Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Even after his father’s death Kael’thas remained a prince, not claimed the crown and became King Kael’thas Sintrider…
And even if he would, a king is only king untill he dies and he died… as a filthy, demon worshipping traitor. His rule and dynasty ended right there.
Anyhow, arguing you is just as pointles just as before
Take Tah’s advice and seek professional help, preferably with very strong medications to your mental condition

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Have you entered Revendreth latley? His title is still Lord of the blood elves. And when you click quote him he says “You adress the Sunking!”

edit: Know what else is pointless? Arguing with spoiled high elf fans who can’t take “no” for an answer. This topic exists because they didn’t get blood elf hair styles for their models.

They are legal… You’re a traitor to the Horde and to the Blood Elven People. Supporter of betrayers and madmen who tried actively to destroy their people.

Like the Silver Covenant.

They are not. Bob betrayed his people when he killed Kael’thas and made peace with the alliance.

So… you support EVERY Blood Elf being turned into a demon and chained to the Burning Legion?

And you… somehow… think you’re not a traitor?

I support the blood elves lead by the person I grew up with when I played Warcraft 3. Keal’thas. He who swore to lead his people to salvation, cure the magic addiciton and made powerful deals to become independant from third parties. I played the campaign. I saw the cinematic at the Sunwell. And I was the happiest man ever when we met him again in Revendreth.

Thats not the reality of his story.

What he was in WCIII is gone. That Kael’Thas isn’t coming back no matter what.

The one in Revendreth wouldn’t even agree with you. He supports Lorthemar… Just as he did back when he put him in charge before he left.

Lor’themar is a powerless ranger with no backstory. That is why I call him Bob. He is totally irrelevant for any Horde story.

It can be salvaged. Like when Sylvanas got her own novel. Like Illidan getting redemption in Legion. There are some characters who are just too cool and important to be killed and Kael is one of those. I want him back. I am sick and tired of losing what I root for just to be repalced with idiots who make peace with the enemy I dearley hate aka the alliance. I will not stop until the Horde is freed from incompetence of the peace mongers also known as the Horde council and it starts with killing the Regent Lord for good.

If you belive Erevien knows or cares about lore, I have a bride to sell you
Anything that is not fits in his twisted demented view of the Game is nonexistent
Don’t waste time on him and feed his delusions, just ignore and hope he will be banned from here too just like from the german and us forums

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Ain’t permabanned in the US.

That’s not true. Why would any elf want be in horde? It’s just game plot for “reasons”.

Elves belongs to the alliance or their own faction.

That is also not true.

So you must not play the game at all and haven’t kept up with the Lore is what I’m getting out of this.

He was salvaged. Hes repentant. Kael’Thas would not at all agree with you.

You’re wrong.

I should take him at his word generally… He claims to care hes just so very very incorrect about it that its only right to try to correct him.

Also it gets the thread bumps… which isn’t the worst thing. :smiley:

You do seem to get silenced there a lot though. Really feel the need to keep pushing these incorrect and incendiary lies?

Speaking of “fitting the lore to your own view in spite of it” like Erevien does…

Trolls are indeed the race the elves are descended from.

they ARE playable - both void elves and blood elves have blue eyes options

I doubt OP will see the light after three years of keeping this thread alive.

Sunk cost fallacy etc.

Why Bob sucks:

  1. He sided with Jaina in Nazjatar.
  2. He agreed to the peace treaty.
  3. He lost his eye.
  4. He has no magic.
  5. His wife is a second in command not the actual ruler of Suramar.
  6. He knows the Windrunners are the superior rangers in skill.

Why Kael is cool:

  1. He has magic so powerful he is on par with Jaina.
  2. He killed many humans to break free from the alliance.
  3. He made the right alliances at the right time to be sure that his people have partners that actually aid them in time of need.
  4. He has both eyes and will not be hindered in a battle because of it.
  5. He almost killed Arthas.
  6. His plans in Netherstorm would have worked if the Horde didn’t disrupt him.

He wasn’t. He accepted his fate and instead of returning to the blood elves he is now the henchman of the Accuser.

I will return in a month and then my fight for a better Horde continues.

Oh noes he choose to fight against the bigger bad thing that was going to destroy the world rather than pitifully cry like a baby and keep fighting the Alliance!

Oh noes! He choose to agree to a peace treaty to end a war that wasn’t helping anyone after they’d already expended nearly all their military might because their Traitorous leader (Sylvanas) was trying to kill everyone!

Oh noes! You’re ablelist!

Oh noes! He actually has skill and ability that doesn’t rely on magic!

Oh noes! You don’t know whose in charge of Suramar!

Oh noes! He acknowledges that the Windrunners are good at their jobs and has a fairly normal and realistic complex about not feeling right for the job but despite that he perseveres and keeps at it for his people.

So you don’t know what hes been doing since WCIII onwards? You know nothing about Kael’thas?

I’m almost amused.

I make a fair comparison and so far Lor’themar is losing pretty badly.

He is my favorite character and I reject all the bad writing Blizzard did to him between TBC and Shadowlands.

No that just means he sucks in melee battle.

If you reject the lore then you reject Kael’thas.

Hes what he is. Not what you imagine him to be.

Given that hes managed to still be a preeminent Ranger since he lost that eye before WoW even started, I think you’ll find he is quite capable. Also, having fought him myself several times now raiding Silvermoon, he seems quite capable. lol