Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

I love this!

These elves should have joined the horde and the alliance at BFA. :sob:

Same. I expect this to happen in Midnight expansion.

But it is true, belfs were given to save dying faction.

Nobody want your blood elves, but blizzard given them regardless to alliance as void elves. We want playable Silver Covenant high elves.

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So play them, they are in the Horde roster, where they’ve always been.

I have some blood elves for xmog but not playing them. I do not like horde faction. But what i want and most players playable Silver Covenant High elves.

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Try a private server then.

why? We have silver covenant high elves, their require least work to make them playable.

I went over it briefly above but warlocks are an exception. They definitely did stuff with fel. They’re warlocks. However that doesn’t mean they consumed it nor that if they did they consumed it enough to be turned into demons or even begin the process. They’re also a small part of the population.

Warlocks in game actually seem to have some taboos about going too far as we see with the Council of the Black Harvest, who locked away one of their members for treating with the metamorphosis power. Most warlocks who go that far become problems.

I’m also really not sure that they’re consuming fel there… Its going into their foreheads… They’re definitely doing something with it.

For the singular mage near the AH, I again can’t say hes consuming it. Empowering a spell maybe but like… nothing happens here to really indicate whats going on. Even if he is though, hes one mage. Even if several mages were like this Blizzards words that the majority and all player character blood elves in Silvermoon did not consume the fel still stands just fine.

As does the fel radiation only changing their eye color.

The only difference between high and blood elves physically is their eye color and that is, as per the interview I linked somewhere above, going away with time due to the Sunwell. Blood Elves eyes will return to either blue or gold… and apparently purple maybe?

Other than that the only differences between a High and Blood elf is ideological and political.

I see no mention of this within the text of what you’ve linked here. The information you included seems to indicate what I’ve been saying that the fel crystals were widely used to power their structures and city (and defenses).

The only place I’ve seen any evidence of the consumption of fel in a way that turns one into a demon or changes them physically is in Outland, being used by the Sunfury Elves and Kael’thas’ cohorts who would eventually become the Felblood by consuming a large amount of fel and empowering themselves with it far further than any other blood elves becoming demons.

I am also unclear here if you’re accepting that things have changed? You admit its stuck in time to the TBC (and early TBC technically) with some updates for Cata that widely didn’t move much canonically within the city from the TBC era. If you do accept that this has changed since, then they would not have been doing this for 18 years but rather only the one or so years that it took for TBC to play out. (Even assuming Cata thats still approximately 2-3 years.)

I also fail to see how any of this changes anything?

Blizzards comments on this have been done more than once. Blood Elves and High Elves are the same race beyond ideology and politics, the blue eyes are coming back over time, the fel was never enough to actually change them in any way and the Blood Elves within the Horde never consumed fel en-masse as they used the fel crystals to power their cities and structures.

That does not mean, mind, that I do not support High Elves as their own AR.

I see no reason why not to add em in, or at least, add in further options for void elves to allow high elf players to have their fun.

Skin tones, hair customizations, voice tone. Not only EYES color.

Most blood elves still have green eye color in game in all expansions.

Hey Moontear and Ariâlyn.

Looks like we got a voice within the WoW Community Council from the US that is supporting for High elves for the Alliance specifically Silver covenant High elves. Keeping up the good fight for our elven allies within the Alliance.

Nonoa and her guild from the US.

We are not alone in this fight.


This thread will continue into 2030.

I want to see this post hit 100k comments before it gets lost to time.

Personally metzen admitted that they retconned previously almost non existent quel’dorei lore?
They didn’t “retcon” anything in a negative way, only questionable thing they did is forcing decision to join horde, which is fine and not a “completely unrealistic scenario”.

Vanilla worgens and cata worgens must be completely different races with this kind of logic.
It’s just that vanilla high elf models were developed earlier than blood elf models, there are no in universe reason on why they must look different.

It’s because high elves effectively are a bunch of Mary sue “alliance elves” that preserve their bluey aesthetic ignoring all the logic.
It’s also a reason why they are barely touched, because it’s acknowledged by
story 6553477435932th times that blood elves and high elves are literally the same thing, and there are no reason for high elves to exists aside of artificial “I’m going to betray my people and nation because I don’t like horde”
Void elves are same bunch but even funnier: they wanted to study THE VOID near THE SUNWELL and were very astonished when lor’themar said not to.

Its only eye color…

The skin tone is a myth, hair customizations isn’t real either, and even if it is all the races should have their hair options shared across the board…its just hair. Voice tone? Some of the high elves are using a few of the Night Elf lines but thats it.

And voice tone really… isn’t a canonical thing anyways… All player characters don’t really share the same voice.

As…per Blizzard several times. It will fade with time and has been doing so. A lot of DF’s blood elves have either gold or blue eyes, along with plenty that still have green.

You only just found out about them? I would have assumed you all knew. They’re cool folk.

They’ve shown up a few times in my High Elf thread on the NA forums too.

Isn’t the limit 10 or 20K in one thread?

I think its more Blizzard wanted to keep it simple so folk didn’t have to read a book to know who was and wasn’t a Blood or High Elf.

High Elves don’t defy any logic or lore.

You and I are not playing the same game clearly. lol

They literally regularly play up the Blood Elf High Elf feud and they do so because its a compelling and fun storyline. Its really no wonder so many have wanted Alliance High Elves all this time.

I just contend when people try to pretend head canon is canon lore because they’ve decided Blood Elf bad and demon. lol

I don’t think they really intended to study it “near” the Sunwell. Lor’themar also wasn’t the one who was really pissed off. That was Rommath who wanted to see them executed on the spot.

I can understand Blood Elves being a bit protective of their font after all that happened.

Given Midnight’s focus on uniting the Elven tribes, I expect the High Elf predicament to receive its final statement.

Perhaps we might see a completely new High Elf model that’s more “highborne” in appearance as a neutral faction option or maybe the High Elves could be associated with a possible new class.

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Vereesa needs a model update, she deserves it. I hope that the Midnigth expansion will update the important elves (Vereesa, Rommath, Haldurion…) that will be present during the reunification.


That would be a dream to see all of them with unique models and updated armor. (Also folk like Shandris now that shes in charge of the Night Elves)

Shandris is the new leader of the night elves, Blizzard absolutely needs to update her.

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I wonder if during Midnight or War Within if the Telogrus Rift would get attacked and if it does would the Silver Covenant come to their aid?