Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

The Void Elf introduction story could have been handled with way more care and development.

But they offer a different slice to the Thalassian story. The Void is still a part of the Thalassian lore and we don’t even need to look at Drathir. We can look at the Sunfury on Outland as they were also using the Void as well.

An argument can be made that this is also what the Nightborne, Shen’dralar and other elf races are about as well.

I think their is a way where High Elves could become playable and that would be the telling of a story, where their mastery over Frost Magic was truly noticeable.

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Agreed they could have and should have invested a lot more into the void elves. They really are a interesting race of elves.

Then the question is how would they look like. More like the Shen’dralar?

Maybe Blood Elves and Void Elves should just be the two main powers among the Elves.
But then we could have other Elf races be a neutral Elf allied race that can choose which faction they would like to be a part of?

Lore is something that snowballs. The worst example of this is Elder Scrolls franchise. I don’t even try to deep delve into that Lore. It feels like you’re falling into an ocean depths with no bottom.

The High Elves were simply ahead of the curve. As you mentioned eventually the Blood Elves rejected him as their leader. But they being the magic addicts they are first tasted the Fel. But were not enslaveby the burning legion.

Even in the Shadowlands Kaelthas Sunstrider did not consider the High Elves as his people. Accepting that they rejected him.

Yeah it was a typo. I meant Vareesa.

The WoW writing team have written themselves into a corner. This could be a chance to build on the Shadow/Void Naaru and build on Muuru that was captured and robbed of his light and energy by the Blood Elves. Then there is Kaara the Dark Star of the Shadowmoon clan during the Warlords of Draenor faction.

There could be some Naaru that accept their Void nature. The Lightforged Draenai and Void Elves should be ad odds. Turalyon and Vareesa should not even be able to touch each other seeing as he is a Lightforged Human or something.

void elves are the smallest population wise among of all elven types, according to lore. Being described as a elite group.

elves are like sponges, they touch bubblegum and suddenly you have a new race of bubblegum elves.

Turalyon should not be touching Vereesa period. He is married to Alleria.

they should. The agument the horde made is that why does Alliance get the lightforged and void, while horde gets none of these powers.

lol yep. Windrunner sisters. Alleria is the single mom raising half elf half human babies. All these High Elves look alike. At least Sylvannas is an Undead so she stands out.

The Light was always a main Alliance power. While Horde were more Shamanistic and Nature based. Until the Worgen joined the Alliance and then the Kul Tirans. The only Alliance Druids were Night Elves.

The Horde did somewhat dabble into the void already. Forsaken had the Cult of forgotten Shadow. Since now that they became Undead the Light harms them and actively trying to kill them.
Nerzhul their former Warchief was a ShadowPriest. The Shadowmoon clan seems to be the only remnant of the Maghar Orcs that did not remain. But they were connecting to Void in those ways.

Blood Elves are magic junkies. Always have been. The narrative that they have been cured is nonsensical. Velen simply used the corpse of Muuru to cleanse their Sunwell.

Are you making a joke or something or simply confused? Alleria and Turalyon is married and they have one son Arator. Veeresa is the single mom with two twin sons.

Yeah makes no sense for void worshippers in the Alliance and it have since then destroyed the Alliance identity as Light worshippers and made the Alliance all weird. The void elves would have fit in with horde much better as they played around dark powers for long time. The high elves would have kept the Alliance Light worshippers identity but We all know how Blizzard loves to please the Horde players since TBC. But who cares anymore, its not Warcraft anymore. Blizzard have moved away from that franchise.

And magical artifacts but it was not enough and it made their skin paler and gave them almost human eyes as the glow in their eyes diminished. Even Archmage Rhonin tried to find ways to help his wife with her mana Hunger.

…Seriously? did you start playing wow today or something? Veeresa is banned from Silvermoon and Lor’themar was even pissed off that Halduron Brightwing called upon her to help with the Amani problem in Ghostlands during Cataclysm as Lor’themar Theron see her and her Silver Covenant as traitors to Silvermoon. Even Horde players think that Auric Sunchaser went home after TBC. No he didn’t, he was invited to pilgrimage to the Sunwell and see the old High elf sword reforged. And during this Grand Magister Rommath banished Auric Sunchaser and his High elves from Allerian Stronghold away from Silvermoon because Rommath thought Auric was plotting to Kill Lor’themar after Lor’themar had touch the old High elven sword and got pushed backed by the Sword as he was not “worthy” of holding the Sword.

Yeah I can see you are a Horde player.

