Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I’d sure take it. lol

We do still have the high elf wayfarers showing up and then on the next island over you see obviously new void elves. So at least there is an assumed way we get more void elves. But it would be nice to see something more concrete, preferably that shows umbrician and allerian style void elves are possible to create.

Because the Sunwell is supposed to be infused with Light so their eyes should logically be yellow, not blue. They tried to explain this by the fact that the sunwell also has arcane energy as well as light when Velen restored it, but this is exactly where it makes no sense.

'Cause the Sunwell was literally destroyed, empty, with no magic at all. No fel, no light, no arcane magic, just nothing. Velen restored it by sacrificing a na’ru, a creature made of pure light. So the Sunwell must be made entirely of light and nothing else.

What gives the blood elves green eyes is absorbing demonic energy, just be surrounded by it is not enough.

Isn’t the point about high elves is that they’ve learned to live without the Sunwell?

They don’t live in Silvermoon either, so they don’t have that much contact with it.

No. It’s just not.

The Sunwell gets its arcane back from the girl who was its last bits made manifest by Korialistraz who sacrificed herself to help the heroes from what I remember. The Naaru Core further infused and strengthened it reigniting it with both Arcane and Light energies.

You can not like the lore but it is the lore.

They literally state that the green eyes (on player blood elves) is due to radiation from the fel crystals they used to power the city not from any consumption. You can look it up if you’d like.

Its a bit down but you should be able to find it.

Being surrounded by it is enough.

According to the story with Alleria and Turalyon’s thousand years with the Army of the Light, all elves are connected to it and can feel it and its effects. The High Elves found ways to sate or bypass or live without it sure, but that doesn’t mean they’re not connected to it.

Explain how its not? Cause it really is. They’re the only thalassian group in game we can actively show the change over time with.

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If horde players have “access” to vendors in Bel’ameth then it is 100% a Neutral city. But also have you not been notice it ingame that this is Blizzard goal now. This “peace” will make everything neutral so it will be up to the player to “choose” which faction you want your character/toon to fight for. The faction wars is slowly going away. We still have “wars”, just not between Horde vs Alliance. Just look at this Cross-faction is another hint were a Alliance player can join a Horde dungeon group. or have a Cross-faction Guild.
Dwarf race going neutral in war within which should have been Alliance since all dwarf races are Alliance is another hint, giving the Horde the dwarf model.

In Midnight “Uniting all the Scattered Elven Tribes” means all High elves (Highvale Elves, Alliance High elves, Silver covenant High elves, Allerian Stronghold High elves) Blood elves (Scryers) and the Void elves will come home and defend Silvermoon only means all of them will be coming home to their ancient home. Which also makes sense as they can’t divide their people anymore. (Void elves can still be in Silvermoon just not go to the Sunwell isle in the North, The incident with Alleria did not happen until she touch the waters of the Sunwell, however Blizzard said something will happen to the Sunwell during the Invasion of the void in Midnight). Which means they will make those races neutral making them available for both sides and you can choose which faction to fight for and end the 18 year old conflict. Its Blizzards solution to fix 18 year old problem they created back in TBC. But hey we did ask to make Dalaran to become fully Alliance or let the Alliance High elves build a new city in Crystalsong forest but this is their choice.

Another sign is we are Helping each faction to regain their city. Like it started in Lordaeron where Alliance in secret help Horde/Forsaken regain Lordaeron. And since they going to have a council instead of 1 ruling the Forsaken and there has been Forsaken that wants to reconnect with their families in Stormwind which they can now via Calia Menethil. Which will “in time” make Forsaken available to the Alliance. In the patch coming this week the Forsaken is going to Help the Gilneans reclaim Gilneas from whoever is moved in to Gilneas and taking over it. In Midnight Alliance and Horde will help the Blood elves against the void and help them gather all the elven tribes to unite. The Horde is slowly becoming more like Alliance as they now have a Council then a Warcheif and we see Thrall and Anduin becoming friends, almost like Brothers and Jaina and Thrall is also friends. BFA will most likely be the last faction war and even in that Expansion Horde and Alliance fought side by side against a common enemy. So I think Legion was the start where the factions are becoming as one. Thier warcry is slowly moving away from “For the Horde” and “For the Alliance” and instead it be “For Azeroth”.

Will it feel strange as it has been for many years as Horde vs. Alliance, Orc vs. Humans…yeah but this is were it is going and there are players that want this so like a player wants to play a Human but his friends wants to play in the Horde…well soon it will happen. Humans available in the Horde. So the players can play however they want.

