Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Nor your delusions about the Old Horde or Trolls, yet you still making threads upon threads and got yourself banned and your threads either get locked or be forgotten
The High Elf fans at least have only one thread
This thread is a bit like Goldshire or the Silvermoon Bazaar - it contain them in one place

This is already a 3 year old thread.
It will probably continue until they give in and make High Elves relevant again.
Technically they still exist but to call them has-beens is an understatement.

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High elves will not be playable. Accept that and move on.

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Neither will Forrest trolls at this point :sob:

We got tired of asking for them

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A lot of these races can be added, if blizzard reworks character creation and gets rid of allied races as a concept, and instead integrates them into their respective “macro”-type. I.e. wildhammer or darkiron dwarves as a sub-category of dwarves.

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Revantusk trolls are weaklings like Thrall and Baine. Nobody needs them. If they give us forest trolls let it be the originals. Aka the Amani.

Well Amani trolls would be more impactful as playable race as we all know them through out Warcraft history, we don’t know so much about the Revantusk trolls as we barly interacted with them, with the Revantusk even if they been with the horde since vanilla. But Blizzard could do that if the Amani trolls joins the horde as playable and the Revantusk could follow, storywise that is.

But Blizzard might also just give the playable trolls we have now more customizations so the trolls can look like biffy forest/ice trolls.

I would love to have a forest/amani troll as I have played warcraft 2 since witch also goes why I want to play as a Loyal Alliance High elf like the Silver Covenant as they been trying since WOTLK to be more like the high elves were in Warcraft 2.

So too I want to play as a two headed ogre but I can settle for Mok’nathal race as well.

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Yo, I would immediately reroll or pay race change for ice trolls…

WHY everyone tend to forget, the Amani left the Old Horde before the War ended because Doomhammer broke his promise, over ruled his suposedly equal and left them to march against to Humans…??? :expressionless:
The Amani since then are the enemy of the Horde and Horde quests constantly stomping them to the ground and Horde heroes time to time kill their champions and leaders… :roll_eyes:
While the Ogre were made war-thralls, but never were happy about it to be in the Horde and serve their lesser descendants… :no_mouth:
(The funny thing is… with the Titanic and Arcane heritage, Ogres would be ideal members of the Alliance
They not really joined the Horde out of sheer joy you now!
On the main universe, the Gorian Empire wasn’t the best of friends of the orcs, after the little incident with the Throne of Elements ignited a great war between the ogres and the orcs, and the Red Pox, basically a biological/magical weapon designed by the Ogres wiped out countless Orcs, but they ultemately lost Goria, their capital to the Orcs… but from the Orcs part, that was more of a pyrrhic victory.
The empire was eventually destroyed during the rise of the Old Horde. During the orcs’ war against the draenei, most ogres joined the Horde. That is, except for the ogres of their capital Highmaul, and Blackhand wanted the last holdouts dead. After the orcs destroyed Shattrath, the Warsong clan and Twilight’s Hammer clan went to Highmaul, with their chieftains Grommash Hellscream and Cho’gall (the latter an ogre himself, exiled from Highmaul) also part of the siege. Eager to exact vengeance, Cho’gall personally killed Imperator Mar’gok. With the powers of fel and the Void, he bound Mar’gok to his throne and burned him alive
On AU Draenor, Imperator Mar’gok to aligned himself with the orcs to ensure the Gorian Empire’s continued survival when the Iron Horde made its debut…
Either version, the Ogres who remained, had no choice, but join or die.
They are survivors of the wars of the Orcs and tho’ they have a certain worldview (like Coliseum fights, slavery, etc, Roman Empire style) they have more in common with the Draenei and the Humans of Azeroth (both suffered from the hands of the Orcs and were almost destroyed) than the Horde races.
We just got used to think Ogre = Horde)

Yes. But Doomhammer did it only because he had no Choice. The morale among the Orcs was hanging by a thread that could break at any moment and would have dissolved the Horde forever (And it did anyway as they never did destroy Lordaeron). He needed a victory or the other orcs clans would leave and Silvermoon was taking too long to conquer. And knew that Lordaeron was unprotected at the time so he marched towards Lordaeron for easy victory as the Horde needed it. The humans left to protect their city and besides the High elves were no longer in danger anyway as the High elves outnumbered the Forest trolls so the Elf king was nothing more than childish. As The Forest trolls knew they could not take Silvermoon without the army of the horde backing them up so they started using skirmish tactics by burning down trees but it proved fruitless and they were overwhelmed by the High elves and driven back to their home in Zul’aman and they closed the gates there and were not open again until TBC. The Forest trolls we see in Ghostlands and Quel’thalas were those that never made it back to Zul’aman before the gates was shut. And the High elves let them live, as target pratice if need be (When I say target pratice, I mean the High elves let them live in their huts/village and let them train with their axes and then a new farstrider trainne go to the forest troll village and the new farstrider trainne use their bows and skills against a forest troll armed with axes and the forest troll attack the new farstrider trainee) as they were no longer a threat to the High elves. Some Forest trolls fled and became mercenaries or bandits to survive as we see in Warcraft 3.

