Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I don’t think the exact same hairstyles from Blood Elves are needed.
Doing that, they just become the poor-man’s blood elf. No big city, other than a Ranger outpost.

Like Void Elves, Nightborne and the other allied races - they all have different core hairstyles which separates them from their core race counterpart. For High Elves to have any identity, where they are clearly their own thing, separated from Void Elves and Blood Elves, they have to have their own main hairstyles.

Blood elves and high elves are the same race so the thing that seperates them will be the lore and the racials they are given if they do get implemented. Also the fact they are not in allegiance with the horde.

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A new expansion with High elves on the alliance and Broken draeni on the horde would be very interesting.

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But for the latter to have any sort of identity, they need to have something which is different from their core race counterpart.

Void Elves are a different take on Thalassian Elves and they work well.

I don’t believe Broken will go Horde, considering the main Draenei Shaman leader is Alliance and a core part of the Draenei life.

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No. like most of playerbase want them.

Point is, that most players play elves. Why not bring something that most people consider playing, but instead giving alliance some crap like mecha gnomes or LF draenei that are basically reskin that so little players even play them.

High elves should look exactly same like they look now, such as silver covenant high elves, but with some options like new hairstyles, warpaints something like that.


They can look like Highvale Elves and all that

Give those NPCs an update with the new playable high elf race features and then bam - you have high elves. At the moment, they are all just blue eyed blood elves.

Blood Elves remain the core race that new players can access from the word go.
Void Elves and High Elves are the allied races that take a bit of time to get, but will unlock later.

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I use void elves to roleplay High elves myself, but a few problems they have that i can think of is voice and racial proc (though the racial proc doesnt bother me too much). mostly the voice…

an example below:


There are many High elf themed armor in wow, including the Silver covenant tabard which is obtainable by Alliance players.

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Well as we seen with the Dracthyr that Blizzard could make new hairstyles that would look different form Blood elves but still be/look Elven. Many of the Hairstyles that Dracthyr have could gone to playable High elves.

And Crystalsong and the Highvale in Hinterlands most have suggested for new Home for the High elves. In Northrend there are Leylines of mana going underground and would give the High elves new source of mana power. Even the birch trees in Forlorn woods in Crystalsong forest can become infused of the leylines mana and look similar to Qule’thalas if the leylines were fixed there. Or the Nexus could be new home as the Blue dragonflight have moved on to the Dragon isles, the Silver covenant (Veeresa Windrunner) can talk to Kalecgos and help the old blue dragon in the nexus to protect it in exchange for the mana from the nexus as a new source.

…eh then we would have another High elf problem, you see Broken have already moved into Exodar and have been working side by side with the Draenai and been there since Cataclysm. And we were sent there during the Legion expansion to help the Draenai and the Broken to fend off the Legion.

And the Silver Covenant High elves would do that as they are following the old ways of the High elves that they were before Warcraft 3 (After their Elf King change their Culture abit with the Eagle symbol or a Hawk symbol and the Mounts they have now. Before all that they had the Symbol of a Unicorn.) with Unicorns, Silver Hippogryphs which the Blood elves don’t have which was more toward thier Night elven/Highborne Heritage. The Blood elves have Hawstriders and Dragonhawks. Even their tabard for the Silver Covenant is White/Blue and their armor is Silver/White/Blue as the Blood elves have Red/Gold/Green. Yes the Silver Covenant still have the Blue/gold Banner of a Eagle but they should have the Symbol they have on their Tabard instead and move on from the Eagle Symbol as that is the Blood elves Symbol. Or use the Old Unicorn Symbol as their banner with Silver/White/Blue colors.

Blizzard can make the Silver Covenant High elves paler than the Blood elves (as the Blood elves have more red color in their skin, depending on how much Fel they had/absorbed but with the New sunwell reignited, they should be getting more grey and Bronze color on their skin to the Light Magic from the Sunwell now like the Lightforged Draenai. Altuogh I would liked the Blood elves had stayed the course they were meant to be back in the begining of TBC as they would evolved to a more dark elf culture as the picture I showed earlier above.) due to their Mana drought they had for years which also gave them almost human eyes as the glow in their eyes diminished. But with the Leylines of mana in Northrend can give them a Mana Source that is different from the Sunwell. So the perfect place for them would be in Northrend and preferably in Crystalsong forest. Also its were we first met the Silver covenant.

Blood elves should have been, practicing/use Fel Magic. The more Dark Elf Culture but them having more red or reddish skin color than the Alliance High elves.

The Silver Covenant Heritage armor should be that of a Ranger but with Silver/White/Blue color. Preferably Sylvanas Windrunners new armor set. With Blue Sapphires and white feathers.

