Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Revantusk are literally the only Amani troll tribe to remain sided with the Horde… They are the OGs…

Blizzard wasted a slot for the Dracthyr. We better make sure the next thing is something that is actually new and exciting.

It is true. They want their elves to be friends with humans like it is with Lotr. Like their great idol Alleria is.

The Dracthyr are literally new. New race. New Story.

You know not what you type.

I mean… I think most of them just want to play the high elves that Blizzard has put in the game for literal years. Many are particularly fond of the Silver Covenant for example. I’m fond of the Highvale elves.

I like how their story has them supposedly not only working and learning from the Wildhammer, my favorite dwarves, but also how they are working with the Draenei.

Again though engaging in conversation with me is a poor way to see this thread die. I’m in support of high elf requests generally speaking if only for their right to request them.

I have no qualms about keeping this thread going.

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is this trolling? horde is 60% or more blood elvees/nightborne

Why isnt this thread dead yet?

I am not. I am tired seeing Blizzard compromising for the high elf fans twice and still they are not happy.

elves are actually on their own or alliance side, like ever forever. They were passed to horde to save it from dying. That’s all.

Elven faction would be nice. Horde is nothing but :poop:

Horde is great and you will never get your high elves. Let it go.

well we almost got them with void elves, not what was ever asked, but still. We will get them eventually.

Arwen x Aragorn is not the stereotype anyone should ever aspire to be.

yet, elves are most popular in this game.

p.s. Sylvanas Windrunner - the horde is NOTHING. Like since 2004 and still continuing.

Someones always going to be unhappy.

Look at you.

Whoop not true at all. lol

People shouldn’t aspire to heroic character archetypes? o-O

You’re a silly person. One for claiming that LotR is somehow lesser fantasy to WoW of all things (rofl) and two for trying to decry heroes just because you don’t like… What about them exactly?

Lotr online was a flop. It is a miracle that it is still playable with no sub model and no money story.

I want a lot of things. Shifting the player ratio is not one of them.

Actually humans are the most played race because most people want their character to look like themselves instead of an actual fantasy race with alot of imagination.

night elves in alliance and blood elves in horde.

Not true at all.

Im all for High elves on the alliance i think it would be cool it would give me an incentive to play both factions

2019? it’s 2023…

that would be possible for elves only.

This data was pulled through auction houses and then pulling those peoples guilds.

Its also from 2019, which isn’t super long ago, but a lot can change in 4 years.

I’d bet you anything its missing entire servers too like every other third party attempt at populations.

I don’t honestly doubt human is the highest, but this isn’t as clear a picture as it seems.

Blizzard hasn’t released any population data since MoP far as I can tell and I’m always sus of these third party ones.

Nonsense. You could easily have the Alteraci join up with the Horde without much fuss.

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Back in classic night elves and humans were the most played with over 50% population. Nobody wanted to play as the classical “evil” races. After Cataclysm things changed and the number of dwarfs and Draenei dropped to be overtaken by trolls and Orcs.

Eh I’ve never seen the numbers but for my own memories that tracks.

Either way I don’t really understand why people try to pull population numbers for anything? Whether that is lore pop or in game pop or what have you. Its not really important. Someone will always be the lower percentages and Blizzard has never really shown a willingness to cater specifically for any population reason that I’ve ever seen.

They do what they think is neat at the time not whatever the most played race is.

Like literally if that held true Blood Elves would have more than the two panes and void elves would have more than just the one. Night Elves would actually have had like… colors and more tattoos than what they got… Like its pitiful how poorly Blizzard has done across the board with everything haphazardly thrown together with little rhyme or reason between races.