Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I think you completely misunderstood my comment but to be honest, I don’t care about High Elves that much. I think they should’ve simply named and themed Void Elves differently, more “light focused” and everyone would’ve been happy, yeah. Yes, Blood Elves and uncorrupted High Elves were represented as “rivalring representatives” of Horde and Alliance since WotLK at least, with exclusive reputation factions on alliance side reflecting their affiliation. Silver Covenant, Silver Hand, Highvale come to mind. But in the end, all Eastern Kingdoms elves are the same to me. And I’m rather annoyed by the fact that Nightborne didn’t get to join their kin because some players on alliance side wanted blue eyed blonde elves as a “superior elf race” or whatever. Objectively, High Elves joined the Horde during BC. They simply wanted to give the Horde playable elves, too and shook up the lore for it. Then they drew the reverse card post Legion and gave a splinter group of both Elf groups to the opposite faction, so that Horde can have Night Elves and Alliance can have High Elves and everyone is happy. Except we’re not.

Why should it be two more Eastern Kingdoms playable elven tribes though? I can get behind San’layn, but I honestly don’t need four High Elf / Blood Elf clones ingame. I’d rather see playable Naga than yet another Silvermoon offshoot (no offence lol).

You are viewing the matter pretty much from a stance where the three Windrunner sisters are legitimate and exclusive representatives of elven affiliation. With Sylvanas on Horde side, Alleria on Alliance side and Vereesa, the “trve and pure High Elf”, leading some new third party into glory. They aren’t the legitimate representatives of elven affiliations ingame though. They are important lore figures to Blood / Void / High Elf narrative. Not to Night Elves and Nightborne though. They have their own representatives. And I am very certain not all of Night Elf representatives are exactly excited to join a faction with two Elven tribes, who hailed the side that genocided their kin. With one of those potential allied elf squads being, plainly speaking, condescending aristocrat Night Elf deserters.

If you want the high elves (allied race or customizations) there is also Fenelon’s thread on the US forum.

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I sincerely believe that if the Blood Elves didn’t had their Sunwell restored, the High Elves would already be playable by now.

Since it returned, the blood elves have lost the one thing that set them apart from the high elves. Now, the difference between the two is simply a question of which faction they belong to.

That’s why Blizzard created the void elves. So they’re not too similar to the blood elves.

Void elves and blood elves could become neutral in Midnight if they unite the Thalassians as one people (sharing VE/BE customizations).

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Honestly I think after Kaelthas died, it would make sense to me that they rename/reform again. In the lore currently, their fel corruption is also fading. This is how Blizzard explained giving them more eye colour options

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It wouldn’t surprise me if the Thalassian elves (VE, BE and HE) rename themselves after the union of their people in Midnight.


Happy New year!

Well, not really but blizzard made those 3 factions this way. Just one not yet playable.

Then third faction of elves would make sense, since they never wanted to be in horde side .

Why? Each faction has their own elves, what’s the point of making them neutral?

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This says it all about the argument between Blood and High Elves. Blizzard wrote it in themselves years ago.


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well that’s exactly how it is. Two different races. High and Blood elves. High elves were always alliance thing, that’s why we are asking them playable.

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Anyone who read Exploring Azeroth: Eastern Kingdoms and Sylvanas Book can easily come to a simple and logical conclusion that High Elves as a separate playable race is completely ridiculous idea.

In Sylvanas book we get as close to a cross section of a society as we can. We get to see who High Elves of Quel’thalas are, what are their lives, their activities and their overall presentation in the world.

And you know what? Blood Elves are High Elves. Why? Because they live exactly the same way they used to before name change.

Your statistical “Therodan Sunleaf” who in the past millenium was a High Elf vintner, making Thalassian brandy that was spread across the Kingdom and beyond suddenly didn’t race swap when one day he woke up in the morning and everyone was calling him a Blood Elf. In other words this opinion…

Is some of the most derailed logic that I have ever seen.

In Exploring Azeroth both Anduin and Mathias Shaw expressed their desire to drag all of Quel’thalas into the Alliance. They want it because they see how ably it is recovering. Blood Elves are completely past their dark times and on straight path to restore their former glory.

And that means Blood Elves are displaying both cultural and ethnic values, features and characteristics of High Elves they used to call themselves as.

High Elves now are nothing more than nationless, for the most part homeless pariahs that could be compared to the Pirates of the south seas.

They are Human, they are not Alliance, they are not playable, they worked with the Horde during BfA, They have beef with the Alliance, Kul Tiras in particular. Are they suddenly not Human?

In both cases we deal with groups of said ethnicity that broke off from the main host and are considered by it as garbage.

The main problem with High Elves is that they are not too different from the Blood Elves to be their own thing and not too unique to be their own thing.

They are bunch of disconnected groups that at this point do not even delude themselves that they are the proper children of Silvermoon as they have nothing to do with it. The City raises and shines without their aunfluence at all.

What High Elves have done so magnificent for them to stand out so greatly? Became traitors? Live among other races to survive? Intermingle with Humans creating non-Elven creatures? One hell of an accomplishment.

Them rejecting their own culture and replace it with mostly Human way of life rather than creating their own new one is no qualification for becoming a seperate race.

In that regards Void Elves are far more superior. As they have progressed in this regard with greater effectiveness.

I hope that Midnight will flesh out both Alleria and Void Elves as it surely is going to fo with Blood Elves. I hope they will be shown as two completely irreconcilable entities that used to all be High Elves one day.

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Blood elves and High elves now, after Sunwell restoration, only have a single difference - politics. And even now internally they don’t consider themselves different from each other and that they all have the right to the Sunwell.

How is this topic not closed after all this time? The same people keep bumping it over and over

You bumped this post by writing that comment :confused:

and now I, and the chain will continue.

No they don’t. The High Elves have no rights as far as belfs are concerned. They declared war on their own species, for some reason, I don’t know cause the current high elves are such a crap faction, I honestly don’t know why they haven’t removed them and ended this debate once and for all.

I feel like midnight is the perfect time to just end this debate and make helfs a dual faction race with the alliance side having the cosmetic option of void elfs. In terms of the racial they could either keep them split based on faction, make new ones for the new helf race or allow players to pick maybe with a 24h cd to change them.

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we have high elves literally as separate faction/race in game. They are in alliance, they have their own lore/visuals/voice lines/ faction, we just want make them playable for players.

and nobody ever asked this. Void elves want more void elf thing for their own faction and race, high elves should be high elves and be as separate playable race.

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If Blizzard ever adds high elves, I hope players won’t complain about having a race that’s too similar to 2 others already available.

I also hope that they’re not the same ones complaining about having a third dwarf race, because they’re literally asking for a copy-pasted blood elf.

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i mean people already were talking again, but its moontear who sneakily keep bumping the topic after it died out for almost a month meaning the topic would be closed.

Because of this the topic has been up for years making it look like people actually want this suggestion while its just alot of bumping

I dont know why people are obsessed with having high elf as a race. They are just blood elves with blue eyes, and that customization exist now.