Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Lots of folk would prefer the nameplate, hairstyles, classes and racials that such a race would provide.

Void Elves having the skin is nice and all but Blizzard should have always had some way to actually play the races even if they were only going to add customizations. A simple NPC that we could talk to to say change the nameplate and racials to high elf or wildhammer for instance would have gone a long ways.

Classes-wise will be provided once they’ve finished adding the rest of the classes to all races, so thats mostly a non-issue now.

this is literally nonsense, void elves are high elves, blood elves elves were high elves, high elves, void elves and blood elves are literally the same race, and blizz allowed them to exactly be high elves with blue eyes already…
These weird people are literally asking for THIRD- THE SAME RACE with the same look for the sake of NAMEPLATE OF RACE ITSELF

I actually forgot about voidelf because are so non existent for me and made up of a race. :sunglasses:

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We are/been asking for High elves that have been loyal to the Alliance forever. Who never ever left the Alliance despite their King ordered them home after second war. They belived in the Alliance and still do. The High elves in outland was still fighting for the Alliance which was Lordaeron Alliance but when we arrived they all joined the Stormwinds Grand Alliance as Stormwind was also part of the Lordaeron Alliance back in the day.

The blood elves was never going to be part of the Horde until they bent the knee and gave the Horde a pretty race as Horde players was asking for pretty race to balance the population. Blizzard thought they could kill two birds with one stone. Alliance ask for HIgh elves and the Horde players are asking for a pretty race. Sure but did they have to take an Alliance race and give it to the Horde. They could just have made a brand new race that was pretty, Savage and used magic wildly. The enitre beta and vanilla wow High elves were part of the Alliance. You could find them anywhere in Alliance areas. Blood elves were hostile towards both Alliance and Horde as they were enemy NPC. The devs themselves admitted they had to change the entire lore to make any kind of sense why blood elves would join “the Enemy”. Still does not make sense today but there they are. Blood elves who hate trolls, well what does the horde have…trolls that they somehow just forgot several 1000 of year of war with the trolls, The lorderon treaded them badly, well who is part of the Horde…forsaken who “are” lordaeron. The very same ones that treated the Blood elves poorly. And the ones that treated Kael’thas and his soldiers poorly was…Remnants of Lordaeron Alliance aka Lordaeron people lead by Garithos who had no love for elves or any other race really but he was the only highest ranking officer left in Lordaeron that survived the Scourge attack on Lordaeron. And Garithos goal was not to help the Alliance or cared for the Alliance. He wanted Lordaeron for himself so he can make himself KING of Lordaeron so he never had to answer to no one ever again, I mean he left Stormwind (Yes Garithos was once citizen of Stormwind but he was disgusted of Stormwinds king and its people being “Goody two-shoes” with other races and left to live in Lordearon as they there believed as him that Humans was superior towards other races). Strange that one mans crime is enough to blame an entire race for wrong doings.

And Blizzard said the Blood elves joined the Horde because they could give them the resources to build their capitol as Alliance was not able to or the Dwarves, well Stormwind was destroyed before the second war and all the dwarves had used up their resources just to help the Stormwind humans to rebuild Stormwind so neither Stormwind Humans or the Dwarves had any resources left so they had nothing to give the Blood elves to help them rebuild. So the Blood elves belived the Horde could help them rebuild/restore Quel’thalas…what happend to those resource?..ohh thats right it was used to rebuild Orgrimmar in cata…and again the resources was used to build Garrosh underground fortress. So… did the blood elves ever got those resources they were promised by the Horde to rebuild their home…answer is NO!. Even Blood elf civilians in Silvermoon who was confused back in TBC on why they have joined “the enemy” and not the Alliance, their former friends and allies. But they are there now in the Horde which is fine, all we asked is to play the ones that is still Loyal to the Alliance and when Silver Covenant came in WOTLK as non playable faction, we wanted to play as them and hope Blizzard would give us them but all we got over years of asking was compromises after compromises and not give us what was asked.

