Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Demons technically were in the horde, pitlords allied race when blizz.
Nagas are more interesting than ogres


The first nightborn werent even looking like the ingame ones…

And nightborn are basically nightelve skins for the most part.

Pretty sure the majority of this community also dont play nightborn.

Ogers are requested since day one, and they are basically part of the horde since warcraft.

Not sure whats wrong about playing a stupid race?

Oh it changed to demons now? No, see demons are actually NOT in the Horde. Ogres are. We have what? Two clans? You want demons the Alliance has em. Not quite pit lords but still demons.

They are still very similiar.

Yes, that’s why they are allied race

If you compare adding nightborne to adding ogres i think you got something VERY wrong.
To add ogres you need to make whole new model and animations, to add nightbornes they just used pre existing model and animations

Like high elves evil laughter

My point is old horde were allied with evil races because old horde was purely evil faction, now new horde is different and have good alligned races

Could you guys finally stop bumping this 3 year old topic. only a very loud minority wants this

Ogres are in the damned Horde. Not the Old Horde or the Iorn Horde, the Horde. We have the Dunemaul Clan we have the Stonemaul Clan and we even have those Rexxar halfogres. They are just not playable. Yet.

can’t wait to see how they’ll have even lesser amount of played characters than pandarens woohoo

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Even if they do, they will be playable and that makes me happy. How anyone else feels about it, not really my concern.

You got basically highborne night elves. We got High Elves from Temu. Which also means the B. Elf model is not exclusive to Horde anymore and the N.Elf model is not exclusive to the Alliance now.

Also, trolls can be Paladins now through Zandalari trolls, and Humans can be druids through the Kul’Tirans.

I could also go on and on about how faction exclusivity was toned down throughout the years (it started by giving Pandaren to both factions), but I think that’s enough. I repeat, I said toned down* not removed.

Man it’s just “my personal desires” but your side always is a magical majority in your replies. That’s your narrative at least. The fact is I am not the only one who would like to see some more Silver Covenant development.

And once again I have to repeat that Blood Elves and High Elves are not the same. You could make an argument about both being Elves, but that’s it. These two groups are distinct now and have taken different/opposing paths within the lore. That’s a fact no matter how much you try to downplay the existence and the role of the Silver Covenant.

You can keep calling the Silver Covenant a mere “plot device”, a “small irrelevant faction” and other names. But no matter what you say, the reality won’t change. That this faction exists and we see it numerous times within the game and the lore along with their leader Vereesa Windrunner.

You don’t like it? Well, you do you. You don’t have to like the Silver Covenant as a faction but at the same time you cannot downplay its existence. I will use your favourite argument and say “what about all the people who are invested in the Silver Covenant as a faction within the lore? Who disagree with your personal tastes? Should Blizzard listen to them too?”

You are clearly angry. I have no horse in this, and even if i had I wouldn’t be so upset over it. I cannot go on like this have a nice day, we have no reason to fight. We can disagree and be civil about this. I am not entirely sure if I misunderstand something here but your responses are getting even more aggressive by the minute.

Also no one said anything about “throwing the towel”. This is not a contest and I am not trying to impose upon you my personal interest about the Silver Covenant.

Exactly! THANK YOU! Totally agree…

Nothing wrong with that. But you know what else has been part of the Alliance since Warcraft? High Elves. Which is why it is highly requested.

Sure though I would love to see a throwback to Warcraft’s origins and see Ogres and High Elves as new races for the Horde and the Alliance respectively.

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First, the nelf model is very much exclusive to the Alliance because the model was not copied, only the skeleton. So what the hell you on about there? The only model shared across factions is the belf and the human female.
Second, Zandalari are not PALADINS they are Prelates and they don’t get their abilities from the Light but rather from their loa. Kultirans are not druids they are thornspeakers. These are very important differences you seem to dismiss to justify this helf drama. Or you simply don’t know and are talking out your bum.

And be careful there chief, I didn’t say minority or majority. I said those who disagree, however many they may be. So stop putting words in my mouth and answer the damned question. What about those who don’t want this to happen?

