drawings how the blood elves were being shaped by the fel magic and deviate from how they were as High elves. Like the second picture gives of the theme of the dark elves. But instead Blizzard destoryed that theme which would made the Blood elves more interesting and different from the Alliance High Elves. The Alliance High Elves being uncorrupted and trying to stay as they were before Silvermoon fell and the Blood elves going down a darker path becoming more corrupted.

And Blizzard could have let the rest of the Alliance High elves join the Silver Covenant High elves as the Silver Covenant is trying to become more like they were back in the second war with unicorn mount and hippo gryphon (Toward their old ancestry of the Night elves and Highborne). Either give the SIlver Covenant their own place like in Northrend or they go help the Night elves to rebuild and Silver covenant gets their own area with Night elves. Or expand Stormwind with a area with a High elf District. The Elwynn forest is a great place for the High elves to train and rebuild and as we have gotten Alleria back to the Alliance, she could be the “Beacon” for the High elves to come to Stowmwind with her sister beside her. She and her husband Turalyon could be the unity for the Humans and the High elves. Just like it was back in the second war.


Let this thread die. High elves will not happen.