Veeresa is very much Alliance and have been since WOTLK so have her Silver Covenant. Even more after her husband died she wanted to go hunt for orcs. Again Veeresa is not welcomed in Silvermoon and She has nothing left there anyway. Her family home is destroyed and in ruins, Her children is in Dalaran,…no her home is in Dalaran but she is fighting for the Alliance even if Dalaran is neutral.

Yes so does every elf, but she is still fighting for the Alliance. Even the ones Alleria gathered during Warcraft 2 is still…still fighting for the Alliance as they belived in the Alliance and ignored the High elf Kings order to return home. Auric and his High elves was a different matter as they were cut off for 10 years from home and had no idea that Silvermoon had been destroyed and slowly rebuilding but they are also not welcomed to Silvermoon and still fighting for the Alliance as the Lordaeron Alliance remnants in Outland has joined up with the Grand Alliance back in TBC.

Well Blizzard changed the Lore. In the OLD warcraft 3 it was Kael’thas that renamed the High elves in Silvermoon (that was IN Silvermoon) to Blood elves to honor the fallen for something about his High elf legacy. But later in wow they changed that and the Blood elves still in Silvermoon changed the name…strange becuase only a royal bloodline has the power of changing a race name…but apparently anyone can change it now a days. Blood elves chaning the name to STAR elves because we are “STARS”. Makes absolutely no sense.
But the lore been screwed up since TBC anyway so who cares.

Its a joke. One of the Windrunner sisters can’t get over Rhonin. He might have been a chad or something despite being a Mage and Mages are nerds.
The comic where they had the reunion of the Windrunner sisters didn’t really go well, I think as far as sales goes.

Alleria and Turalyon are famous heroes of the Alliance with statues at the entrance of Stormwind.

This is straight up, incorrect.

In Warcraft 3, Kael’thas states the following to Tyrande and Maiev:
“The few of us that remain now call ourselves Blood Elves, in homage to our murdered people.”

This was in Warcraft 3, when it released in 2003

The quote is around: 2:11:45

The name “Blood Elves” was always about the murdered Quel’dorei and nothing to do with Kael’thas’ legacy as a High Elf.

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I’ve been primarily a Horde player since vanilla and Belf player since mid-tbc. And i had never even heard of this guy before. Had to look up who he was and it seems his only interaction with the Horde is at the end of the Quel’Dalar questline.

I did get Quel’Dalar when it was current, but i still cannot recall this guy and i very much doubt there are a lot of Horde players who can.

Auric sunchaser mainly interacted with Alliance players during TBC, as he is alliance. He is Alleria’s friend and when she went missing, Talthressar took control of the High elves, and when he went missing too, Auric took charge of the High elves in Outland and named the Stronghold Allerian to honor the missing Alleria.

There is also a reference to him in Boralus BFA. A High elf NPC by the name of Frostfencer Seraphi has the guild name “Auric’s angels” which might be a reference to both Auric Sunchaser, and Charlie’s Angels.

Wasn’t he mentioned in the Sylvanas novel as well? If not feel free to correct me.

He’s not a big character, but not a small one either. Surprised you haven’t seen him.


That ofc really depends on what you play. Seeing I played Bleed Elves I never had seen the part what you are talking about. Such it is with many things. For you the High elves are always part of the Alliance, in this Alliance of light of warcraft 2. But all sides have their shades of grey, have their dark and lighter moments.

If we look to the lore back on dreanor from where the horde started. They to started as being nature orientated, in harmony with the land and being hunters. Of course there was warriors and it was primal and savage, but it was noble. So we van both keep going back, and justifying one side or the other. World of warcraft starts from the lore of warcraft 3, so we have a very different setting. Things evolve and change.

In our world today this is the same, like Finland joining our Alliance. Something what was unheard of unthinkable of before. So to like in the world, things change. But they change for reasons. All stories come from some place or inspired in some way from something. So that there are changes in the world of warcraft is that it evolves. Individuals live make choices and things move on.

Well I actually started on Alliance playing a night elf, then a human warlock at the beginning of Vanilla. Later I went with an Alliance friend to try out the Horde. He wanted to see the Tauren, it was then that I fell in love with the horde. The drums of Bloodhoof, the Orcs of Thralls horde, the spirit of the trolls. Even the tragic path of the forsaken was interesting. But then in Tbc came the blood elves, and then I was sold.

There is something attractive about this primal, savage, raw and noble elements which form the base of the horde. So yes I am a horde player.

