Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Oh yeah, I totally understand why Blizzard did this of course. I’m just saying that I can understand why high elves fans wasn’t happy with void elves.

Of course. I just doubt that compromise was actually the best solution. I don’t think it was bad though.

No we should get everything we want. Firstly lets set the record straight, **belfs arent a horde race **, their history is entirely with the alliance and the reason they joined the horde is as flimsy as paper, since garathos only betrayed the helfs becuase they betrayed the humans first out of selfishness. They are only a horde race to boost horde player numbers. So this would not be a compromise this would a rectification of a blizzards poor decision to put the helfs in the horde instead of create more interesting races for the horde.

Seacondly a simple comprise to all of this is to just have helfs be a race neutral race that chooses alliance or horde.

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How do you figure they had less contact? The Orcs drank of the fel and thats on the path to becoming a demon… The Blood Elves that drank of the fel became the Felblood elves.

Lore is the lore. :person_shrugging:

Sunwell is 50/50 Arcane and Light.

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If you want to get everything you want then don’t try to make it a compromize. Just tell Blizzard to rip away belfs from the Horde and give em to you cause you are that special and you should get everything you want.

Firstly, yeah, belfs are Horde. It says so on the race seclection screen. And their history is THEIR history, it does not belong to the Alliance. So if they went Horde their history is still their history, so I don’t know what logic you applied there. The fact that you don’t like how they joined the Horde is insignificant. They joined the Horde. Deal with it.

And that’s not a compromise, genius, that’s getting what you demand. Learn what words mean before using them.

Because Mannorth’s dead for sometimes now, and orcs are green because of Fel magic, not just because they drank the blood of this demon. (Which is also why Warlock Mag’har are stupid).

Also Thrall didn’t drink it, he didn’t has contact with fel magic and he’s green. Probably will stay that way until he died, while blood elves that actually absorbed fel magic (not just a little) will be returned to normal. I don’t buy it.

If the explanation is “lore is lore”, that just shows how inconsistent it is.

Yes, yet we do not have playable high elves what we been asking?

They literally gave blood elf clones to alliance to make more people pissed and upset.

It should and must be for night elves only + alliance. Why they allowed horde even step their foots in the city is beyond and logic.

“we” should be said as “I”. I want to get what i am asking.

Orcs are green because the majority of them drank the fel along the way and those who did not were close to it long enough and the race was part of a demonic pact… They had so much more going on for them fel wise than the Blood Elves ever had.

We see what happens when an elf has fel the same way the orcs did and then more. They become Felblood Elves or Felborne elves or something akin to Demon Hunters.

Thats a far cry from the radiation from fel crystals or closeness with fel that the Blood Elves (at least the ones we play as and the majority of Silvermoon and the Hordes blood elves) dealt with.

You’re just not accepting what the lore is or why it is.

Which goes into this…

I did explain it to you you just rejected it because you feel its inconsistent. Thats not really inconsistent though… you just keep refusing to accept what you’re being told or shown.

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Ok and? You are still wrong when you said that no one asked for helfs on the alliance

I just wanna give a shout out to the thread thats made it past 8 thousand replies. Lasted for several years over and is still alive and kicking…

If Blizzard needed any thread to prove their regrets for not adding High elves to the Alliance It’s this one xD even after they made Void elves. High elves in appearance.

Without this thread i doubt the High elves fans would have even gotten that far.
This thread deserves some creds.


It’s not the blood itself that gives them green skin. It’s the fel radiation it brings. That’s why the orcs who didn’t drink it are green too.

Then explain me why Thrall who really wasn’t that exposed to fel is green too and cannot be brown anymore ?

Except it’s wrong. A felblood elf is a blood elf who drank demon’s blood for days. Orcs didn’t drink this blood as much as them. And you know why ? Because if they did, they’d be fel orcs.
The equivalent of felblood elves are fel orcs. Not basic orcs. Your comparison doesn’t stand.

Because it doesn’t make sense. If Blizzard wants us to believe that fel corruption for orcs and blood elves are “extremely similar”, they must be consistent with it, and they’re actually not.

