Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I would love to play Centaurs as well, as a Alt.

One of the biggest problems they face is how they will mount. Otherwise, should be easy to add them.

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Well… Ever heared of Pegasus from greek mythology? Would be quite a nice solution for flying centaurs. It would make them unable to mount, but I mean… Dracthyr also can’t wear mog

This is debatable
During the Second War the Horde “betrayed” them; Zul’jin grew furious when Doomhammer not only failed to destroy Quel’Thalas, but also abandoned his siege against the elves in favor of assaulting Lordaeron. Zul’jin and his armies stayed behind, continuing to fight on rules are for those too weak to break them, yet the high elven king seized the chance to upset the balance of power between them for good, and sent out spellcasters and priests to help the rangers and warriors crush the Amani. Zul’jin was captured and tortured.
Zul’jin initially refused Doomhammer’s proposal for the “alliance”, viewing it as a path to servitude under the orcs. After being reassured that he would retain full autonomy over his people, and stand as an equal to the warchief, Zul’jin changed his mind, on a single condition: if the Amani agreed to join, the Horde would help them in destroying their perennial rivals, the high elves of Quel’Thalas.
Long story short, even the Death Knights, Cho’gall and the two headed ogre magi, the defiled runestones, Gul’dan’s help and the Red Dragons and burning the forest, they failed; Quel’Thalas’s sorcerers were able to summon a colossal shield around the city. Long having served as a means to build and expand their civilization, the Sunwell now formed a barrier that Doomhammer’s forces found impossible to break through. The Horde smashed against the shield time and again, yet even the dragons’ fire was unable to pierce the shield
Warchief Orgrim Doomhammer was deeply displeased at this turn of events and chafed against the time being wasted on the elven kingdom. His objective since the outset of the Second War had been the fall of Lordaeron’s Capital City, and the longer the Horde spent laying siege to Quel’Thalas, the higher the likelihood of this goal going unrealized. Although he still had not fulfilled his pact to the Amani, Doomhammer decided to call off the assault on Silvermoon City and to instead march south, back towards human lands.
Zul’jin and the Amani categorically refused to abandon the siege of Silvermoon. They vowed not to cease their assault until all of high elven civilization lay in ruins.
Doomhammer left the forest trolls behind, despite their immense value in the war so far
In my book this is betrayal; Zul’jin and Doomhammer were equals, and Doomhammer not honored this, nor the promise he made, he made a dishonorable decision and left…
he promised they will be equals and not honored the other ones decision nor his promise about the Elves
Yes, they were strong but do you really want to turn your back on a strong agitated enemy to fight another front, knowing said enemy will be behind you?
Not to mention losing a strong ally and his soldier in the process?
I’m not sure any general would have done what Doomhammer did, and it bit him int he :peach: hard
Zul’jin needed pretty hard promises to join to begin with and he and his soldiers help was invaluable
Don’t forget Hillsbrad and that area was a stalemate untill the Trolls joined and the Horde managed to move from that military quagmire - Doomhammer and the Horde leadership were aware that as time passed, the Alliance could amass more and more reinforcements
Doomhammer broke his promise, lost his honor and left, but Gul’dan - Orc, in the Amani’s eye, another orc, don’t forget - remained with a little contingnent
A few days following Doomhammer’s departure, the warlock gathered his allies and revealed his plans to abandon the Horde in favor of reaching the infamous Tomb of Sargeras where, he promised, each and every one of them would be granted unimaginable power.
The Amani, uninterested in Gul’dan’s promises, continued their siege of Silvermoon. The Dragonmaw clan was reluctant to risk annihilation by actively engaging Gul’dan and his allies, and so instead chose to depart to warn the rest of the Horde of this betrayal, even as Gul’dan’s forces began their journey south.
Amani ruthlessly continued their fight against the high elves, though they were now fighting alone and it was all ultimately in vain. The trolls were eventually beaten back after much bloodshed, and Zul’jin himself was taken captive by a group of rangers led by Halduron Brightwing, though he narrowly escaped and went into hiding.
Now comes the important part
Turalyon and the Alliance army was in the Quel’Thalas…
Doomhammer decision not only costed him an invaluable ally, but the War itself, because Turalyon and the Alliance army with the High Elves arrived as reinforcement during the siege and the Horde had to retreat and got ultimately defeated
And since Doomhammer decision - lets not call it a betrayal then - the Horde bashed Amani heads left and right and never swallowed their pride or apologized…
The Amani Trolls have every right to be angry and hostile and 0 reason to be firends

Thisi s not true
They are the same Gorian Empire and their history is the same as the AU counterpart
Due to the ogres’ distant descent from the primordial stone giant Grond, a creature empowered by the titan Aggramar, they are naturally attuned to the arcane. They hold a special affinity for the earth, able to use arcane power to shape and bend rock and stone to their will. When the arakkoa first began to teach the ogres in the ways of magic, they were surprised and delighted by this discovery, for they had never seen new spellcasting techniques be developed so effortlessly
Due to the ancient ogres’ practice of sorcery and exposure to raw arcane magic, ogre children would very rarely be born with two heads. It soon became clear that these two-headed ogres were exceptional spellcasters, and their appearance was seen as a good omen. In time, Goria’s arcanists even developed spells to replicate this phenomenon, causing normal ogres to grow a second head and increasing their intelligence and magical aptitude. At the height of the Gorian Empire, the entire system of ogre rule and justice had been codified in support of magic and the sorcerer kings, or “imperators”. Imperial ogres jealously guarded the secrets of magic in order to keep their status among the ruling class. The wealthiest among them adorned themselves with magically-enhanced jewelry and other wearable artifacts
Not to mention, in WC2 thos Ogre juggernauts, huge, armoured stone and iron fortresses were a formidable naval force!

