Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

My dude/girl. blood elves being ignored was always a huge critcism of BFa plot. They are next to Lordaeorn so alliance coming with an army is a secruity risk and totally their concern since their land would be next when Undercity falls.

I don’t think any did; but it doesn’t rule out the Blood Elf Illidari working to free them in Midnight, whether it be from Argus, the Exodar…Outland…could be anywhere.

It would just be nice to have extra Blood Elf features, relating to Fel. That’s how Blood Elves were distinguished - their use of fel crystals.

I agree.

I just wish many high elf supporters would stop making the Quel’dorei a pity race. A race that can’t do it on it’s own. A race that needs the Horde counterpart to be thriving. No…high elves can be independent, so let them be independent. Hell, they’ve been independent from Quel’Thalas for many years now…why do they suddenly need the Blood Elves to protect them?



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hnvde_zbHVg :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Fenelon, my dear San’dorei, you have definitively no sense of humor :dracthyr_lulmao:

Dunno ask the guy who made the cinematic. Normally all the Horde should be there. It does not say anywhere that the belfs sat it out.

And by the way, your helfs are the same addicts as the belfs, the only difference is that the belfs didn’t run to human daddy to give them magic dust to snort on, they went out there and got their hands on it.

i know, this cinematic triggered me many time.

“where are the blood elves wtf”

but you can watch and rewatch, make breaks on the video. there is NO BE on this fight

I can’t find my old reference as apparently the link is broken now, but there was a questline back in TBC that had a few join up and return home at the conclusion of that expansion. Some Felblood did go home. We just never heard from them after that.


Its always so frustrating to me to see them be so hard set on changing the Blood Elves or eliminating them for their own goals… High Elves as a people have changed over time and Quel’thalas doesn’t need to be their future. They can make their own. Especially since we have three separate groups to pull from to make even more stories together that STILL get to interplay with Blood Elf stories when Blizzard wants.

Void Elves, Highvale, Silver Covenant. Established lore can be used here to really bring these groups into a new future.

As the void elves say… New doorways are open to us.

I’m told I’m quite dry.

Honestly I don’t think that makes any sense as I’m at least 71% water.

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And by the way, your helfs are the same addicts as the belfs, the only difference is that the belfs didn’t run to human daddy to give them magic dust to snort on, they went out there and got their hands on it.

BE smokes Fel, we dont. Big difference

(sorry limitation editing/day for last messages…)

I’m told I’m quite dry.

Honestly I don’t think that makes any sense as I’m at least 71% water.

Nice one :dracthyr_hehe_animated: :sparkling_heart:

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They can change the story at a moment’s notice.
It’s possible this small questline will be considered none-canon…especially if Blood Elf Demon Hunters spear-head a small questline, like the Night Elf Demon Hunters did in Bel’ameth, regarding the Warglaive.
Except, the Blood Elf Demon Hunter quest unlocks Felblood features

The question we have to ask ourselves…does Quel’Thalas actually limit High Elf story progress? The answer is yes.
Why? Because Quel’Thalas lore will always be dedicated primarily to the Blood Elves. The High Elves would just be along for the party.

If the High Elves were to move to the Hinterlands or Crystalsong, it would be the start of a new chapter…a new doorway open to them (void elf pun intended)

Both Quel’dorei from Eldre’Thalas and the exiles from Quel’Thalas establishing a link, with the latter restoring Shandaral to a new greatness for the Quel’dorei name as a whole. Now that is a great initial path for the High Elves.
Not suggesting the Highborne are extremely involved with the High Elves; the core here is that the High Elves are independent and have restored Shandaral to some figure of greatness, but the link between the two is there.

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Stop with Crystalsong, we dont have fur and Northrend is very cold during all the year :dracthyr_cry_animated:

You survived there for many years in Dalaran. You can keep doing it or you don’t want the high elves to be good…Anzhela’s actually just wants the Pity’dorei. The ones that just can’t do it without the great Sin’dorei.

Dalaran is actually on broken isles then its better than before.

by the way there is not enough building for all of us. Where our normal children will sleep? with rats underground? :dracthyr_lulmao:

Don’t care. Blizzard will make my idea work

My ideas are much better than yours. I actually want a great race. Not a pity race that can’t do it.

i just want my own race with city and with a well like the sun one.

but its more nice to be near brother and sister, even if they are in the bad way and getting illegal demonic drugs. :dracthyr_lulmao:

Got you covered.
Welcome to Crystalsong Forest, restored Shandaral…a High Elf only city for the Alliance.

Only an idiot wants Silvermoon as Alliance.

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Nah fam, BEs played mana-vampires with living sources of arcane like mana wyrms. This was what the HEs were exiled for vocally objecting to. Most BEs never knew about Fel being used by Magisters to restore half the city until much later.

We ll have our own everything and BE keep silvermoon.

But you ll be send to crystal song to study wild white rabbits’s life during 3 YEARS.

Its gonna make you understand the pain of cold atleast :dracthyr_lulmao:

Do you even know what your talking about, because I don’t.

I dont think its only the mana-vampire that make your citizen’s eyes turned into demonic green color, Sir. :dracthyr_crylaugh: