Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I think blood elves are way more interesting and unique than high elves, and in the end: They are almost the exact same thing, ain’t they?

I mean blood elves and high elves are literally the same people, but they just got renamed by Kaelthas after Arthas killed like 90% of their population. There is really no point in changing the name

It is actually common sense. Elves are good by nature, not evil. Taurens also shouldnt be in horde, nightborne too.

No, it is speculated, but they are not.

Yes, void and blood elves are, high elves not.

Yes they are. Chronicles confirms it.

Because you can make your void elf look normal now. So Blizzard sees no need to add an extra race.

Neither are trolls. Unlike the night elves they never started a disaster that tore the whole world apart. Infact their first act of heroism was to defy the old gods and kill some of their generals.

That is just gameplay. Also he is aided by Vereesa’s doormat Halduron and Rommath. So of course it is harder to come by. In lore he can easily be taken down by a normal squad of soldiers. If you go by that logic then Sylvanas was the strongest leader ever since she gave raids the hardest pvp fight.


High elves and blood elves are the same thing. They just got renamed by kaelthad after arthas killed most of them. If you play a blood elf, you also effectively play a high elf.

I’m 99% sure that it is in the lore that night elves are simply trolls, who got empowered by the moon well over time

Myths say Elune formed them in her image. But the titans say the well of eternity mutated them.

Ooof. This gets way too close to a dogwhistle I’m not interested in participating with.

Its literally the lore! its not speculated at all. Its known.

But isn’t that the same thing in the end? The are trolls, who got altered/shaped/formed by elunes power

Well of Eternity wasn’t a moonwell though all Moonwells are powered by the waters of the Well of Eternity from Nordrassil on Mount Hyjal.

The Well of Eternity was a wound from when the Titans tore that one Old God from the planet and it spills out massive amounts of arcane power. That wells power did effect a group of Dark Trolls who had taken to living along its banks and turned them over time into the Night Elves.

So basically night elves are forest trolls, who lived near moonwells for a long period of time, and then got altered by elune, got way more intelligent, and later on built their own unique culture. They started to view trolls as inferior and took their land and hunted them down while building the kaldorei empire under queen azshara. Later on azsharah got more and more power hungry and brought the legion to azeroth. Isn’t that basically the story in a nutshell?


A quick overview. Sadly only my main account can post images.

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Wait wtf? Naga were trapped highborne? That’s cool :joy:

They died in Zin’Azshari. N’zoth turned them in waht they are now. The most loyal of the queens followers.

Sadly I don’t really know the story yet of how queen azshara got corrupted apparently and who/what nzoth exactly is

there you go.

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Wth this is so good

Then why don’t you use it?

Conveniently he ignores what not fits in his delusional, twisted and demented worldview
As Tah and severals said, he should seek professional help
And should be banned from here too, preferably by IP address so he wouldn’t be able to cheat his way back
But sadly we only have a ghost of a skeleton crew as mods and they are useless when it comes to enforce the rules

As a sad man who is angry about the state of the game I am mostly salt and hatred.

Unfortunately I can relate to that.