Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Where did I accuse the Blood Elves of anything?

It’s not about who was doing what or who was more evil - it’s just a basic fact. The Horde culled the Highborne from Dire Maul and burned the Library not long after.
The whole story was brought in, simply because Blizzard wanted to keep the Highborne (Night Elf Mages) on Alliance, in some way where it would make sense and not join the Nightborne; hence why the Horde were the canon force who assaulted Dire Maul.

And neither the Eldre’Thalas Highborne or Silvermoon Blood Elves were serving demons. They were both using fel magic as a sustenance to maintain themselves. Now, I think the Blood Elf methods of using the fel crystals was better because it was far more controlled.

Yeah that could work. If choosing High elf I hope we get to see both Alleria and Vereesa when we get in to the game after creating the character and the High elves gets a diffrent starting place. Either Dalaran (Nortrend) or Crystalsong Forest etc. Oh wait I see the text. Hmm ok we see how the Cosmic void will work for the Void elves.

Hmm is that not the Old eyes that void elves had when they were introduced back at the end of legion. I liked those eyes for void elves but when Shadowlands came those eyes got removed…for some reason.

Wildhammer maybe start in Hinterlands or Twilight Highlands and go through a portal to Ironforge or/and then Stormwind. Forest Trolls in Zul’aman and then a protal to Orgrimmar etc.

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The racial traits should be modified like the gift of the naaru (man’ari), there should be different voices and new customizations for this type of functionality. If we could also receive racial armor or a recolor that would be great.

It’s a lot of work but I’m sure Blizzard can add this feature to improve character creation.

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Just give up.

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lol erevien is secretly a High elf admirer, he’s always bumping the thread yet claims people should “give up”, Good job old boy.

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People bump it anyway. So at least I can try to stop it.

Erevien telling others to ‘just give up’ is the epitome of irony.


Erevien is irony.

Off: As a hard-to-let-go, old fashioned guy, even I think this is how character creation, catalogisation should been redone. There are so many options for character customisation now, that many even makes no sense lorewise, like red draenei, or forced skin color on FANTASY races based in irl politics. The first category can be solved, like in the screenshot shown, that every race now listed like this, forex

-People of Stormwind
-Kul Tirans
-People of Gilneas (Worgen)
-People of the Sand Kingdom (Human characters with sub-sharan anatomical fearures)

A categorisation, like this would calm the lore people, the people don’t care about lore, just want to play as red space goat, and the political activists.

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that is actually great concept and so easy to implement, i hope we will get to see this in game soon in future.

[Midnight is the Eleventh World of Warcraft Expansion - Wowhead News]

possibly we will get elf expansion, uniting all elven races against “evil”?
new cities in HD and playable sub categories for high elves/sanlayn etc.

and maybe third faction - elves? since i really do not want stay in this " the alliance" thing anymore.


Are you kidding me with more elf races? Just how many damned belf reskins do you people need?

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More alliance bias.

I got so excited when I saw this and they mentioned about gathering “the other elf tribes” :star_struck:

Btw, loving the new Alleria model with higher resolution :heart_eyes:! Gives me hopes for further expanding on Alliance elves lore and customisation.

Hmm that looks like Silver Covenant colors on Allerias new armor and bow ( As what the Void elves should have had in the begining as we already have several races with purple color armor theme but with the Silver Covenant it would be more unique color theme, I hope there will be a set for the players with a hood and weapons like Alleria). Are the Silver covenant and the void elves teaming up. Could it be the Cosmic void on her new Bow. Does look like some combo between Silver Covenant and the Void elves. I hope we get to see Alleria Windrunner gets this new look ingame. The trailer only showed her old look and what was she doing in Dalaran. Perhaps Dalaran will become a Second home for the Void elves. Fall 2024 feels so far away.


Whelp RIP Quel’thalas. Pretty much doomed to get the Teldrassil treatment. They’ll probably merge blood and void elves into a neutral ‘Thalassian’ race once everyone’s united.

Glad the faction conflict is basically dead now but god damn did they have to pick the two best zones in the game to ruin with this cosmic snorefest.


Erevien is so deep in the rabbit hole that his a blood elf pretending to be a troll pretending to be a blood elf poster

also doubt alleria has joined the silver convent she’d be under her little sister i don’t see that working out


Quel’Thalas Renaissance concept is becoming a thing! :sun_with_face: :elf:

You already got high elves as void elves who got high elf customisation :smiley: you aint getting other same race with name high elf :smiley:

You void elfs already got high elf customisation you aint getting whole new race where is high elf name slapped :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

They ruin quel’thalas just to pander to alliance players. Alliance bias once more destroys the lore.