Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Customize your void elf as high elf. Easy

i dont play void elf if they could be a paladin i would

still they are not high elves.

Well, too bad

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So high elves finally got to the community council. Looks like, high elves soon will be playable!

[High Elf Race & Quel’Danil Lodge Architecture - Community / WoW Community Council - World of Warcraft Forums

[High Elf Allied Race Megathread (Continuation) - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums


Blizzard should rework Void Elf customization to be able to choose between High Elf or Void Elf.

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there is no reason to add more confusion: edgy high elves went to alliance, addicted high elves went to horde. in the end they all are high elves, as they all come from silvermoon, the same high elf city sylvanas died to protect.

Now hold on though… xD Shakim is onto something here.

Nobody in the horde as far as playerbase welcommed Blood elves or approved of them as a horde race… From even all the way back in TBC. They weren’t a true horde race they would say…

That tune all suddenly changed when Void elves with high elves options where added.

Secondly. The Alliance fanbase always wanted high elves… Ever since they first saw them in TBC and thought they where going to be added as an alliance race.

Actully we saw High elves in Vanilla wow in Alliance cities and Alliance areas. Altough they were using altered Night elf models. Blood elves However in Vanilla wow was hostile towards both Alliance and Horde. We been asking for playable High elves since Vanilla were we first saw them and still being in the Alliance.

(Well we pushed more for playable High elves when we saw more of them in Outland, Blizzard Idea was to reignite the Sunwell and destroy how Blood elves were back in TBC which we did not ask for so we kept asking for High elves and Blizzard made the Silver Covenant in WOTLK and well that worked as we were hoping they be playable in the next expansion. That however did not happend so we kept asking for Silver Covenant to be playable)

Was in TBC they got Updated model with the Blood elves becoming playable for the Horde and we found out there was more High elves still fighting for the Lordaeron Alliance (remnants of the Old Alliance) in Outland where they with the rest of the Old Alliance joined the Grand Alliance (Stormwind Alliance). Then there was more High elves in Northrend that came from Dalaran. Their number are not as big as they were in the past true but that is not why we asking for them to be playable. Its because they still believe in the Alliance and still fighting for the Alliance despite all that has happend over the years (Just Lika Alleria). Are they a broken people…yes and each have gone their own path on who they want to pleged their Allegiance. The blood elves choosed the Horde while the ones still call themselves High elves is still with the Alliance.

And as the devs themshelves said in the behind the scenes trailer that “They had to change alot of things to make it work” meaning they had to change the lore alot to make any kind of sense why the Blood elves joined the Horde. But they are there now and if they kept how Blood elves were back in TBC would have showned how diffrent the High elves and Blood elves in their beliefs. You can even see it in the arts that was made back then as blood elves was all about power as they played with all kinds of magic, the more dangerous the better to be the strongest race and never fall again.

While the High elves is not trying to change and stay as they were before scourge attack in Quel’thalas and was not trying to find a new source of power that was dangerous that could alter/change who they were and tried their best to survive the addiction to mana unlike the Blood elves who wanted to rebuild their empire at all cost. The Silver Covenant under Vereesa Windrunner was trying to relearn the ways as High elves were before Warcraft 3. Their mounts are Unicorns and Silver Hippogryphon that the Old High elves used in the past (The Hippogryphon comes from Their ancient home of Kalimdor when they still were Highborne) that used a Unicorn as their symbol when the Blood elves use a Bird, a eagle or falcon as a Symbol and also they use dragon hawks and Hawk striders as mounts. And Blizzard could also made the Blood elves more Imperialistic and the Alliance High elves more old Kingdom Elves.

Now to Void elves which is just a mess and Blizzard have not really done anything with them to correct it. As they are just an offshoot of Blood elves and has the story and theme of TBC Blood elves. And their Culture and tradition is no diffrent from Blood elves “Power is power, its what we do with it that matters”, So basicly they stolen the TBC Blood elves identity how they were back in TBC. Void elves was never asked for as there was no hint of their existenz in wow’s lore and history.