Well at first it was “not” Canonically, its was just customizations so both sides could “Roleplay” as a High elves but at some point they changed that. Blizzard can always change their minds later on. Just write a new book that Uncanon the former book etc etc. And now the green eye Blood elves is instead become the customizations as “Roleplay” as a fel corrupted Blood elf as all Blood elves are getting yellow/gold or blue eyes but keep the green eyes for those who wants to be fel corrupted warlock.

Well that was more or less of a miss by Blizzard as Sylvanas “should” have had glowing blue eyes. But the Alliance High elves were like Sylvanas in that cenematics until Shadowlands, they had Canonically had almost had human blue eyes as they lost the glow in their eyes due to their mana withdrawal. So back then it was easy to see who was High elf and who was Blood elf, Blood elves had green glowing eyes and Alliance High elves had almost human eyes.

Well actully Thrall’s wife is a Mag’har brown orc. Yes the corruption would vanish eventully, there are still green orc children running around in orgrimmar. However if they have children with a Mag’har orc the corruption will vanish faster. Thrall’s children still have the corruption in their blood, its just not shown in their apperance. Won’t go away that fast but it does help having children for a green skin orc with a Mag’har orc.

Except they didn’t have green eyes. It was still blue to distinguish them apart from the Blood elves. And back then it the “They gained fel green eyes just being near fel energies” was not on the table at that time.

True the void elves always had blue eyes (But that was to make them look diffrent from the Blood elves and make them as close to blue eyed high elf) but was diffrent from the High elves blue eyes. Later we got purple eyes (But that should have been available to the void elves from the start as there are 2 types of void magic) and High elf blue eyes.

We will see either in war within or Midnight as we see in war within Alleria new look or customizations like Xal’atath and the void invasion in midnight, Blizzard got to give the void elves something.

In the beginning yes the Sunwell was all about the Light but then Blizzard changed that so now its both Light and Arcane. So the Blood elves are slowy becoming High elves again and moving away from their fel corrupted past. (Blizzard do like making changes to the lore for every expansion they make to fit the “story” they have written)

The Sunwell was not completely destroyed, it was spewing void magic after being used as a portal for the Legion during Warcraft 3. And Kael’thas shut it down later on so the Blood elves could move back home to Silvermoon without fear of being attacked from the portal. Yes it was said before it was destroyed but again Blizzard changed that in wow. In TBC Kil’jaden used the Sunwell as a portal to come to Azeroth which he nearly succeeded.

Um there is proof “inside” Silvermoon were blood elves that drain fel from the Crystals but that is just the mages and warlocks that do that. As there is Demons in the Crystals infused with the fel. And the more reddish skin the Blood elves had and the more green fel eyes suggested they “did” infused themshelves with fel but as I said it was only the mages and warlocks. The civilans and the Farstrider rangers had less reddish skin and less fel green eyes as they were only exposed to the radiation of the crystals. Yes some dranied mana from mana creatures as Grand Magister Rommath taught them but as we all know fel is stronger than arcane so the Blood elves would still get green eyes regardless.

Okay, I actually forget she existed, I still find it kind of far-fetched but I give you that.
But the Sunwell is still more infused with light than arcane.

Then it’s worse than I thought. It just shows that Blizzard has never been consistent with this.

Because, like I said before, if blood elves eyes can go back to their natural color, orc skins should also be back to brown (and I’m not talking about children, but adults orcs) as it works in a very similar way.
And I’m not the one who say that, it’s Blizzard themselves with the series of Q&A.

In fact, it’s even worse for the blood elves, as some of them are still addicted to fel (and not necessarily warlock), even though the Sunwell had long since been restored.

So, by their logic, many orc should be mag’har now. But the fact is, Blizzard will never do that, because if they did, mag’har orc and orc will literally be the same thing.

That’s what I thought. They did change that. For me, it’s further proof of how inconsistent Blizzard can be with this subject.

That’s why I don’t like TBC. It changed so many thing that was established in Warcraft 3, but this is a different topic.

My point doesn’t really care whether it was accurate at the time. My argument was that the blue eyes being available to Blood Elves means they’re technically the most accurate to how the eye colors work in canon.

The allerian elves arguably could have avoided it if they remained in Terokar forest anyhow as it was one of the lesser fel affected zones. >.>

Still canonically any high elf that happened to spend any time in fel infused lands should have seen their eyes shift, if only for a time, to green.

