Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

to be fair the horde was pandered to first when they got the blood elves to balance their pitiful numbers

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Its been 16 years get over it alliance fanboy.

its been 16 years get over it “boi” there is no alliance bias shrugs to her self but there is clearly Erevien bias …

Delete Alleria stop forcing alliance heroes on us.

delete Erevien stop troll simps from pretending they speak for the blood elves

i hope we finally wipe out those mongrel amani trolls in the blood elf expansion

Amani are better then Alleria in every way.

better at dying … the only good troll is a dead troll the human trollbane had the right of it … kill them all and let their pitiful loa sort it out

There shouldn’t be any alliance in quel’thalas I will kill Alleria the moment she enters-

you and what army traitor to quel’thalas ?
join your good friend Zul’jin and suffer in revendreth for all eternity to get rid of the nasty hatred you have for the alliance :smiley:

i still visit old zul’jin in revendreth to laugh at him

We get it you support alliance bias.

i support the sin’dorei and our lawful regent lord bob … unlike you who are just a troll fanboi in elven skin

Only traitors support Alleria

the regent lord will decide your fate traitor to silvermoon but if i had my way we’d hoist you infront of Zul’aman that you love so much until dead from starvation

/rp off :stuck_out_tongue:

I am the regent lord

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skip already to midnight expansion, nobody interested in orc vs human stories.

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No one is interested in alliance elf expansions either.

Well could be that Alleria leads the Silver Covenant togheter with Veeresa or Veeresa wants Alleria to lead the Silver Covenant. Perhaps Blizzard is going to reimagine the Void elves with the Cosmic void magic.

Just look at the other key art with Thrall, Anduin and Alleria. Her void magic is blue, not purple now. Also notice her tattoos (From the previous picture). Does it not look familiar with certain Night Elf Night Warrior. There is stars in her tattoos. Considering her new look that does not look like the other void elves look, Could something have happened with Umbric and his followers? Could they been visited by Xal’atath? (Perhaps to join her new Black Empire) Or perhaps Umbric and her had a fallout/disagreement and Alleria is looking to start over with her sister and the Silver Covenant.

In the trailer we see Alleria walking around Dalaran. Wish they could shown more about Alleria and her new look and why she is in Dalaran. Perhaps in the interviews, Someone would be kind enough to ask about Alleria. Her roll in the next expansion.

Well it is possible they might make Silvermoon Neutral.
They said The midnight expansion something will happen to the Sunwell when the void invades Quel’Thalas And all elf tribe maybe it will be fully about all elves in Azeroth working togheter against the void and ofcourse all the Azeorth’s champions. Alliance High elves, Silver Covenant, the High elves from outland with Auric Sunchaser, THe Highvale Elves. All coming home to defend Quel’thalas and Maybe Lor’themar Theron will welcome everyone back. Perhaps this will be the blue print that all major cites will become neutral as this peace seems to going to countinue. Perhaps we see orcs in Stormwind or trolls in Ironforge or Humans in Orgrimmar. We shall see as this story is going to last for 20 years.

As things look I don’t think there be a Third faction. Its probably we are going to become 1 faction. Both Horde and Alliance becoming under 1 Banner of this new faction. 1 Big Faction. Maybe Legion gav hints to what faction.


The key art image proofs its alliance bias.

metzen shouted for the horde first at blizzcon 2023 … this proves that his horde bias … how shameful

Horde players will be forced to take quests from Alleria.

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