Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

It’s not dead. It’s on hold. They are not gonna kill it cause it’s something they can pull out of the hat when they think they need it.

It will be dead for sure. Just look at Teldrassil. Horde Elves bever get anything good and alliance fanboys will say we shouldn’t be angry because it wasn’t the alliance who destroyed it.

I love Alleria’s Void Hunter asphetic, I really want that!

okay traitor.

Just because I post on a Horde avatar doesnt mean I play Horde anymore, all my friends went Alliance so I followed but stayed true to my hunter heritage.

good to know traitor. We will not let you entry in our land.

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like you’ll ever have any say, you can’t stop us, infact im in Silvermoon right now.

We will stop you and put the head of Umbric on a spike.

It’s dead why? Think about it. Why would they kill it when it’s potential content? When their little expansion groups are done and people will get nostalgic over the good ol’ days, they’ll do another BFA. It’s a cycle.

Because taking it away is much easier. The blood elves will be dead in midnight mark my words now.

the blood elves will be reborn in midnight along with all the other elves as the great elven empire :stuck_out_tongue: and the most vain elf to ever live will come back to be the racial leader :wink:


But why? What’s the point? Blood Elves won’t be dead. They are the most popular Horde race, by far and because of that they are a huge source for content. And besides now the Alliance has the model too they have even fewer reasons to mess up the faction. So why? To please Cryingmoon here or what’s his name and piss off everyone else? Makes no sense. Worse case scenario they’ll give access to void elves to Silvermoon in some form.

We both know this will not happen.

Because they give in to the high elf fanboys. Make Alleria queen. And all those other wet fantasies like they complained for years. They do not care for Blood elf lore the ending of TBC should have shown you that.

Belf lore got more development than most races. Maybe less then whiny crying nelfs, but not by much. What are you on about?

Blood elves got no attention since TBC ended and left them with nothing. Sideplot doesn’t count. They were never the face of the main story in any way.

i really hope we will have third faction, since it is needed.

Its not. Blood elves are in a good spot. They should stay Horde forever.

We don’t have proper balance for 2 factions and a 3rd one is needed? Are you out of your mind?

They want Nightborne and blood elves to leave the Horde.