Also one further quibble on the “They gained fel green eyes just being near fel energies” not being o the table bit. There is conflicting information back in TBC to that point in both directions. The solidified update later on reduces the conflict so its best to keep to the one that is, now, canon either way.

I agree with all of this.

I like to use the no sclera purple and blue eye colors on my void elves to signify their voidyness. But thats my own thing. They definitely haven’t laid down any lore on why void elves have access, but that interview above indicates that all the options for our characters count as canon. So its whatever we want it to be. Was your elf a high elf that followed Alleria’s path? Perfect. Was your elf like Umbrics group? Go for it.

Did your elf follow another path and is virtually still a high elf? Great!

Is your high elf still a high elf? Nothing says otherwise.

(Though options for nameplates, alternate racials names ect would be nice for the character option.)

There are some members of Silvermoon who did something to those crystals its not actually clear what they’re doing. Blizzard though has indicated that (player) characters did not consume the fel.

Is a myth. There is no skin tone differences between high and blood elves. Only their eye showed a different color. Blizzard has confirmed this in interviews and in tweets. Its also just patently untrue as high elves can spawn with all blood elf tones. (mostly in order halls)

According to the devs the player blood elves and at least the majority of Silvermoon and the Horde’s blood elves did not partake the fel. What you do with your warlock I say is up to interpretation though. (Nor do I have anything against any blood elf that makes their story about taking in the fel.)

Rommath was directly afraid that if the general population of Silvermoon knew of the draining of fel and using it in general they’d be rather disturbed. Part of one of the reasons they were so harsh on those who spoke out.

I don’t have the interview about it on hand but Blizzard stated it was 50/50.

Again you don’t have to like the lore but that is what it is.

Honestly if you’re looking for consistency in Blizzard over the years I think you’re barking up the wrong tree.

They said it was similar not exactly the same. They’ve stated that the Orcs will go back in time. It just hasn’t been enough time for them apparently.

I think one of the devs also later clarified that it was a generational thing for the orcs unlike the elves.

No it is not a myth and never been, the Alliance High elf have always had the skin color number “2” that had “no Reddish pigment skin” with blue human eyes well the female High elves and the High elf males had eyes that was blue with yellow glow around the eyes and their hair color was either pale yellow hair color or white hair color to give the imagine of the High elves being sick and withdrawl of the mana. The blood elves have mix of diffrent reddish pigment in their skin and green eyes. Look closly at the blood elves skins…look closely each skin exept 1 and 2 have diffrent amout or red pigment in their skin due to the effects of the fel.

I played since beta and been looking at High elves since then (in hopes Highelves would become playable in WOTLK they still had the skin number 2 with blue eyes) and more back in TBC flying to Allerian stronghold sitting there for hours staring at the High elf npcs.

The order halls? That was a mistake of a Blizzard devs. They gave a blood elf with High elf voice and or High elf with Blood elf voice long before the idea of Blood elves having blue eyes. Human error is what it i, just like Arator in TBC. Arator had lived all his life in Stormwind since he was born, how could he have green fel eyes when he has never ever been to Silvermoon so Blizzard changed that to blue eyes then to emerald green eyes. They couldn’t decide what to do with him and then later on at the end of legion he got yellow eyes. Same like in Swtor were they sometimes accidentally gave male NPC a female voice or female NPC with male voice, which they later fixed in a patch. Human error, that all it is.

If you don’t belive me go to the eastern AH of Silvermoon. head south into a building and watch the blood elf NPC there. His routine is to go to the crystal and drain fel from the crystal and he does it quite awhile. Every single day and have been doing that since day one of TBC.

Never heard of leadership lying to its people before? Yeah that’s why they brainwashed the citizens of Silvermoon that went against their leaders and magistrates decisions. Again go to the building south east were the NPC openly drains fel from the crystal.

Assuming that the game lasts another ten years or so we’ll probably see a return to the faction war once certain current societal trends begin to die out. One could say that the pendulum is already gradually swinging in such a direction.

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If they made “Night elf” city neutral, so possible Silvermoon will be revamped as neutral also. But i would rather prefer, for elves only.

They didn’t say it was just similar. They said it was “extremely similar” and they use the example of orcs skin color multiple times when they talk about blood elves eyes. I think we came assume it works the same way for them.

[quote=“Fenelon-moonglade, post:8065, topic:153125”] I think one of the devs also later clarified that it was a generational thing for the orcs unlike the elves.

So the corruption will last longer for the orcs, despite them having less contact with it. I find that very hard to believe.

