Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Silver Covenant is everything that we High elf fans could have hoped for. They are how the High elves were back in Warcraft 2 and they can bring in the Highvale Elves into the Silver Covenant (as Rangers and Scouts or Warriors since they gave up on magic long ago) and the rest of the remining High elves spread out through out the Alliance areas. And with the story and lore the other High Elves have being loyal and supporting the Alliance for years and did not leave the Alliance despite their Kings order to return home after Warcraft 2 after the war, they stayed as they believed in the Alliance just like Alleria. And Silver Covenant is 100% Alliance since WOTLK where we first met them. The Proof lies in Wintergarde Keep where Halford Wyrmbane, Commander of the 7th Legion recruits the Silver Covenant into the Alliance. So they are already in the Alliance, they have their own tabard and their own mounts, They just need a home and a source which is Northrend where Arcane leylines and Crystalsong Forest is the perfect home for them. We met them in Northrend and their home should be in Northrend. And as the Blue Flight and all dragon aspects have left Northrend the Arcane leylines is right for the taking as a magic source for the High elves. They don’t need the Sunwell when the Northrends Arcane energies can provide them with all the mana they need and Silvermoon has not been their home for years. So its better they rebuild elsewhere and if they repair the arcane leylines in Forlorn woods in Crystalsong forest, those woods would become similar to how Quel’thalas looks when arcane mana sips in to the birch tree there.

Why not? and also it already exist in the game in case you missed it and have been since Warcraft 2. Alleria and Turalyon. Vereesa and Rhonin. Sylvannas and Nathanos even if they are undead. Not that all the High elves have chosen a Human mate.

It would feel so much better to play a “Loyal” Alliance High elf that have never let down the Alliance and never will and been fighting for the Alliance for years then a Void elf that is not really loyal to the Alliance but is only fighting for the Alliance because of convenience, they didn’t even show up when we needed them the most (Which was the Perfect time for them to show their loyalty but oh no they hid instead) aka when N-zoth attacked in BFA…so much for Loyalty to the Alliance. Its why Void elves feels so weird and strange as if they don’t belong in the Alliance, the customizations to look like a High elf does not help. They still void elves with a the messy origin story being outcast Blood elves with no different believes or tradition or history than the Blood elves have. And with no real Loyalty to the Alliance…they don’t “feel” like they don’t belong in the Alliance. But then again void elves were a last minute decision at the end of Legion expansion and is the only race…allied race that was not well thought out how they would be implemented into the Alliance. They devs only answer at the Blizzcon were Void elves talked about was “They are cool”…ok…but do they make sense for the Alliance? in a “Light worship” Faction…the Answer is no. Can only say to that…What…were…they…thinking? But here they are, if void elves had the story and lore and loyalty that the Alliance High elves have. It would have been a different story if the Void elves had that but no, they are just small group of outcast Blood elves no matter how you look at it. Void elves “can” still be fixed if the Wow devs put effort into the void elves and with this new Cosmic void they might if the wow devs “can” do it right this time with the void elves and finish the race.

Personally I’d like the Highvale to remain separate, though I wouldn’t mind seeing the Silver Covenant branch out from Dalaran.

The Highvale I’d actually like to see join the Alliance with a tiny bit of begrudging hesitancy in full. (I know they’re more or less allied right now just they’ve always been less connected seemingly in the lore.) And I want to see the Highvale, maybe not angry so much, but distrustful of the Silver Covenant for engaging in the Purge when there are already so few of their kind alive.

I’d love to see the Silver Covenant openly and actively re-engage the Alliance and formally join the Alliance as a group, then work alongside the Ren’dorei and the Highvale and see some inter-group dynamics where they all have some minor distrusts of one another. That would be awesome and expand so much lore for all of them.

That said I don’t want to see the Void Elves be ignored and I don’t want to see any of these groups have their stories just congeal into one thing. They should be separate but closely linked.

Another minor criticism is that the high elves don’t need another Sunwell, as the current restored one feeds them already. They do not need to be near it to be attached to it. All high elves and blood elves are currently sustained by it just fine. That said seeing them establish a home someplace and make their own use of leylines to power their buildings and such makes a lot of sense.

Wait a tick…are you Emet?