The Alliance High elves did look abit different than Blood elves before Shadowlands. Their skin was paler than Blood elves as Blood elves had more color to their skin (Some had reddish pigment on their due to the expose of the fel, some more than others) and color to their hair as they found a new source of power (so they never had the withdrawl as Alliance High elves was suffering from) were as the Alliance High elves never did and was suffering from withdrawl of Mana. Their skin was paler and their eyes lost the blue glow so their eyes look almost like human eyes. Well for some who believed that High elves had green eyes in TBC was incorrect as it was actully but I don’t know why they have blue eyes with yellow glow IF you looked close enough. And if you combine blue and yellow what do you get…green so if you were standing far away it looked like they had green eyes. And the female Alliance High elves did have normal human blue eyes.

But whatever as Blizzard is going to try to fix this old issue they themshelves created back at TBC or before it, is to make Void,Blood,High elves neutral as the expansion Midnight is about, is to unite the scattered elven tribes.

Its more than nameplate and you know it. Its about the History, Loyalty and Faith in the Alliance that made them stay in the Alliance than followed their Kings order to return home after the second war, just like Alleria as most of the Alliance High elves fought and believe as Alleria do in the Alliance and still do today.

However I am curious about Alleria’s new model in war within, if she has joined her sister Vereesa and Vereesa’s Silver Covenant and about this Cosmic void magic.


High Elves should be officially added to both factions.
Silvermoon should become a neutral capital and the high elves, blood elves and void elves should also become a neutral people because they will be united with Midnight.

They are. And no, silvermoon shouldn’t become neutral. It’s a Horde faction city. I don’t know why you people have such a thing for it. You don’t get to evict the Horde and just move in to one of their cities.

All the races are made up.

Silvermoon will surely be revamped and the alliance will also need a capital in Quel’Thalas at Midnight.

Midnight is far away. And to be honest where did you people get this idea that in midnight they are gonna make Silvermoon neutral? It’s a Horde city.

What makes more sense is that the factions are going to be written as neutral rather then just SMC exclusively

I don’t think they’re going to draw back on neutrality between factions any time soon, if anything they just seem to keep doubling down on it more and more
I don’t like it, but it seems like that’s the direction the writers are set in unless Metzen 180’s the current lore of just ignoring all past tensions forevermore

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Makes no sense to me. In fact I hear people making a lot of guesses and acting as if these guesses are how things are gonna be.

it doesn’t make sense to me either but as I said, unless Metzen is going to 180 in the war within on the lack of faction conflict we’re already at that point, my example given is the whole amirdrasil questline being available to both factions

Yeah its a guess, but its not based on air, its based on where the story currently is already. So I hope Metzen will do that 180.

I would argue its cost cutting; they don’t want to spend time developing seperate stories for horde and alliance anymore

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They start messing with faction idientities then it’s over. It’s not gonna be Warcraft any more, but rather some abomination. Now I don’t know what the deal is, if the announced expansions are the last expansions that the game will see. If that’s the case then I get it. They want to set it up for maintenance mode. Toss a few proverbial dinner scraps once in a while to keep some people coming back. Yeah, ok. Make the whole thing neutral. Orcs and gnomes skipping over flowery fields and playing edited by moderation. Frankly not something I want to see. But I get it.

On the other hand, if they want to keep Warcraft alive, there has to be an Alliance and a Horde and there has to be rivalry between them and turning faction cities neutral isn’t a good way to do that.

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I think people say that because Bel’ameth, the new capital of night elves will be neutral. So they expect a Horde city to become neutral in return.

That’s not a neutral city. That’s an alliance city that simply allows the Horde to be in it.

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The elves of the horde and the alliance will unite to defend Quel’Thalas = the horde and the alliance will be friends.

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If all the elves are united in the Midnight expansion, they will need a neutral capital to reunite. It is for this reason that Silvermoon could become a sanctuary capital for the horde and the alliance.

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I’ve just thought about it, but if High Elves become playable, Blizzard will have to remove the blue eyes from Blood Elves, as High Elves are the only thing that justifies that customisation option.

Your race also has blue eyes like the high elves. :laughing:

…You know that blood elves can’t canonically have blue eyes, do you ?

And I’d add that the playable undead (undead human more precisely) don’t look much like the blood elves.