Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Does the Alliance have ogres? Would Horde ogres be cloning them? When I said I don’t care what people think about it I meant if they don’t like what ogres are as a race, big, brutish, stupid, not that I didn’t care I was demanding Blizzard clone some alliance race, unlike you who not only willingly pretends that people who disagree with your helf fetish don’t exist, your willingness to crap all over established lore to justify the above mentioned fetish and your constant lying about “not having a horse in this race”. And I’m mean cause I call out your crap.

It’s even worse. High Elves have always been an Alliance race and giving another version of them to the Horde was a mistake. So this mistake can finally be corrected by at least giving to the Alliance what is owed.

At this point I am not sure if you are trolling just because you are tired of bringing up semi-valid arguments. Where did I say people who disagree with me, on any subject don’t exist? Are you kidding me right now? It is you who speak about your side like it’s a victim here.

“What about us?, what about the blood elf players?” You keep saying all the time… You (plural) don’t care about us, we don’t care about you champ. Simple as that. WoW development stinks of Horde favoristim and you try to play the victim here? Get real.

Lore was crapped all over the place when Horde got Blood Elves. A correction of that mistake won’t be crapping any lore. Silver Covenant exists, we see them all the time. Give them to the players. No retcon needed, unlike when Horde received B.Elves.

I have explained myself 2 times already, you want to go on with your paranoia? Go on…

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High Elves are Horde. It’s not a mistake, that’s simply stupid, it was a decision made a long time ago and they have been Horde ever since. They have been developed as Horde not Alliance. And the Alliance isn’t owed a damned thing.

When you made the argument that Blizzard has to listen to people. Just not the ones you disagree with.

No, it wasn’t. They just gave it to the faction that needed them more and they have been doing quite well as Horde despite your feelings. Now saying crap like there’s no difference between a zandalari prelate and a human paladin or a kultiran thornspeaker and a night elf druid, that’s crapping all over the lore which you happly do if it serves your purpose.
And no, you don’t see the silver covenant every day. In fact I can’t even remember when they made an appearance the last time. I think Blizzard is done with them and is trying to make room for void elves to develop on their own.

And you lied both times.

How is that pretending there are no people who disagree with me? Do I pretend you don’t exist? 0_o Are you sure about that?

Nah, it’s an old mistake which needs a new correction.

Irrelevant to this subject. I already explained there are no visual/gameplay differences between, for example, a Troll Paladin and a Human Paladin and that’s what I meant when I said that faction exclusivity was toned down. Not that I needed to. The fact Horde got N. Elf skeleton, Alliance got the B. Elf skeleton and both have Pandaren in them was enough to make a point. If you still don’t see it. That’s a you problem.

You can think or believe whatever you like. Blizz shouldn’t be done with them is my point. They should be doing away with the middle finger which is called V.Elves.

And don’t make me repeat why they are a middle finger, there are plenty of people in this thread who have provided plenty of explanations along mine. If you are still wondering why V.Elves are a middle finger to the Alliance go read them again until you get it.

Keep being delusional. Not my issue. You can believe whatever you like. Just don’t expect me to take you seriously when you insist on something that is shot down two times just because you believe whatever you want to believe without any proof whatsoever.

I asked you twice now about the people who don’t think the belfs should be shared further. Twice you dodged the question.

So let me get this straight. You dismiss the notion or the relevance of different types of the same class because they look the same, but you can’t play a pale skinned blonde velf cause by lore they are not exactly helfs? That really is funny.

Well, so can you chief. Thing is, Blizzard does not share your views and neither do I.

Oh don’t worry, I don’t expect you to take me seriously. I mean this is actually part of the reason I’m calling you a liar. Because you don’t take anything seriously if it happens to be against your helf fetish. Not the lore, not other opinions, nothing.

This cannot be a serious question. What do you expect me to say “well, those people can suck it?” Like you do all the time? My reply to that is that their existence doesn’t negate the existence of players who think H.Elves should have been playable by Alliance players, ages ago. Did I pretend they don’t exist or did I say they don’t exist just because I didn’t give the answer you wanted to hear? Funny… Really funny…

Again, this is not about me. There is a player here who states that if they want to role play as a H.Elf they need to ignore the void voice and the racial abilities. Their words.

So there is obviously an issue with the non-solution you presented. And how acknowledging the fact that the abilities of Troll Paladins look exactly the same as that of a Human Paladin= dismissal of different types of same class? This is a strawman. We were talking about faction exclusivity here.

If nothing else, because I don’t dismiss the fact these things are important they should be presented better in the game. But right now the fact is they are not presented as they should be, so they are SIMILAR for both Alliance and Horde, hence why I used them as an example for the toning down of faction exclusivity. Btw the difference between Blood Elves and High Elves is such a thing as well. It should be presented better and in a more clear way.

Oh, and I have already mentioned for the 3rd time my point was based on even stronger arguments like the Pandaren and the N.elf/B.Elf skeletons not being faction exclusive as well. But of course you ignore those arguments like you do with anything that ruins your convenient narrative.