I still hope Sylvanas will go to her sisters when she returns and we will finally have a Sisters reunion and the Three Sisters lead the Alliance High elves.

They did have reunions before this.

The first is when Vereesa promised to join Sylvanas as a undead and then remember “oh wait, I have children and I’m a mom” so she bailed.

The second is when Alleria came back and the three sisters met in Eversong woods/ Ghostlands. It didn’t go so well, because… sylvanas planned to murder them, also Sylvanas and Alleria got into a heated argument.

The third is before (blue eyed) Sylvanas went to the maw as her punishment. Alleria doesn’t trust her just yet, and Vereesa is sad to see her go.

And I’m guessing the fourth upcoming reunion won’t be easy either

Well…… Alleria is already leading the Void elves, and I doubt the high elves will be ok with a undead elf leading them either.

Vereesa sure…. But you have to remember each high elf group has their own leader

Allerian Stronghold: Auric Sunchaser, previously Alleria.

Highvale (Hinterlands) speculated to be Jalinde Summerdrake

Silver Covenant: Vereesa Windrunner

Ofcourse Sylvanas will have alot to prove before anyone would trust/follow her. Putting others lives before her, risking her (well undead) Life for others etc etc. But if her sisters begings trusting her, it will lead to others will first. So she will have to prove herself to her sisters first before anything else.

As I do like the new Ranger-General Sylvanas. Didn’t feel like anything of the Banshee queen was left in her.

And that’s what the Silver covenant should do. Gather all the other minor High elf factions within the Alliance and those High elves not with the minor High elf factions, the ones you mentioned to Join the Silver Covenant and update the Npcs with Silver Covenant Ranger armor and Silver Covenant Tabard. Still keep the old outposts but the Majorety of the group/s move to Crysalsong forest and start building houses/buildings there.

Hmm Cosmic Void magic = Pure Void Magic?

Is this how they will make Void elf Paladins? Using Cosmic Void magic/Pure Void magic…This could be worth investigating :face_with_monocle:. Hmm could Void elves be able to choose void magic. Seems the Cosmic void magic is more blue.

Just add a quest line to purify void elves from the void in order to become high elves. Wouldn’t take it though, because void elves are extremely cool. We just lack a lot of customization…

Who in their right mind would want another belf model ripoff when you already have one that has all the customization options needed to qualify as a high elf? Except you and that other guy and I doubt it’s about wanting to play elves, at this point you are beating this dead horse for attention alone.

Ok well high elves on the alliance and Fel Orcs on the horde or something two cool races if you ask me

Saberon actually would be nice (and Botani to the Alliance, since their strong nature/druid ties)
Gnoll perhaps? (Furbolg to the Alliance, obviously)
Mogu, to “honor” the Zandalari-Mogu alliance (and they even have female Mogu, a model the Ogre for example lacks) - the Alliance can have the Tuskarr
But it would be interesting to have some really nonhuman race, like the Mantid :thinking:

I don’t think it’s in Blizzard’s interest to put Sylvanas on the Alliance. She is still a major lore character and many of her fans play the Horde. You can’t really tell Horde players that if they want to interact or play alongside Sylvanas, then they have to switch to the Alliance (probably Night Elf Darkfallen or Void Elf Darkfallen.) I don’t like the Sylvanas fanbase all that much, but they don’t deserve something like this. Also, the Horde faction has lost too many important lore characters anyway. Sylvanas is known for being Horde.

Also - she tells the Horde player to continue fighting for the good of the Horde and the Horde Loyalist to her, that if she needs help, she knows that she can call on them.

Their is a greater possibility that she will be neutral/Horde leaning.

“Purifying” them from the Void would just make them Blood Elves again.
Blood Elves are not High Elves.

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Becuase she is nice to everyone at the end of Shadowlands, no matter if you are Horde or Alliance.
We will see once she returns as they have time skipped since we were in Shadowlands and reurning from Shadowlands.

Well I understand what you mean Broken would fit with the Horde but the decision was made long ago so it would be another High elf problem. Dark Iron dwarves would also fit the Horde more but that decision was made long ago too in cataclysm.
High elf were everywhere in Vanilla in Alliance cites/outpost and we asked Blizzard to make them playable and Blizzard response was there are not enough High elves to make them playable then in TBC they annouced Blood elves to the Horde which made no sense when they said there was not enough High elves to make them playable as the blood elves are diffrent faction of high elves that will never call themselves high elves again. and in Vanilla they were all hostile toward the Horde and Alliance.