That is not to say there are not alliance things or players I like. I like Elves, Night Elves are very tempting, Draenei , worgan, dwarfs are all nice to :slight_smile:

I play M+ cross faction, and there are Alliance players I enjoy playing with as well.
At the same time I can enjoy kicking your butt in battle grounds ;p
So yes for the horde! But its not like there are not Alliance players I like. :slight_smile:

From that time what was said; 'well then Alliance has some High elf representation to. '.
They should have just kept all the high Elves blood elves and it would have saved a lot of headache as it was in line with the Warcraft 3 story. They should have left it there.

But things are as they are now. So once again I think the best solution would be to Dissolve the High elves. Focus them in the sub groups they have evolved into. The two strongest powers are the Blood Elves and the Void Elves. Though the Void Elves maybe less in number, they both have the strongest powers in Lore to back them up.

Just have the more minor Elf races have there own racial abilities. Give them like the choice of what Philosophy or way of life they want to follow. Be it Horde or Alliance, then everyone get something. That and we can have more Elves which is always a nice thing :slight_smile:

He was mentioned; however a current Blood Elf Ranger npc in the Ghostlands was given more lore in the novel than Auric.

What the novel presented, was that not all the Farstriders were down with Sylvanas becoming the Ranger General. What I do wish is that those nay-sayers were the ones who took exile and joined the Alliance. It would have given a boost to the idea of playable High Elves and gave them lore which dated back to their lives in Quel’Thalas.

The quest npc in question was one who did not approve of Sylvanas’ ascension at the time.

Of Alleria I can understand her being away for so much time, she always preferred to be away from her home. That she is only familiar with the horde of the past.

That she is considered a danger for what happened with the sun well is understandable.

But other then that I see a lot of little things, which contradict themselves, or pale in contrast to the Major things that have happened.

Think of the big things that have happened, or the changes that happened on a scale as a people.

First they withdrew from the Alliance officially, which is no small matter.

Then Arthas a Fallen Alliance prince, inflicted the greatest tragedy upon their people. This is an extinction event.

Then the Xenophobia of Othmar Garithos leader of the Alliance at the time, and how horrible and hateful Alliance soldiers acted towards the high elves. Now named blood elves in honor of their dead. They was imprisoned by the Alliance and as the Leader of the Alliance sentenced all the remaining able Quel’dorei Elves to death. Which would also be an extinction event. This event is to be seen in game.

Then we also have the event in the Blood elf starting area, in which they are betrayed again by the Alliance.

These major events should out weigh any bickering or personal grudges.
There is enough what has happened between the High elves as a people and the Alliance. To much to say you was always part of us, or we was always allies.
Truth is you was once, but that has changed drastically within time.
The shades of grey within each faction, leave none with the claim we are the good guys or you are the bad guys. As in we are the light you are the dark.

We can keep going back to justify things. Way back when the Horde was hunters living in harmony with Nature, before the time of the fel. Much of the horde has returned to that way of life.

With the Sylvanas novel, with the ending in shadow lands. With the Alliance and the Horde now working more together. We are even getting cross faction guilds, we even work together in game. Maybe bridges can be built.

Should the High Elves grow in number and power. With the tensions from the schism. Wouldn’t they begin conflicts with the Blood Elves?

We see the enthusiasm of the Silver Covenant following the purging of Dalaran and the operations to stop Lei Shen the Thunder King.
The current peace treaty from the 4th war could be violated. Also given the recent marriage between Lorthemar Theron and First Arcanist Thalyssra it could lead to the Nightborne taking military actions against them.

High Elves never really responded to the bombing of Theramore even though the High Elves that lived there were lost in the blast.
Their potential in magic and the light would be a possible boon to the Alliance. But naturally the Horde will have it’s own spies on Alliance growth.

This 7 year thread seems to be an ongoing thought experiment. Some argue why High Elves should others why High Elves can’t and everything in between.
There might be small scale skirmishes but both the Alliance and Horde are recovering and growing from the 4th War.

Claiming and holding new territories would be great. Especially for the Allied races. Since this demonstrates the growth of both superpowers.

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I think the High Elves should primarily be a Ranger-based military branch of the Alliance. It is shown that they are very few in number with primarily offering assistance to many things in the form of their Rangers.

The Magi arcs are primarily shifted over to the Ren’dorei; however High Elf Mages can still be seen dotted around - in my idea, I would base the bulk of the Quel’dorei Mage lore NPCs in the Ruins of Shandaral, where they are using Arcane Magic to restore the buildings.