So you speak for Blizz now as well! :rofl:
Even if you are right, that’s just one more instance of Horde favoristim which is why people are complaining.

Nah, I just don’t take seriously unsubstantiated delusions. That’s all there is to it. Sorry to ruin your narrative again. You can keep talking about an imaginary H.Elf fetish all you like, but just because I call your bs out doesn’t mean I don’t take anything seriously. Btw, I can start calling you a liar as well for no particular reason exactly how you do now to me and see where accusing each other without any proof whatsoever gets us.

No that was a serious question and you dodged it again with your bs. Just say you don’t want to answer it and let’s move on.

Strawman, are you kidding me? Did you hear the word somewhere and decided to toss it at me or something?

I don’t speak for Blizzard, I just pointed out they don’t think that developing your anti-belf device of a subfaction is a good idea and have chose to develop the velfs instead.

And yeah, I find it really amusing that you keep claiming you are totally outside this issue but argue for it as hard as that Cryingmoon guy.

I am just sick of Horde favoritism and the fact the Horde got the Nightborne while the Alliance got the middle finger in the form of velves, is just one more instance of that. But still, I stand to gain nothing from it as I am not going to play another character. Ever.

And the fact you cannot comprehend a person can debate without expecting a “reward” at the end for “winning” the argument tells me all I need to know about your personality. And I don’t find it amusing, I find it disturbing to say the least.

No matter what answer I give (and i’ve given you plenty already) you won’t be satisfied unless you hear what you want to hear. So I about done here liar. (Yes, you are a liar. You are lying about everything you say! Proof? What do you mean “proof”? Do we need that? I thought we only needed baseless ASSumptions)

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Best. Elven expansion. That’s what people want the most. After all, elves are most played race in both factions.

Would be great if we get third faction -elves.

they can not. And that’s not what people ever wanted.

but you are. people always asked playable high elves. and nothing will change that but real high elves playable.

lore/visuals/customization/allegiance/lotr etc.

it’s a lie. High elf topics are still very active no in EU forums but in US and other platforms such as youtube/ mm-champion/wowhead/discord/twitch etc.

Yes. And even Dalaran(maybe reworked, huge, for new world rewamp as an elven and magic capital) would fit as Silver covenant home and Crystalsong forest as starting area for high elves.


Stoooop, don’t ruin the narrative. It is just me and Cryingmoon who care about H. Elves. Everybody knows that. I also have a “H.Elf fetish” according to some psychologists here, despite the fact I have been playing a Dwarf (which is the most opposite thing you can play to an elf) since Cataclysm.

No, you are just trying to guilt trip Blizzard to give into your demands. It’s an old tactic that’s been overused especially concerning this. I’m pretty sure that tactic has lost it’s effectiveness due to overuse.

And the only thing I expected from you was a simple answer which you won’t give, instead you are spazzing out. Just say that the people who opposed this should either be listen to or ignored. Only two options, not hard, but impossible for you it seems.

See? That’s why you wont be satisfied no matter what I say. Your brain can comprehend only two outcomes as answers.

It doesn’t work so well, if I judge by the Nightborne/V.Elf thing which was obviously in favor of the Horde… :smiley: I am sorry, I don’t take well injustice.

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Because it’s a simple question that can be answered with yes or no. But go ahead, if my brain is so crazy shock me with that answer I just can’t comprehend.

Justice huh? A bit of virtue signaling to spice up things, is that it? Ripping off belfs some more than they already were is justice now. How grandiose. So what, I’m standing against justice now, am I?

May not have asked for them exactly, but they are literally the two things I like best in the game put together… so like… I’m sure as hell happy. Just need more lore for em.

That said no reasons not to have high elves if we can invent an entire new set of dwarves with the exact same story as the three clans of dwarf we already have.

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high elves for alliance and sanlayn for horde. Everyone would be more then happy.

This dwarf fiasco playable for horde, have no words “who doesn’t love dwarfs”?..lol.


Whining proof detected!

Point is, that high elves been since forever and blizzard kept introducing them into game NPC, factions, leaders, yet not allowing to play them.

If you watch discussion, mostly horde are complaining about alliance receiving high elves.

We definitely going to get playable high elves in the midnight expansion. This race is least work and resources required to make them playable, they have everything.

Elves are most playable races in Warcraft. Making two more - Quel’dorei/San’layn playable will be better for everyone.

Really support idea of all elves uniting and going into a third faction.

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This will be happening in wow midnight

blood elves are high elves
void elves are high elves
alliance have void elves they can look literally the same as high elves
hotde has blood elves they can look literally the same as high elves
makes me wonder how old yall are to request for THIRD exactly the same looking race

just create your “void elf” with blue eyes white skin and blond hair and there you have your high elf, it’s literally in game already, you are asking for racename change

Yeah, they’ll just make a 3rd belf knockoff cause the guy on the forum has been asking for them for a really long time as if they gave a crap about people asking for stuff for a long time.

Anyway, come Midnight I think many of you will be really disappointed, but you deserve it to be honest, setting yourselves up like this for a huge disappointment.