But they confirmed in their video that they had to “change alot things” to make it work. Change the lore so make any kind of sense for them to join the Horde which created the High elf problem as they already were/are in the Alliance. Did not see any Blood elves in the Horde in Vanillla. But fine as long as we get our High elves that is in the Alliance (and they could have kept how the Blood elves were back in TBC as that would have made them different from the Alliance High elves). Which we did’nt, we got a tiny small exiled group from Silvermoon that has NO loyalty to the Alliance. They are their only for convenience, only their as long as Alleria teach them. After that they have no obligation to the Alliance and would leave. If they really wanted this to work they should used the Loyal Alliance High elves. That Alleria was teaching Veeresa and The Silver Covenant first and formost. Then we would have “Loyal” High elves playable and has long history with the Alliance.

The void elves are unfinished, as Blizzard left them like that as the void elves were the last minute decision after they decided to give the Horde the Nightborne (Atleast they make sense why they join the Horde as they are very much alike the Blood elves in every way) and make no sense with the Alliance that worship “the Light” and has no loyalty to the Alliance. Making them a very confusing race as to why are they here in the Alliance??

Yeah exactly as the True Void elves were Blood elves exiles in the begining. No High elves have become true Void elves as they can’t recreate the event that turned the Blood elves exiles into the Void elves so the Wayfarer High elves are only Void elves “in name” but they are still High elves, in training as they have to train the same way as Alleria did with Locus-Walker. She didn’t become a Void elf until she absorbed the Darken Naaru but is different from Umbric and his followers as She kept her High elven form. Well there is a way to “Purifying” them, the Titan machine in Uldum that can purge all void but I doubt Blizzard will use it.

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But the Alliance aren’t truly important when it comes to Sylvanas and where she goes, when she returns to the story.

Sylvanas has always been a Horde character and before that, a neutral character. It’s not fair to take more characters away from the Horde; if you want one then take Baine, not Sylvanas.

I truly believe that Sylvanas will be a neutral-Horde leaning character when she returns.
Much like Illidan who I believe will be neutral-Alliance leaning.

Except the Windrunner sisters are all High Elves. Alleria Windrunner the current leader of the Void Elves might have taken in the Blood Elves that were cast out by Lorthemar Theron.

But she also represents that there could be some “unity” through the Void between High Elves and Blood Elves. Assuming other High Elves become Void Elves.

High Elves seem to be scattered with no unifying force. They are so few in number that it would take time to not just replenish their numbers but to actually grown in strength and numbers.
The few small forces that form the Silver Covenenant or odd ones that end up joining SI7 is not necessarily a military force.

I think there is more story potential if done correctly for delving deeper into the Void.

Alliance haven’t taken any Horde lore characters over to the Alliance (Yet). They died (But true other Alliance Lore characters have lived too long and their time should come so new lore characters can rise up. Its how things goes, one hero dies another hero rises) and also if you haven’t seen it the Forsaken are getting a brand new tabard with “no” Sylvanas on it. As they don’t want anything to do with Sylvanas anymore. Its there in the Lore that they don’t want anything to do with Sylvanas. And the Horde leaders don’t want Sylvanas around either. They have accepted in Calia Menethil into the Horde (as we saw in the begining of Shadowlands) and She wants to help her people, the Forsaken and they did not want her around either but they have now accepted her into the Forsaken and part of the The Desolate Council. Yes there are “some” in the Alliance that don’t want her around either but as we saw in the end of Shadowlands that Tyrande Whisperwind is “willing” to forgive Sylvanas if she complete her task. Greymane is a different story but his mood did changed abit that they might be getting Gilneas back from the Forsaken but then again the Forsaken in Lordaeron is going to need “all” the Forsaken to come home and rebuild Lordaeron and its surroundings. So where…where would/could Sylvanas go…Her sisters ofcourse.

But like I said we will see when she returns. Its not the first time Blizzard made 180 and go different route, Remember WOD…Grommash Hellscream is the endgame boss for WOD…then it turned out to be Archimonde.

You mean 7th legion right not SI7. Halford Wyrmbane recruited the Silver Covenant into the 7th Legion in WOTLK. Yes the Alliance High elves are scattered but if they team up and start building their own place they have a chance…a chance to grow and also that more and more Blood elves are leaving Silvermoon to join with the Void elves and to be with their Hero Alleria.

But as I wrote in the Void elf thread eariler if there is a Pure void power out there, that could change things. That there is not only corrupted form of the Void magic but also a pure void magic that is blue. If Alleria finds this “Pure” Void magic and teaches it to her sister Veeresa and her Silver Covenant.

And also if we get Silver Covenant Ranger/void elf style Heritage armor. Well they might not be so confusing race anymore.