Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

If you want a thread to die you generally don’t post in said thread.

Cause y’know…that keeps it alive.

Anyways. Happy to post here. :smiley:


I support blood elves going back to the fel. We need to fight the void elves eventually.

Best way to counter void is light

Half true, we want to play those high elves, those remained loyal to the Alliance, not blood elves.

an eejit (whatever it means)

You see, outlook is not everything. Even tho that part of the game is almost dead, but some still play this as an mmo rpg, where it could matter if the charachter has a proper background, even if it has the same outlook as an already existing playable race. Difference can be cultural/political, not just anatomical, in my opinion, that works

You see peoples preferences in game, you barely see any purple elves in the void elf sect walking around instead most are fair skinned and blue eye’d elves, this should show Blizz what the player really wanted, I won’t play VE because the purple void proc gets on my nerves especially when it bugs out.

i see huge amount of purple elves too

Sure you do :roll_eyes:

Not necessarily.
You can want to be a void elf while still enjoying the normal skin tones.

Im currently using the normal skin tone just because i fancied something a bit different. I had been purple for a few years already. I’ll change back to purple at some point.

One of the huge pros of void elves. Theyre very customisable.

Also, in my experience most people do actually make purple void elves. For RP reasons ive set my hearthstone to telegrus rift so i see lots of fresh void elves. Cant vouch for how long theyre played however.

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Personally dislike the purple skin myself and I hate the proc, its why I went Horde, no Alliance elves for me unless Dracthyr gets visage improvements.

Eejit is just another way of saying idiot or silly person.

I just think its silly and unfair to be trying to multiate the poor Void Elves cos you sant High Elves.

High Elves be dead. Gone. Far too few of them left. Void Elves are more ambiguous in their population.

Also, there’s been a decent amount of fan ideas about progressing the dead High Elves into a new form. Blizzard had their own ideas with making them Void Elves.

Blood elves belong to alliance. Or third faction - the elves.

Alliance ever wanted was the high elves, yet we did not received them.

True, also that they are in the alliance faction.

To be honest i never met blue skinned void elf. :smiley: except it was my own void elf.

You are not gonna get them ever. We will stay Horde and there is nothing you can do about it.

they will get them they deserve it

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It’s funny because if they were in alliance they’ll be total losers, in horde they have sit at the council (legitimate political influence) and they are the most powerful faction of elves in warcraft

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No they do not. We are Horde and that will stay so. And once Bob is exiled and Kael’thas returns we rise to glory from the past once more.

Kael’thas is dead

why not ? you should encourage more playable races to this game it is not the end of the world when the alliance finnally get the high elves they should have been the alliance anyway. i would want fel orcs in return

well it’s because “humans vs orcs” potential. For me, this game would be more interesting if elves would take that role instead.