Sin’dorei, being the core Thalassian race, have their lore focused on the Magisters (Warlocks included), Blood Knights and Illidari.

High Elves have a strong connection to nature though. Which is one of the reasons why they get along with Wildhammer Dwarves so well.
Would be something if they have Shaman or Druids. But could be a stretch.

They could continue the magecraft seen on Daelin Proudmoore’s ship. When Jaina blew up the wall of the Undercity.
Expand on sky territories like Dalaran except larger in scale. They probably have the magical mojo for it.

Tensions between High Elves and Blood Elves could be problematic. Espceially for those that would keep the peace between Alliance and Horde.

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Well the Farstriders are known to have a basic knowledge of Druidism, so along with the easing tensions with the Night Elves as well as the Wildhammer knowledge on Shamanism - I don’t think High Elf Druids or Shamans are all that needed.

Of course their will be tensions between certain races, but these sorts of things can work in certain zones.
Look at Ashenvale where it was Night Elves vs Orcs and we as the players could actually play both sides. It was primarily contained to one zone (of course we had Azshara and Stonetalon which then led onto the Southern Barrens), but it wasn’t a red vs blue expansion theme. It was just a zone theme, which worked.

Blood Elf and High Elf tension could be well founded in zones like the Hinterlands or the Ghostlands (although the latter wouldn’t be available for Alliance players), if that was the direction that Blizzard wanted to take.

azshara must return and lead the void elves. since she is a void godess that ate nzoth by now

I would like to clarify before adding more to the conversation.

I am not against Alliance, nor am I opposing any faction having more elfs as sub types.
When I started in vanilla my first character was a night elf huntress. I played Alliance for about a year. Until i was introduced to the horde and fell in love with that faction. As mainly playing one faction you also do not know a lot of the developments on the other side. So just to clarify just because someone is alliance does not mean, I as a player am opposed to that player.

As a thought experiment, I would like others to try and answer me this.

Looking through the eyes of the normal people, the soldiers, the grunts or even the specialists and the heroes we play. Would we because there are complications here and there side with those would oppose the great majority of our people. In this case High elves?

Lets look at it this way: Say Mr Macron or Mr Oalf scholz leaders of two nations. In some alternate universe. Have beef, grudge or complications with one another. Would that change in how if we was French or German, in how we would be towards our own people?

Or say Mr Macron had a falling out with someone, and he moved to Germany becoming a German citizen. Would that mean that a large group of the French people would also do the same thing?

Or would they view things individually and still feel part of the French people?

I guess my argument would be, if they are High elves and call themselves high elves.
Then they would feel connected to the High Elves as a people and their capital is and would always be Silvermoon. Their village, town or city they could consider part of Quel’Thalas. There is also the difference between a King / Prince vs a Champion or Hero.

Some arguments put forth are seeing the Elves of Silvermoon, relations enz as some separate thing. While I would argue as a people it is not.

If I would live in Belgium, that being my heritage. When something would happen to the people of Brussels. I would not be going like well we live in Antwerp, that just the people of Brussels thing. It would still effect me, these would be my people. Even if something bad happened, or we had some major bumps in the road. Would we then seceded from Belgium, all the people of the village or town. The suddenly in some alternate universe, join up with Paris to wage war on our own people?

The Topic of the conversation is Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance Allied race.
I do not see how any High elf, given all that has happened. And they not being part of the Alliance for a long time would do that.

The Silver covenant having their home in Dalaran. Being committed to Dalaran would not make them Quel’dorei high elves. For they was they would have taken up the name Sin’dorei in honor of their fallen people. Regardless of any grudge, beef or anything they may have had. If a Large enough event happens to the main land, place of your heritage. You honor the fallen, you honor your kin.

So either you discard the name high elves, because of the different mental / spiritual and physical effects. The cut off of the sun well, and using other energy sources has had on them. Becoming each their own sub set of Elves, with different philosophy’s.
Or eventually they put their differences aside, an rejoin their people as part of the sin’dorei. Taking upon them the name in honor of their fallen brothers and sisters.

So in the classical sense, never again can there be true original Quel’dorei high elves as an allied race for the Alliance. As continuing the Warcraft 2 legacy, that legacy ended a long time ago.

Did you even read first post why they MUST and will happen in the first place?

Void elves are minority of these 3 groups. Would say that high/blood elves are about 50 /50%

Yes, shamans, druids, paladins would fit perfect for the high elves.