Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I wonder if the Void elf players will get similar armor and weapon like Alleria’s Void hunter set with cosmic Void powers.

Chris Metzen said that Midnight will be about Re-uniting Elven tribes. I wouldn’t be surprised if by the end of that Expansion the new growing world tree will be teleported right above Sunwell just like Nordassil was raised on the second Well of Eternity.

This way Quel’thalas will become home for all Elves. A giant conglomeration of different societies.


The blood elves will join the alliance and the Horde community dies. Just giving the high elf fans what they always wanted.

That will hardly happen. Alliance was never appealing to the Thalassian Elves in general aside from few misfits like Alleria.

Nightborne who are in union with Blood Elves also very graphically described Alliance as too clustered for their liking and it was Sin’dorei that ushered them to the Horde. And it was done in the very same expansion where giant Sword came to be a point of interest in the World.

I doubt that Blizzard would remind itself of one thing from Legion and forget the other.

Alleria and Vereesa are the last actual prominent thalassian elves. The blood elf cast is devoid of such things since they were actually created on the spot with no background or ties to the mainplot.

They will. Because all greater cosmic forces are part of the alliance and not the Horde.

They are not gonna kill their community for the love of God. They are not gonna kill potential avenues they might exploit for future themes. It’s idiotic to sabotage their own game to that degree.

They will. The blood elves will go alliance to unify all elves again and the Horde community dies since all they care about is the avengers team. Aka the alliance.

I’d like to see them selling that. Yeah, here you go Horde we are taking away one of your races and giving it to the alliance cause they are our special little children and we hate you. Or something along those lines. Get real.
You don’t know what they will do and neither do I but it’s a pretty safe bet they won’t be doing the above.

I am willing to take bets. Forcing us to follow Alleria is the first sign. It will get so much worse once Midnight launches.

Ok. Let’s make it a bet. Go ahead, draft a form.

It will happen just wait and see. just like with Magni in Bfa and Bolvar in Shadowlands only alliance characters matter now.

I don’t disagree, they have Alliance-ed the story badly. To such degree that they stopped killing evil Horde characters like the Forsaken because we are literally out of meaningful characters. I mean have you done the Forsaken quest for the faction armor? All the baddies from BFA are there, the ones who openly participated and reveled in the slaughter of nelfs.
But going from that to removing belfs from the Horde and awarding them to the Alliance is a huge, ridiculous leap. But if you are so sure, take the bet. I’ll let you establish the details of it.

Those who remained are butt deep in the alliance and appease them now. They support the peace treaty and betrayed our allies and their grudge. Horde story died after cataclysm and now everyone is forced to take quests from the great alliance heroes who decide the fate of the cosmos while the Horde simply doesn’t exist. Or are just a second fiddle.

Grommash, Zaela, Garrosh, Nazgrim, Rastakhan, Cairne, Malkorok, Doomhammer, Durotan, Runthak, Rezan, Ner’zhul. Zul’jin, Saurfang, Dranosh, Brox, Teron, Vol’jin, Lathos Sunband, Alia Sunsoar, That Dragonmaw Orc in the lifepools, Nathanos, Dark Ranger Captain Areiel and so many more. The Horde character cast is fully destroyed thanks to the faction war expansions and every time Blizzard decides they need to kill Horde leaders to raise the stakes.

interesting idea, like it somewhat. But really want third faction elves.

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So you won’t take the bet. Maybe you are not so sure.

I am sure I just have nothing that would make it worth it to offer.

I don’t want gold or crap like that. So how about this, you lose the bet, you will have to make a post about how much you love the Alliance and Jaina and you’ll have to sound sincere, just sound, no honesty needed. How about that?

No will not trade my pride for victory. I am not Talanji afterall. This troll has dignity.

Quel’thalas and all her people will finally come home. Glorious. :smiley:


You high elf simps are very obssessed with a faction we were a part of for 5 minutes.

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