Then show me the proof that say why blood elves can returned to normal and why orcs can’t.

The only reason why blood elves can have blue eyes is because of high elves fans who keep requesting them. It’s only for gameplay purposes, not because of the lore.

Yeah. And the Mag’har (main timeline) didn’t become green. They (green orcs) also had effects from their races pact (often glossed over in lore) and those who drank of the fel.

He was born to parents who (in the main timeline) turned green due to proximity. Because for the orcs, its generational and not a minor eye effect.

His children are not green.

Sorry I worded it poorly. That was the “and then more” part.

Felblood elves are a step further. The orcs had more happen to them than the blood elves in Silvermoon did is what I meant.

I mean… I think they are.

The Orcs don’t keep their green skin as new generations are born further and further from the radiation effect. Blood Elves took years for it to leave their eyes.

Its rather consistent the two races are just experiencing its falloff differently.

That doesn’t make it not similar.

I can’t believe I have to link this to you a second time.

It is indeed because of the lore.

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I know, and I don’t see why it must be a generational thing for them where it’s not for elves. Especially with their constant use of fel. It even became a part of their society.

I mean, for something that was supposed to be “extremely similar”, it seems there’s actually a lot of differences.

I already said what I have to say about this. Just refer to what I said above.

Which you didn’t need to do because it doesn’t contradict my point. Blizzard added them because people kept asking for it. You really don’t need to look any further.

But since you insist on it, I will explain the problems I have with it.

The dev begins his explanation with this :

“Time has passed since the game’s debut”

There is 2 problems with that.

  1. The Sunwell wasn’t restored until the very end of BC. So taking the game’s debut as the beginning of the disapperance of fel corruption doesn’t seem right.

  2. While it’s true that Blizzard said the corruption will fade off with time, they also made it clear that it will take a “very long time”.
    Now maybe you have a different pov about it, but to me, The time that has passed between the end of BC/beginning of Woltlk and now, is not what I call a very long time.

High elves are wanted in WoW, since day 1. Nobody asked for void elves, but now they are cool race, but still not those high elves alliance asking like Silver Covenant.

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Isn’t it just an example of in-game zone not being updated to reflect the change in the lore? In MoP Rommath states the following: " This Korune device is similar to the fel crystals we once used to enslave demonic energies." - implying that they no longer use them. Full text here: (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/What%27s_in_the_Box%3F)

Also, as I don’t have a horde character and can’t easily enter silvermoon: is the crystal green or red? If red, then it probably is a simple mana crystal: (https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Mana_crystal)

If I remember right its a green one. I haven’t been there in awhile. Though if I remember right you can’t actually tell what hes doing, he does something with the crystal but its not labeled. I could be remembering that part wrong though. Its just… been a long while.

I do think though that in any case one man doing something with the crystals either way does not prove that everyone was sucking down the fel especially with the devs routinely saying otherwise.


Yep they are definitely not draining fel from the “Fel” Crystals or are they? :thinking:

Demonic fel energies crystal = Living Demons being trapped and drained of their fel. Trapped within the crystal. When one demon dies, the Blood elves went out and trapped another demon to drain it of its fel power, leaving it as a husk.

I know that, after Sunwell was reignited there was no need for fel crystal but also most of the demons were dead anyway but Silvermoon and Exodar have not been updated for years so they are “stuck in time” and there for you can see what they been doing every day for 18 years since TBC. And as you see they drain fel from the Crystal to empower themselves. The lone blood elf mage in the eastern AH and warlocks underground area.

What does your eyes tell you?

We shall see. But don’t get me wrong, I want it to be Horde vs. Alliance. Orcs vs. Humans Just like the old Warcraft 2 as it was my first Warcraft game. Im just pointing out the signs as players have since BFA been demanded that Blizzard ends the faction conflict as they see it as pointless but also that they don’t want the Horde be seen as the Bad guy faction. Bet the same people wanted Sylvanas as warchief, well how did that turn out. The Horde got divided. However Blizzard could do it like they did in Wow Vanilla. If you played Alliance, the Horde was seen as bad guy. If you played Horde, the Alliance was seen as bad guy. And Im happy Chris Metzen is back (Hopefully the old Warcraft feeling of the game comes back) but again he is not completely in charge of wow as other people think as he is Executive Creative Director and Not Game Director, that is still Ion.