And Vareesa is not the Silver Covenant, she’s a member of it and amusingly, to make my point, she was mostly feature when it was time to hate on belfs. Otherwise her appearances have been few and far between. Not to mention she’s a total crap character that got written in to make Kanaak’s avatar have a sexy elf arm candy. Your “leader” is a joke.

And I’m not downplaying it’s existance. I’m simply telling you it’s just an anti-belf device. Northrend against the Sunreavers, Throne of Thrunder against the Belfs, Dalaran, again agains the sunreavers. But please go ahead factually prove to me they are not an ati-belf device in this game. Please.

You keep saying you have no horse in this race but you are willing to disregard lore and other players to make this a thing. Stop lying to me.

Oh I would not be against highelves by default, problem is, the ship sailed when they introduces Bloodelves to the horde AND gave you Voidelves (with the new options).

You guys can basically create a highelf. Its just not named like it.

So the question is why would we need a 5 elven race when you can basically allready make one?

They could do the same with the orcs… no need to have a race for every single ‘‘skin’’

I am btw one of the people that would love to give you our bloodelves… because elves imo dont fit the horde theme at all.

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You warlocks have to let go of the metamorphosis grudge eventually.

Agreed. I don’t see a future in which Blizzard would add a seperate race slot for High Elves, when Void Elves already have a slew of options available to look the part. I think it’s much more likely we’ll just see more customisation options added to Void Elves in the future.

Hmm I wonder Moontear, there is a quest here for getting the remaining blue dragons and one was in the Crystalsong forest (Yes I am abit late, haven’t played wow much lately). To help her with the elven spirits of Shandaral. The dragon said that the spirits will soon move on thanks to our effort. Could it be Blizzard have listened? Altough or could it just be the story of the Last titan expansion will take place there. But could be that Alleria and her sister and the Silver Covenant is like we talked about expand the outpost and make it to a Silver covenant home in Crystalsong forest.

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

But it could be in the next expansion or Midnight that Void elves and Silver covenant High elves join forces or could also be that Alleria is leaving the Void elves and Joining her sister with the Silver covenant considering her new art look and using Cosmic void magic. But then again they said that in Midnight we will help unify the scattered elven tribes to come to Silvermoons aid against the void. So could be that Void elves and Blood/High elves becomes Neutral and the player decides which faction the player wants its Void/Blood/High elf to fight for and SIlvermoon/Quel’thalas becomes home for all Void/Blood/High elves. I quess should just wait and see. Even though Midnight is still years away.

Actully both players of the Alliance and Horde asked for the Nightborne back in Legion to be playable for their faction but Blizzard decided to give Nightborne to the Horde and mostly for a game news reporter asked and wanted to play a Night elf in the Horde. Void elves was a last minute decision, its why Void elves was so…incomplete as Blizzard was never going to give Alliance a Blood elf race (Due to their fear of Horde player backlash as most devs played on the Horde side) to the Alliance but felt they “had to” as they knew there would be backlash when Horde would get Nightborne elves. They knew Alliance players have been asking for High elves as playable since Wow Vanilla when players saw High elves everywhere in Alliance areas. And the Demand continue in BC as we saw them there in Alliance ouposts and the demand grew even more in WOTLK when the Silver Covenant was introduced to Wow as the Silver covenant High elves was just like the WC2 High elves. And Void elves “were” never asked for…why? Because they never existed in the lore or history of warcraft until the end of Legion were they magicly appeared out of nowhere, there is nothing in the lore about Umbric and his followers ever existing in Warcraft/Wow.

And what we asked for was to play the High elves that always been in the Alliance, that never left the Alliance. The High elves that believed in the Alliance as strong as Alleria does. We even asked for them to look slighly diffrent from Blood elves. ANd also Blood elves were never meant to be in Horde anyway, Blizzard only did that to balance the player base between Horde and Alliance before TBC. Giving the Horde a pretty race, sure but they didn’t have to take “an Alliance race”, could just made a complete new race that made sense for the Horde. Yeah Blizzard addmitted that in a clip before TBC was out were they were talking about the Blood elves. “We had to change alot of things, to make it work” aka Change the entire lore to make any kind of sense for Blood elves to join the Horde, to join the “Enemy”. But still don’t make sense today…but they are there so don’t matter, we just want our “loyal” Alliance High elves playable.