I also find that hard to believe, since absolutly nobody talk about arcane magic being in the Sunwell when Velen restored it, and for a good reason, it didn’t work until Velen infused it with Light.

Yes, I already know that. But we’re talking about eyes color. It’s like we’re talking about chronology or things like that.

Well, at least Bel’ameth is a totally new city. Silvermoon is considered as a Horde territory. It’s not exactly the same situation.

No, if it does not fulfill all requirements to be a neutral city, it’s not a neutral city. If for example the Horde can’t use certain services but the Alliance can then it’s not a neutral city. You can’t say it’s less neutral or more neutral. It either is, or isn’t and that city is not neutral.

Hard to say what that is. Not I don’t disagree, but I’m pretty sure Blizzard is looking at the reception of this neutrality and it’s not looking that good. People don’t seem to be content with this buddy-buddy period we are going through. I’d be more inclined to agree if Blizzard was still under Activision who just didn’t really give a crap and allowed deluded pink haired people to run the game. I don’t know if that’s the case any more. We’ll see.

You made that up.

That’s another thing. The fact that they allow people to group cross faction does not mean they’ll suddenly make everyone neutral. Aside the fact that it makes no sense, it destroys a huge part of the game’s traditional identity and removes the possibility to purse certain story avenues that concern faction conflict.

Dwarves are going neutral in your imagination maybe. They are still Alliance. What we get is just a cheap knockoff like velfs.

You people have a rich imagination you know that? All that’s been said is that the elven tribes will come together. How you worked up the rest of that story is beyond me. But it really is amusing to me because I remember back before velfs people brought up that the fanboys who cried for alliance belfs won’t stop until they take everything.

  • Oh just give us the model. We’ll be happy and shut up then.
  • Oh just give us belf customization options for our velfs. We’ll shut up then.
    -Oh just give us helfs, we’ll shut up then.
    Seems your next target is Silvermoon. While I didn’t care much before, this time, as a Horde player I say no to this.

There is no problem. It’s only in your very biased minds. So there’s really no need for a fix. The only fix for this is for you people to deal with it two decades later. Nothing more.

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what are you talking about people have been asking for alliance helfs since before belfs where released. Infact the only reason void elfs exist is becuase people wanted ali helfs and blizz didnt want to just make a clone copy of belfs for the alliance.

We allready have that with nightborne and nelfs, void elfs and belfs, hm tauren and normal tauren, maghar orc and normal orc, lf dranie and normal dranie, mecha gnome and gnome and now win www we will have 3 dwarf clones. I dont think anyone is going to complain about cloned races.

but overall i agree with the sentiment that they should just get rid of belfs and velfs as a seperate race and make helfs a race neutral race that chooses to either align with the ali or horde.

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No its not. Becuase metzen returning signals they are doing 180s on a lot of the story beats that where unpopular with fans namely the lack of faction conflict. Also this will just be awful for the game.

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What’s ironic is that Blizzard has given everything elves players asked for EXCEPT what they actually wanted since the beginning, which is high elves.


Blizzard forgot to add high elf hairstyles and tattoos to void elves. :person_shrugging:

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What’s ironic is that Blizzard sought to solve this via a unilateral compromise and once that compromise came into effect, another compromise was demanded, which also came into effect and now another compromise is being demanded again.

The whole high elf story is bullcrap. No offense bit it just is. People act as if the Horde and Blizzard stole something from them, but that’s bullcrap. They never had it. You were never able to be an Alliance belf until the above mentioned compromise. And if you want a proper irony consider that the people screaming theft are demanding that Blizzard steal belfs from the Horde and giving them to the Alliance, piece by piece. No. Enough.

Yeah, but high elves fans didnt ask for void elves, they just wanted (and still want) high elves. So I can understand why this compromise wasn’t exactly well received by them.

And if Blizzard actually gives them high elves now, WoW will have 5 elven races, just because they tried to compromise about something that wasn’t even that necessary.

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Because they’re void elves, not high elves. Personally I’d love to see more “scary” and voidy customisation for them, rather than the scuffed high elf options they got.

Blood Elves are basically High Elves again. No fel corruption, no capturing Naaru and siphoning their power, no going on murdering sprees. They’re just the Human option for Horde.

Why they’re not Alliance? Blame Jaina.

Ion said they didn’t just want Blood Elves with blue eyes for the Alliance. From the POV of a game developer, it makes sense.

The easiest thing to do would be to make Blood Elf a neutral race like Pandaren.

this is so cool omg omg

I don’t care. A compromise isn’t getting everything you ever wanted. Maybe they should deal with it.