Because it is a boring trope. We need elves who actually marry other elves and push the numbers. Half elf children will die faster and actually age the same way humans do. Also this trope is actually alliance bias since it is always with high elves not blood elves.

A traitor and a zealot.

Another traitor and a Knaak gary stue.

A war criminal who commanded the alliance efforts in the fourth war. He must be executed for the countless Zandalari he has killed.

A bunch of traitors who get the D from human husbands and have no loyalty to Quel’thalas anymore. Executing them would be a mercy.

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The Blood Elves are literally the same thing these days. lol

Blizzard already removed all their bite.

And even then all it did is make them more like Tolkeins elves before the whole rings saga began.

I’d like to ask for who the Alliance can have the head of who was responsible for the Horde’s significant war crimes during the Blood War but unfortunately all your people are already dead.

One of them did… No evidence to support that anyone else has…

So you’re just the same as the Silver Covenant then? You folk always wanting to commit genocide against an already genocided race and its your own. The worst kind of person.

Saurfang and Nathanos are dead and Sylvanas was sent to the Maw. So you got all responsible gone. Meanwhile the alliance leaders got away scott free.

An eye for an eye. The purge of Dalaran shall not be forgotten no matter how hard Bob bends over for Jaina and Vereesa.

Vereesa and Alleria. Most likley the majority of her rangers too since they lived long enough with other humans.

Because half a dozen people (historically mostly OP) bumps it before timing out at the 30-day lock.

We kinda got Nathanos in that, if only he ever mattered it might count… but the Horde killed Saurfang and what went to the Maw was hardly Sylvanas.

Nor is her “judgement” the head requested.

When the Horde relinquishes all of Ashenvale and Aszhara then we can talk about letting you have something I think. :smiley:

So you really are just the worst war mongering fool? Another Silver Covenant member here with a different name.

Alleria isn’t Silver Covenant…

Vereesa is the only confirmed member of the Silver Covenant to shack up with a human.

The only other reference is to Elisande who was taunting literally Vereesa and was hardly proof positive of anything. rofl.

Was never yours to begin with. It was contested since vanilla and was given to the Horde to compensate the disadavantage of having lots less leveling zones compared to the alliance.

Only when the elves who followed Alleria and Vereesa are dead will the dead Sunreavers have their justice.

Without Halford Rastakhan might been alive still.

Just cause its been contested for a long time doesn’t make it less Night Elven Lands.

You’re entirely unreasonable so I see no reason not to be myself. Give back all Night Elven Lands.

In fact the Horde should pull out of Desolace, Stonetalon and Feralas too.

Kalimdor does not belong to the night elves. They lost most of it because they waged war on the whole world. Losing the land was punishment for what they did under Queen Azshara.

No one punished them nor had any ability to do so. They withdrew to their lands.

The Horde didn’t even arrive until millennia later.

I say give back the stolen land. They can keep Mulgore, the Barrens, Thousand Needles, and Durotar.

Feralas, Azshara, Stonetalon, Desolace, Ashenvale, Felwood, Moonglade, Winterspring, Mount Hyjal itself and Darkshore should be returned to its rightful rulers.

Its only fair.

Refreshing to see someone not blame Jaina randomly. But Halford wasn’t even at the battle.

Face it Rastakhan got himself killed when he chose not to surrender after he obviously lost the battle and for siding with a malignant spirit that didn’t want him to survive anyways.


He was murdered by the evil alliance who just went there to flex their supremacy complex. Rotten to the core each of their wretched races.

Not rightful rulers of anything. All these lands were stolen from the trolls by Queen Azshara. Similar with human and dwarf kingdoms. Only when the alliance is fully wiped from the world the real people of Azeroth can live in peace.

What the hell is going on here?

Crap land where nothing grows because Thrall chose to force the of Orcs to live in bitter poverty. I say let’s hang the traitor, kill the night elves, take all of ashenvale and start a better life for the green race.

Not much… I keep poking a known Blood Elf supremacist with relatively ridiculous claims against their own and am giggling cause he keeps wanting the thread to die but keeps engaging it. >.>

Your takes are bad. Post with your night elf since it is obvious you have no loyalty to the Horde.

Just a futile atempt to try to find logic and reason in Erevien"s delusional insanity

That’s dominance. Not fairness. You are trying to give night elves an underseved power fantasy.