Aye I have no problem Nightborne Joining the Horde, Gives the Horde a Dark elf/Drow race which makes sense. It is possible Blizzard are going to make things right with the Silver covenant High elves/Void elves as we do see Allerias new look and that she is going to Dalaran in the trailer. Possibly to meet her Sister and join the Silver Covenant. We will found out more at the other gameshows Im sure.

Ogres would be awsome as they were part of the Old Horde and some still are, I hope they become playable someday and/or Mok’nathal. Mok’nathal is possible as they were “thinking” about joining the Horde during the green orcs Heritage questline. Just as Broken were “thinking” of joining the Alliance at the Eredar questline.

Not exactly, The Ogres have been given a new model, yes there is no female but…the mother blood trolls would make a perfect model as female ogre (which is just a Kultiran male remodel). Just make her bigger (Not hard) give her ogre male hands and feets but make them smaller (not hard) and give her a new head (Mix maybe a ogre and orc female head). Or for mok’nathal well they already have rexxar model ready to use as playable mok’nathal model (Which is a Kultiran model but it has abs) a ogre/orc head and the hands and feet are bigger than kultiran. for female well just use the undead female warrior from maldraxxus/Kultiran female and head they use a mix of ogre/orc female head the animations for rexxar is similar that of a Kultiran male.

The problem with Void elves is they “lack” the loyalty and history with the Alliance. Which makes the Void elves very odd and don’t feel like they are Alliance High elves or belong in the Alliance. Yes Alleria is with them who “is” a Loyal supporter of the Alliance and that will never change. Yes there are these “Random” High elves that lived in diffrent Human citys/villages but nothing says they support/supported the Alliance in the past. And its strange that Alleria didn’t train the Loyal Alliance High elves first or her sister and her Silver Covenant, she instead went to find a “unknown” exiled group of Blood elves noone…nonone has ever heard of. But its most likely due, to the fact they didn’t think it through with Void elves as Void elves was a “last” minute decision. Would have been diffrent if Alleria had trained them first and later on let Umbric and his followers join in but it could be Blizzard is correcting that mistake for War within/Midnight expansion. We can only wait and see.

Not exactly but its possible we get more customizations and with Allerias new look is possible the Silver Covenant will come back in the story again and make things right. Time will tell.


Details… the classes are the same with no difference from each other. If at least the visual effects were different then you might had a point.

I was using skeleton and model interchangeably, I know they are not the same but the skeleton is more important because it dictates how the model is moving and acting. So ok, let me correct myself I was talking about thr skeleton.

I was under the impression you were using singular when referring to my position and plural when you were referring to yours. Was I wrong? If that’s the case, I am sorry.

To answer the question, there are always people who want something to happen or not happen in this game. So I am not sure where you are getting with this.

Excuse me what? Did I get my lore wrong? And who is the leader then??? 0_o because every time a lead figure for the silver covenant appears it’s Vereesa…

Once again, I don’t a flying F, if you don’t like Vereesa, or the Silver Covenant. I like it and sure there are others who like these lore elements as well. I could go on and on about how the whole Warcraft universe had a humble beginning as well, but this argument has no value to this debate at all. Our tastes are simply different, just accept that fact and go on because no matter how much you try to humiliate or downplay Vereesa and the Silver Covenant my opinion on them isn’t going to change since I am getting excited every time I see them going against the sunreavers…

I have already addressed your suspicions. I don’t disregard any lore. I made a mistake somewhere you are free to correct me. As you can see when you said that Vereesa is not the leader instead of insisting she is I gave you the benefit of doubt and asked you to explain further.
Because if Vereesa is not leading the Silver Covenant then who is? Even in the Suramar Legion cinematic (the one with all the elves) she was in the front of the troops, and I am sure I didn’t see any other leading figure in the camp. No one is lying here, you are getting paranoid.

