Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Who we are? The alliance! What do we want? More elves? Would it be enough? No!

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It’s stated in the lore that Arthas massacred 90% of the High Elf population.

Of those that survived, 90% became Blood Elves.

So, no, not 50/50. Its 90/10. And in the grand scheme of things, High Elves have only 1% of their population.

They are effectively extinct.

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Everyone want more elves. Most played race in horde are elves. most played in alliance also elves.

Are they? Pretty much in WotLK, Pandaria, we see in game even numbers alliance/horde Silver Covenant high elves vs Sunreavers. And later on we see them appear in multiple places too.

Not to mention void elves, whole faction was literally made from 2 elves.

No one got high elves. The Alliance should get High Elves. End of story.

The void elves will surely soon have the paladin class like all the other races that do not have this class.
Might be a good time to officially add high elves (paladin, high elf hairstyles, tag, racials…) in void elf customizations.

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Blood elves are High elves, void elves are high elves.

You’re not getting High elves, as there’s already 2 versions of it.


Since LF draenei and mag’har orcs getting warlock spec, would be nice to actually let people have an ACTUAL and REAL playable THE HIGH ELVES, once and for all?

You can already pretend to be a “high elf” customization as void or blood elf, but they are not high elves that people asking for.

God dammit let this thread die already.

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Oh look. It’s you again.
I told you that High Elves are not a part of the Alliance. So the Alliance was not responsible for Jaina Proudmoore and the Silver Covenant’s action in what has become known as the “purge of Dalaran”.

Why argue for High Elf membership within the Alliance if they were already part of the Alliance? HMMMMMMMMMM?
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

How’s it going with your gf Talanji, Rev? :smirk:

Gotta feel sorry for the Void Elves; a bunch of entitled eejits demand their mutilation so they can roleplay as Blood Elves.

Its 2023 im all for high elves as long as the horde get a cool race too

It’s kinda sad to remember how one of those who were once a majority of the people on here arn’t on here anymore. R.I.P

Horde could get Ogres.
The Smart Ogres as well. Perhaps it is not just the Maghar Orcs that came through alternate Draenor but the smart Ogres of Highmaul.
Vrykul should be the Alliance race to match the Ogres though.

High elves on alliance sure? I dislike the forced purple glo that ruins the Alliance elves, plus the wars over for all intent and purposes with cross faction guilds and both factions grouping up getting easier, any race should be able to quest in any area or both at the same time and the whole horde alliance thing should just drop off.

Anyway how high elves would look like? Like blood elves but mirrored to alliance with “high” instead of “blood” in name?
Sounds lame ngl

It’s not about how they look for most peoplebut their rich lore history and beliefs is what they want.


More pale as they been shown since begining of wow, since vanilla. They were more pale than the Blood Elves due to the lack of mana as Blood Elves were able to find/or craved for a new source of power to sustain their addiction for mana which the Alliance High Elves never did or was able to and the Aliiance High Elves their lost the glow in their eyes which gave them almost Human eyes. That is the story for the Alliance High Elves. Struggle to overcome their addiction of mana, trying to survive with the little mana that magical artifacts had to offer. The Highvale Elves was able to overcome their addiction and is free of the addiction. And they never lost their faith in the Alliance and thier comrades within the Alliance even when their king ordered them home.

And Blizzard could have kept them distinct by letting the Alliance High Elves have blue and purple eyes and green and yellow for the Blood Elves but that’s not what Blizzard did and let both races have blue and purple. And also IN the consept arts they made they were trying to make Blood Elves different from High Elves. Using Fel as their magic source and their theme be more like Dark Elves. Which would had made more sense as them being part of the Horde. But at the end of BC Blizzard abandon that idea and tried to turn them back to High Elves, having the Sunwell as source of mana again just to show the finger to the High Elf fans. Which also the “Remember the Sunwell” just sounds stupid now as that was their reason to seek out new source of magic.

Also we said that Blood Elves can keep Silvermoon/Quel’thalas and the Alliance High Elves builds a new home in Crystalsong forest in Northrend. The leylines there will give them that Arcane mana they craved for so long and will keep them. And for the SIlver covenant to lead them as the Silver Covenant are trying to relearn the old ways of being High Elves as they were back in Warcraft 2 with the Unicorn as their symbol. And they have diffrent tabard than the Blood Elves and they have different mounts like…a Unicorn as the Blood Elves have a Hawkstrider. They have a white/silver Hippogryphon that is rare while the Blood Elves have Dragonhawk as flying mount. As we said a million times but those against the idea of playable Alliance High Elves never read.

Strange that Blizzard just abandoned all of that for a race that makes no sense for the Alliance because few devs found void elves cool…but goes against everything the Alliance stand for…which is followers of the Light and that is what all the other races have in common, even the Night elves who follows Elune but is very similar what the rest of the Alliance races worship. Ruining what makes the Alliance…the Alliance.

Yeah exactly, we even asked for the Alliance High Elves to look slightly different from the Blood Elves as Im sure Blizzard could do as Blood Elves played with fel which gave the Blood Elves their green eyes and reddish skin and now with the new Sunwell their skins would turn more bronze and yellow/gold eyes. But instead Blizzard just made up a tiny group of Blood Elves that never existed in the Lore, that was playing with the void to be made playable for the Alliance that “NO ONE” asked for.

But I don’t care much more about this anymore anyway as I said my piece as Im looking for a new MMO to play because wow is not Warcraft anymore and the devs don’t seem to care either.

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So people basically are a bunch of whiny kids and want blizzard add the whole race that doesn’t have any real visual difference from Belves because “rich lore”? Damn that’s funny. Rp void elf as high elf if “rich lore” is all what you care about.

Choose the most pale variant of void elf/blood elf, sweety

That’s right, they didn’t restrict trivial things such as eye color, that’s great, much better than what you propose, thank god you are not blizzard Dev

So you propose to forget how dangerous fel is and make avid fel using race as playable race? Especially in period where horde’s warchief was thrall? Dude maybe you don’t care about lore at all.

That’s good, I love blizzard

You need to remember your history, especially lowest points

I have proposal of removing every NPC high elf from the game and say that they left loser alliance and joined Chad sin’dorei

Damn your rabbit hole of madness this deep

Yeah, this race called void elves

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