Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

These are just eye colors, almost all races have blue eyes.

Thing is, blood elves with blue eyes are bascally high elves (or Void elves).

Blood elves eyes are green because they absorbed fel magic, or yellow because Sunwell is infused with light.

It’s like a mag’har orc with green skin. It’s not a mag’har if he’s green.

It’s bascally the same for elves.

Maybe add high elf eyes without glow like the eyes of the high elf version of Sylvanas.

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Yeah, it actually could be something they add if the high elves become playable.

Yeah there you go. Imagining things again. This reunion may mean a lot of things, least of which is Silvermoon becoming a shared city.

Normally, they should have all eye colors like humans.

Maybe it will be like Bel’ameth, a Horde city who allows Alliance people to be in it.

But I find it hard to believe that the blood elves will accept void elves travelling to Silvermoon. The last time a void elf went near the Sunwell, it didn’t go down too well.

Quel’Thalas will be attacked by the void, the void elves will be useful to protect Quel’thalas/Silvermoon/Sunwell… :wink:

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Yeah so let them come on their floating void thing. Their racial homebase.

Blood Elves do indeed canonically have blue eyes.


Okay, my bad then.

I find their explanation completely stupid and inconsistent with what we know of the lore, but if they said so…

Can You please explain what in the lore makes the explanation that the effects of fel corruption wear off with time “stupid and inconsistent with what we know of the lore”?

Maybe not add cinematics without the High elf eye glow when clearly established lore and cutscenes already made them appear as such?..

Just why? Do you literally remember reading anywhere? ‘‘Blizzard I sure would want my elves to have less magical eye glows’’ happening anywhere? No… No you don’t.

Why Blizzard does this intentionally and screw with players intentionally like this is beyond me.

Screw your fantasy and established lore. My cutscene wants this to be the case now. Cause screw you.

Because if it was true, orcs should stop being green right now.

Simple as that.

Different levels of fel corruption. According to Chris Metzen’s opinion, orcs should regain their brown skin by 2nd/3rd generation unless there’s another direct voluntary exposure. (see reference no. 108 here: https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Orc). You can already see Thrall’s children being brown.

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Well that answers your own question then doesn’t it… Why the corruption would fall off.

Big Lore reveal by Irisi! I am sure all the green ungas will bunga allot over this one<.<
So green orcs will die out then? Unless they get fel corrupted some more.

That will not go down well with the Orcs I have a feeling off.

Then it should work the same way as them. Not just their bodies magically returning to normal like nothing happened.

It’s a shame there’s no question/explanation for void elves with blue eyes, natural hair and skin.

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You find the idea that the cleansed Sunwell would return them to their blue coloration inconsistent? How?

Whats inconsistent is that the High Elves of Allerian Stronghold had blue eyes at all. They lived in an area full of Fel radiation and would have been exposed to it often in Outland.

Or that High Elves don’t show up with Golden eyes despite their supposed interest in recent years with the Light. They’re connected to the Sunwell just like the rest of their kind so they should, if faithful, have their eyes turn golden.

Blood Elves regaining their blue eyes is the most consistent part of this entire bit. lol

If you read through that interview they indicate rather directly that the options presented are meant to represent different things. By their words there, while there is no direct explanation, it should be taken to mean that what story you come up with works fine and that the consistent use of void elves to represent high elves is valid.

I will point out that Void Elves Always had blue eyes with no sclera.

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Blizzard should add void elf NPCs with high elf customizations, they will be canon, no need to explain in an interview.