However I do admit that I am curious about this Cosmic void that is more blue than purple that corrupted void is, but it depends how Blizzard goes about this… Maybe Alleria trains the High elves Cosmic void and Umbric trains the void elves the corrupted void. However as a Heritage armor I preferred a more High elf ranger armor that Alleria or the New Sylvanas uses and Silver Covenant colors which is white/blue with silver metal (which Blood elves don’t use as theirs is red, gold and green) Not saying to remove what already been added for the Curropted void elves but something for the High elves that is not corrupted as Umbrics and his followers. Alleria used the void powers for years and was never corrupted, perhaps thanks to Locus-Walker’s teachings she never got corrupted. More named NPCs and have a functional city/outpost or something with a new kind of High elf buildings. Blizzard can make new elf buildings as we seen as they use the dragon buildings off blood elf buildings. Then the Azuna Highborne buildings looks way diffrent from other elves buildings. Alleria could be more active with Alliance planing with her husband Turalyon instead of being background statue like in BFA.

Yes…but something is still missing with Void elves. They don’t have the story and lore of the Alliance high elves. That commitment and loyalty to the Alliance. Void elves are only fighting for the Alliance out of convenience while Alleria is training them. Sure they could proven themshelves to be loyal to the Alliance…they had two chances like in BFA during N’zoth event and now on Dragon islands but nothing…do they even exist in the game anymore? Sure a “few” void elves was in Nas’mir as support but nothing were they go out of their way to protect Alliance with their new found power, Which would have been perfect during N’zoth event…

Ahh well we will see.

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at some point in life, one of the most precious crafts i learned is recognizing when it’s time to let go, especially after multiple reasoning attempts fall to deaf ears.

so, you guys keep advocating for something that is already in game (but with a different title you don’t like and for which you expect blizzard to redesign lore, factions and gameplay, all in the name of accommodating this very minimal detail to your tastes), and i’ll find the exit of this topic by myself.

have a nice summer in here!

You don’t care about the race. You just hate the idea that they are Horde. If you like them this much the faction wouldn’t matter. But you are so deep in the behind of the alliance and humans that you are offended Blizzard isn’t catering to your narrow and non canon way of the lore. You won’t get them. Take the void elfs and be happy. There is no reason to make another thalassian elf race when its already in the game.

Thats the confusing part. Theyre not just on the horde.
The alliance already has playable high elves in the form of void elves.
Minus a name tag (that neither faction has) the race is fully playable whether you want to be on the horde or the alliance.

I fully agree. We have the race twice over already.
If they add new playable races, let them actually be new.

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I am still eagerly waiting for so many things.

Ogres, Amani, Centaur, Hozen, Mogu, Gilgoblins, Earthen, Vrykul- All of whom who ware much more interesting then mere Tolkien elves.

Ive wanted to see gnolls become playable since they got their model update. I think they would make a cool addition to the game.

Hozen and jinyu would also be pretty cool.
Not sure they would be popular, but i think they earned their place in the lineup.

Stop pushing the thread. Let it die.

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Youre literally the one that resurrected it and had you not replied to me, i would have had nothing to say back now…

Moontear Waits 27 days and pushes it before it closes.

I think most of them do care. I can understand wanting to play the Alliance allied high elves that yet exist. I don’t personally think a new AR is called for at this point but I get the desire.

Strictly speaking we already have them…

Also rude my guy…

I am happy with my void elves.

That said I agree it would be a bit silly to make a separate high elf AR at this point when they’ve already gone the route of rolling high elves into the void elves.

If they do ever make a High Elf AR I hope they also then make a proper Wildhammer Dwarf AR as well.

Wouldn’t this more likely be the Revantusk?

I adore these two as options.

Also furbolg and ogres are particular desires for me…

Sethrak and Saurok are also high prizes in my book but I think they’re much less likely. :frowning:

So you thought… it would be a good idea to wait only 8 days instead of just ignoring it and letting it die… when you…want it to die off?

You are very confusing.

No. I want the OGs. If the alliance get their entire second war parade I want mine too.