The Humans indeed would not accept them, but considering both the Humans and the Draenei (and now the Night Elves) were suffered from the hands of the Orcs and the Horde and were invaded and almost destroyed?
Would make way more sense than the Elves of Quel’Thalas joining the Horde of Orcs, Undead and Goblins, who have a nice history of harassing them… :roll_eyes:
The cultural differences are HUGE, thats true (but not larger than between the Humans and the Kalodrei actually) and there are some bad blood, but even on Azeroth the Ogre “population” is not really Horde-friendly
Only the Stonemaul clan “joined” the New Horde, tho1 thes was after the half-ogre Rexxar killed their chieftain in WC3, not because they were interested
After the Cataclysm, the Dreadmaul tribe was partially re-enslaved by Horde forces
Following the Cataclysm the Dunemaul clan was brought into the Horde by Megs Dreadshredder and the Dunemaul “Emissary”, but during the Burning Legion’s invasion, their compound was assaulted. All remaining residents were enslaved by nathrezim. (Some of them could be rescued by tho’)
The Ashmaul clan? Hostile
The Boulderfist clan? Independent
The Bloodeye clan? Went Twilight, hostile/defeted
The Bloodfist Clan? Hostile
The Crushridge Clan? Hostile
The Darkmaul Clan? Necromancers AND hostile!
The Deadwind Clan? Hostile
The Dreadmaul Clan? Hostile, but after losing Dreadmaul Hold in the wake of the Cataclysm a portion of the Dreadmaul have become slaves to the conquering Horde force…
The Dustbelcher Clan? Hostile
The Glopgut Clan? Hostile
The Gor’vosh Clan? Hostile
The Gordunni Clan? Hostile
The Spirestone Clan? Were/are the members of the Dark Horde. Hostile
The Splinter Fist Clan? Hostile
The Ogri’la Faction? Friendly to both side, but not part of the Horde

I’m sure I left out a few, but the point is, the Orcs/Horde not really the best of the buddies with the Ogre
Nor the Alliance for that matter
But out of the two faction, it was the Horde and the Orcs, not the Humans and the Alliance that enslaved them, destroyed them, and made them War-thralls
Sure the Alliance will NEVER accept the Ogre in the Alliance (tho’ the “Humans did have standards” is a bit questionable, they accepted Void infused ticking time bombs, and no, some random Elf scholar/victim of a botched ritual will never master a force that drove Aspects and demigods mad, even a World Soul if you take the planet Sargeras cleaved in half, not wanting Telogrus to sufffer and become Void; and scared Sargeras so mutch he formed the Legion and considered the possibility of exterminating all life an acceptable thing compared to the Void ruled one… and the Dark Iron who had their own dark history with the Old Gods and the Elements, and after became “good guys” had their relapses)

Back to the point!
Nor the Amani, nor the Ogre actually would make sense to join/re-join the Horde

Now i have turned coat to the alliance im all for it High Elf paladin yes please.

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I’m always up for more Race Class combinations.

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*sigh * I wants to be a Warlock
The Eredar were right, the Naaru fooled us

At least the thread got back on track. With all these people trying to derail it with talks of Trolls.

The Burning Legion is defeated not dead. So you can still have a future as Eredar.

You have my seal of approval


Awww, you are just saying that; you’re only trying to be nice to me
But thanks
And don’t worry, your Master Ragnaros will be back and you can burn the world :heart:

Everybody keeps talking about Ragnarons. For some Dark Irons Ragnaros is just a phase and even then it was among our Shaman.
We get it. Draenai can be evil too. But Eredar are something else entirely.

It’s actually older. Two before were capped post limit. Started if not mistaken in 2016. Since forums were reworked can not find older topics.

Yes. Because people still want them playable.

shamans too!

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And we still can’t research any topics or replies which were posted during Vanilla 2005 and 2006

True. But i was about this topic exactly. It was created in 2016 just continuing.

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By people you mean you? No thanks, enough elf races. Elves got so much love from the devs, the rest of the playable races can’t even fantasize about. Get lost.

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No, not only him.


Since 2016 eh? Fine I will take your word for it.
7 years is remarkably consistent.

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So much negativity on these forums why not ? More playable races the better and may bring more players to the game blizzard under estimate the power of playable races.


Doomhammer didn’t break his promise. The Amani were too stupid to realize defeating the humans had priority over taking Silvermoon. Big difference.


I welcome playable High Elves, just as long as they have a completely different look than Blood Elves. I would suggest new hairstyles, including those shared with Night Elves, Humans and Kul’Tiran.

Possibly have them start in Crystalsong Forest so the canon war in that zone was for the Alliance.


Yeah but also would not mind if they gave the same hairstyles. They should go back to having a new race come for each faction with a new expansion model it gives people something to look forward to aswell.