However in Cata the Amani joined the Zandalari (In Hopes to rebuild the troll empires) and after their defeat (Again) they moved to Zandalar and “Lived” there with the Zandalari trolls when they had nowhere else to go and in BFA the Zandalari Joined the Horde. The Amani won’t like it sure (neither did the sand trolls) but they are honorbound to do what the Zandalari tells them to do and that is to fight for the Horde. And sure there will be conflict between the Blood elves and Amani trolls (old hatred).

? the Ogres from Outworld/former Draenor, they were more primitve and had not discovered arcane magic as AU ogres did and evolved into an Empire. Did you not wonder why they are still primitve in Azeroth (as well in outland) but sure some are using arcane but they are more like children playing with fire than actual masters of the arcane. While the ogres in AU Dreanor, they were/are masters of arcane. cho’gall was even dumb (in Outland/old Draenor) but had a strong connection towards arcane magic and gul’dan taught him and helped Cho’gal become smarter.

That would never have worked and Alliance would never accepted Ogres into the Alliance if you ever played Warcraft. That is just wishful thinking. Humans did have standards.

Amani trolls would need to join alliance. They cannot be under one banner with the blood elves. Saying amani trolls need to be horde is more unrealistic than saying undead and nightelves should be in the same faction. It simply cannot happen. However, I actually don’t anna see amani trolls on alliance, because amani trolls are losers.

I mean, they wouldn’t join the alliance either

Amani trolls hate humans too

During warcraft 2, Humans and elves were allied and wanted to clear Zul’aman

Amani trolls have the most difficult choices to rejoin the faction

Ok, solution: Just don’t introduce this allied race, period lmao

PoV: Revantusk are another forest troll tribe and part of the horde

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How about this becomes purely a customization option for trolls (adding muscles), and we give the horde an actual new skeleton by introducing centaurs for example

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Amani trolls also have a history with the humans. But it would be more logical for them to be in the Horde as it would not make sense at all for them being in the Alliance. That’s the same as some said the mag’har orcs to be in the Alliance becuase they were uncorrupted. But the Mag’har would never, ever be happy within the Alliance as they don’t have anything in common with the Alliance and same would be with the Amani trolls. Because of the customs and traditions etc that the other races in the Alliance would never understand, and the stone city the humans live in, the trolls would never get used to living there. And if they went to the Night elves well the Night elves would lose arrows at the Amani. It just would’nt work. The Amani trolls would be more happy being with the other troll tribes within the Horde.

But like the blood elves, for the horde to accept them in to Horde they would need something to bargain with. For example the Blood elves did not get into to the Horde right away. Sure Sylvanas invited them in but Thrall had the last say and Thrall did not see any benefit of the Blood elves joining the Horde so Lor’themar Theron needed some barganing chip and Grand Magister Rommath had told Lor’themar that He had seen Brown skinned orcs in Outland which intrigued Thrall and Thrall let the Blood elves join the Horde which also lead to why the Horde went to Outland. To seek out the rumored Brown skinned orcs.

Yeah but like I said the Revantusk would not have the same Impact/drive to play a Forest troll like the Amani does. I mean what has the Revantusk even done for the Horde…except being a nuisance for the Wildhammer Dwarves. The Amani trolls can give so much more and make players want to play a Forest troll more than Revantusk trolls ever could. The Revantusk trolls would be in the same boat as void elves. Insted of giving a race that has so much history like the High elves to be playable on the Alliance, Blizzard gave Alliance players instead Void elves that no one has ever heard about, never ask for as they never heard about or seen void elves in Warcraft. High elves as playable would have been more impactful than Void elves due to its history and allegiance and story with the Alliance and so fourth.

Centaurs however will never happen due to the fact of flying mounts. Had flying never been introduced then Centraur and Dryads would have become playable at some point as they basicly are a “mount” and can’t sit on a mount (would not make sense either). This goes into factor (well one of them) into making a race playable, can they sit on a mount?


Agreed, but another stuff to add them is paladin

Alright, second agree

But first, we need Vrykul and Ogres, they should not keep them unplayable for 20-25 years of WoW, we need them now or 11.0 (Not to keep waiting for another 10 years) and where is Saberon? I need Saberon too!

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But it’s teased in the game. Would absolutely love seeing centaurs, as they have grown to be my favourite faction in dragonflight

Um well keep your hopes up if you wish, just be ready to be disappointed in the end as there is too many problems making Centaurs or Dryads playable making them work for…what is it now 500 mounts. Making the Centaur be able to sit on flying mount without making it look ridiculous which will make players laugh at the Devs. They might join the Horde but making them playable is a whole other story. Well blizzard hinted aswell with Mok’nathal joining at the Orc heritage armor questline. Thrall invited them in to possibly get them to join the Horde. But that remains to be seen.

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