And it’s not like our debate is going to change the plans of any dev. So even IF i had a horse in this, what’s my game plan here in your opinion? “Win” the debate and then start emailing screenshots to Blizzard? :rofl:

Which is why I keep saying V.Elves were a middle finger to all who asked for High Elves. Yeah sure, the ability to create something that looks like a High Elf now with the new customizations is better than nothing I guess. However, could they not complete this with new voice overs, some lore explanation and some Silver Covenant development? I would love to see something like that.

Yeap, giving the Blood Elves to the Horde was a mistake IMO as well… but more than a decade has past already and at least they created the Silver Covenant to counterbalance it somehow lorewise. They can correct that mistake now in a different way.

What like how kultirans turn into those root-creatures instead of bears or cats? And yes. Details. Important distinctions that make up the lore which you seem to be happy to crap all over for your helfs.

And pay attention to what I’m writing. Vareesa may be the leader of the Silver Covenant, but she’s not the Silver covenant. And given what you said above I bet you got your lore all wrong.

And it’s not about me liking or disliking your helf queen. It’s about what they are and they are an ANTI BELF DEVICE. Nothing more cause if they were Blizzard would have bothered to develop them. But they didn’t. They were just brought out to hate on belfs and nothing more.

All that high elf development went to the belfs because, they are, in fact, the high elves. That’s why your Silver Covenant does not exist for several expansions, that’s why belfs have blue eyes.

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Yes that they are. All characters and factions are plot devices in some sense anyway so I am not sure why you repeat that.

They are not. And giving even the B.Elves to the Horde was a mistake anyway. They retconned many things to make it work and even admitted it themselves. So much about “lore accuracy”.

Many characters are absent for 1-2 expansions as well. That doesn’t make them any less relevant. You ask for Ogres for example (and sure take Ogres, I would love to see Ogres in the Horde). Horde Ogres however are even more absent than even the Silver Covenant, so if that is a deciding factor in your book, it works against you.

We want more Silver Covenant, we want more Vereesa, we want High Elves in the Alliance. It doesn’t matter if they are not fleshed out enough in your opinion, for me that’s just one more reason to develop them further.

Heck, we got V.Elves who had less backstory than the Pandaren had (whose only backstory was the existence of Chen Stormstout in the short Rexxar campaign of WC3).

A man can dream.

No, your Silver Covenant isn’t just some other character. They are exclusively an anti belf device and that’s not me tying to be mean to you, that’s simply how it is because they are not used for anything else and why would they be? They were simply there to give the Alliance justification to fight the belfs despite their former alliance. There is nothing to them than that.

They haven’t been developed because the Blood Elves took the spotlight as far as pink elves are concerned, in fact they were used to develop the belfs across the WoW story.

Sorry your only excuse for ripping off belfs some more is so crappy.

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That’s just your opinion. To me they are a lot more. They the personification of the High Elves who stayed loyal to the Alliance for x/y reasons. That alone is enough.

The velves were not developed because they were a last minute decision, nothing more than a cope out to justify giving the popular Nightbourne to the Horde. As I said, the middle finger.

So much for not being mean man. I am sorry you find my tastes “crappy” but I don’t care. After all…

This is you referring to the Horde Ogres. So guess what… The feelings are mutual in regards to the High Elves, Vereesa and/or the Silver Covenant. I don’t care how you feel about it. The only reason I bothered to explain their appeal was to offer a different point of view, not to change your tastes.

Only thing I care about is pointing out that other races have been given in the past. Races that no one asked for. Races with less fleshed out backstory, with less numbers/population and less presence in the expansions. Therefore, there is no valid excuse against the High Elves anymore.

P.S.: Still I want to clear up one thing. I respect the fact you are just debating and not trolling even if you do it a bit aggressively. Nothing bad with disagreeing.