Yeah they were never meant to be in the Horde as the devs themselves admitted in a video before TBC came out but Blizzard bent the knee to demanding Horde players base to balance the server population and Blizzard thought they could kill two birds with one stone. The Horde players wants a pretty race and Alliance players wants High elves playable. Win-win Blizzard devs thought. But it doesn’t make sense and never have but Blizzard was willing to change the entire lore to please Horde players instead of creating a brand new race that was pretty, savage and using magic wildy. However they could have kept the Blood elves as they intended to be before TBC, magic manics and wanting to be the superior race on Azeroth. Becoming like dark elves would be in other games and we get traditional High elves…but no we never got them.

I think you misunderstood Moontear, Skillshott.

Yeah I want the Silver covenant High elves playable with Vereesa Windrunner at the Helm. They as exacly want I want them to be, like the High elves from Warcraft 2 and they are trying to be as the High elves of Warcraft 2. Their own mounts that is different from Blood elves and Unique tabard that is different from Blood elves. But maybe Alleria is going to join them as we see her new model with Silver covenant colors. Perhaps she will teach her sister and the rest of the Silver covenant the power of the Cosmic void. The 3 Expansions looks to be interesting, which it has not been for a long time.


But i think thats becuase modern blizzard only ever describes the faction conflict as petty, outside of the burning of teldrasil, if they get back to really underlining that while ultimately pointless as it creates a cycle of hatred, both sides have legitimate grievances, then I think you get most players to actually care. As thats what it felt like back before modern blizz.

Im not sure the horde players wanted a pretty race, I think it was mostly just that the Chinese players where not willing to play a monster race(to a high enough degree) and wow was ultra popular in China, so blizz gave horde belfs as an easy fix.

This is why alliance should just get helf. It would be so easy, if they dont want to do a whole new race, just change void elf to high elf and give them all the cosmetic stuff like mounts and armour to players who roll that race.

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Yeah, Blood elves were supposed to be all Illidaris, but it was retcon at BC by saying that Kael’thas only took 10 or 15% of his people in Outland.

Speaking of Kael’thas he was did dirty in BC. One of the biggest messes of the game.

But they would have been thematically very interesting in The Horde. The fact that they absorbed fel magic, to the point where they slowly mutated, made them like some kind of monster, like the other races of the Horde.

But the restoration of the Sunwell has made them even more distinct from the rest.

I don’t like the argument of “Blizzard did it for Chinese players”.

China is a dictature, where all the works released there are controlled and often have to be heavily censored in order to be released there. And sometimes, even after abusive censorship, it’s still not enough.

Relying exclusively on the Chinese market is not very good commercially for this reason. It’s extremely risky.

In fact, MoP is the most censored extension because it touches on Chinese culture.

The majority of players didn’t want to play ugly races. That’s a fact and I’ll tell you exactly why. Because the belf addition boosted Horde numbers so much that they overtook the Alliance. Consider also why this happened, why the Horde ended up being below 30% of the player base, because people didn’t want to play monster races. And considering you people cannot stop trying to rip off belfs into the Alliance, by any means necessary. So don’t bring China into this to make up this reason why the Alliance should get belfs. Cheap argument.

First and foremost, thank You for taking the time to find the images of the places we’re talking about! I have one question though:

Does that mean that You think that: (i) The zone has not been updated, and what we see there is no longer a representation of the current state of Silvermoon/BE society, according to current lore; (ii) until the the crystals are removed from the game it should be assumed that their presence is a proof that BE still use them; (iii) since Rommath’s statement is contratidcted by the presence of fel crystals in Silvermoon, it is unclear whether BE still use them lorewise; (iv) none of the above/something else entirely.

Sorry for the trouble, sometimes it is I have a hard time judging whether I understand the interlocutor correctly on the internet.