Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Pot meet kettle.

Your takes are bad so I responded with bad takes. Also lets not pretend you have any loyalty to the Horde. Thats the most laughable take you’ve yet had.

I mean wherever he goes its always the same right? Why not play a little. Keeps the thread going anyways. :smiley:

blood elves are not loyal to horde… neither nightborne are. It just a game plot, nothing more.

actually it does. we will get new world tree and city of top of that world tree.

It does not. Azeroth belongs to everyone. We will not be reduced to Durotar.

I am the true patriot of the Horde. My way can save us from alliance bias.

except orcs that should be deported back to draenor. But Kalimdor is for night elves and taurens.

Your’e not gonna get your power fantasy no matter how many times you ask for it.

its not my fantasy , night elves are most powerful , just because of “reasons” they can not be portrayed as that, so other lesser races would feel bad and irrelevant.

They are not the most powerful in any measure. That is just your wishful thinking. It took a single Orc clan to kill Cenarius and defeat the vanguard. Stormwind is still the strongest nation on Azeroth.

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You’re trying to commit literal treason against your own leader.

Bob is not our true leader. Kael’thas is.

None of the alliance races are in an alliance.
Blood elves are more loyal to the horde then Dwarves are to Humans if you want to talk lore and not game plot as you call it.

By this type of talking then you are just wrong as then it is Trolls you know the race that Elves are from who belong there.
Also remember it WAS the Night Elves who INVITED the Orcs to come attack azeroth in the first place.

It was literally the night elves who made the orc come night elves are responsible for EVERYTHING orcs have done if you want to be going back in time like you are trying to do when it benefit your points.

I am very sure it was Mevih who contacted Gul’dan.

Literally treason. rofl

Azshara invited Sargeras to come to the world and that led to the Sundering.

Medivh invited the Orcs through the Dark Portal.

Lor’themar must fall. We must install our royal line again. Death to the regent and death to the Horde council.

See you’re just a traitor to your people. Like the Silver Covenant. :smiley:

Can’t be a traitor to someone who’s government was not legal to begin with.

Now now, in Chronicles Vol. 3 He was appointed as Regent Lord of Quel’Thalas by Kael’thas himself!
You can’t be more legal than that
And don’t forget. Rommath and even Halduron’s was in favor for him in taking on a more prestigious role and attire but Lor’themar maintained that he was merely the regent lord - not the king - citing Anasterian’s status as the last king of Quel’Thalas as reason enough not to stake that claim.
Lor’themar’s “rule” is legit… and since he married to the monarch of Suramar even more so

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The Sunstrider House was our leaders for ages. Lor’themar is just an upstart usurper who allied with the alliance and led their army to the gates of Orgrimmar. His tyranny of appeasement must end.

Again, Kael’thas himself appointed him, he never usurped anything
And the Sunstrider House died out - except maybe Prince Nallorath, who either non-canon, or either died, but would be as old as Asterian (but still was portrayed as young in the comic he is from)
Never seen his body nor know he is dead or not or had any descendants, so if he turn out to be alive, I’m 100% sure Lor’themar would step down - since he have that respect and loyalty to the Sunstriders; he not even picked up the crown, tho’ everyone wants him to do… but he refuses and rules with a council not a Tyrant, nor claimed the title and made his own Dynasty or House
I guess he even took up Thalyssra’s family name

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The crown belongs to Kael’thas. Maybe he is able to repair the other half of Silvermoon while Lor’themar didn’t do anything for years. Even the Exodar is functional again according to Exploring Azeroth. He is a massive failure through and through. Nobody should be rooting for him especially not after he allowed Anduin to enter Orgrimmar unharmed.