Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

Where must I go if i dont want to be a demon sucker and also not a smurf ?

Go to Silvermoon… The Sunwell is restored. lol

Blood elves havent touched fel in like 16 years.
Youre living in the past.
Now theyre all about the light and being regular fantasy high elves.

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But i dont get the city…

There are many statues of the traitor prince, animals ambassadors with large tooth and death flesh walking freely in the city, San’dorei, i saw leper gnomes on a basement building.

There is narguilee everywhere with crystalm… fel’ everywhere

this city must be cleaned :dracthyr_lulmao:

As in the city needs more human sugar daddies.


I found an alien in this elve village, killed her.

No more alien conspiracy.

she was probably trying to teach her false light religion to my brothers.

This is a humble opinion. The truth will set us free. We have become more than the weak high elves.


The void is speaking through you, this is not you, Sunchaser.

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8206 replies…geez…Blizzard. Just give them their race already. A little less attention to 6 year quests and more to what players actually want. By the way…Legion 500 timewalking badge quest…bugged for me. The guy is nowher to be seen in dalaran. I am so tired of making tickets to fix their game. I am not going to bother this time.

Reminders of the cost of our survival.

Your actual allies… you’re just being fantasy racist. lol

Indentured servitude is still practiced by Stormwind too.

The Fel crystals were removed since TBC when they no longer became needed. They are supposedly Arcane filled now again. (And red for some reason…)

Which badge quest ?

The timewalking quest…whispering felslate crystal 500 timewalking badge quest for doing a legion timewalking dungeon. I dont see the guy. I dont see a single ? in all of dalaran…the new dalaran. I am on the right one.

Over 50% of the thread is 24 people
15% is the OP
And its been 4 years of being bumped by him.

I wouldnt put much weight in to the number of posts here


Yes, i m a racist HE, but its on for RP, not irl, then its ok.

The Fel crystals were removed since TBC when they no longer became needed. They are supposedly Arcane filled now again. (And red for some reason…)

hum …


maybe removed is a sin’dorei new word for mean “big ones” :dracthyr_lulmao:

So long as its just the rp… its scary how many people I’ve run into who actually seem to believe.

SMC hasn’t been updated since TBC and a tiny bit in Cata. Lore states pretty clearly they don’t have those crystals full of demons anymore to power the city and its returned to using the Sunwell’s energies.

If you don’t want to accept canon thats on you.

Now if you want to talk about how Blizzard never updates things in the “world” of warcraft thats a very good complaint/conversation to have.

Fully RP, irl i m the opposite :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

what’s do you think will happen in midnight ? about us elves.

I think they are gonna gut your helfs. I’m not kidding or trying to be petty, but this helf drama has to end. You got belfs and you got velfs. Both need to develop and it won’t happen when certain people keep trying to turn velfs into belfs.

Honestly, I think Silvermoon will get updated, will remain Blood Elf specific, and the void elves and silver covenant will show up to help defend the Sunwell alongside the Blood Elves on the isle of quel’danas where we’ll have a neutral area to work out of and deal with the problem. I think all of Quel’Thalas will be updated and that that little bit to the side behind Strath will also finally be opened up.

I’m betting Quel’thalas areas will be added to the regular world map finally too.

I don’t think much more will happen beyond that. I think the uniting will be in story only and have little to do with any customizations or neutrality.

But who knows. I could never have predicted Blizzard wasting time on Plunderstorm or Earthen so… What do I know?

It may possibly be. I voluntarily surrender myself to oblivion. The Void will set me free.

I have said numerous times that the Alliance High elves home should be in Crystalsong forest. And I love the music there, mysterious and magical. The arcane Leylines would give the High elves all the arcane magic they need. Some places need their leylines fixed like in Forlorn woods in Crystalsong forest and if the High elves do that the birch trees in Forlorn woods would look the same as Quel’thalas Birch forest when the Birch gets infused with magic. However the Leylines of Northrend is guarded by the Blue dragonflight but most Blue Dragonflight dragons have moved to the ancient home of Dragon isles. But Veeresa is friends with Kalecgos so she could talk to him and work togheter with the Blue dragonflight and share the Arcane wells in Northrend with the Alliance High elves. And now in Lore the ghost of the ancient Highborne have moved on in Crystalsong forest so the High elves can move in and rebuild the ancient Highborne city, the void elves could move in there to or visit there and there could be a portal to Telogrus rift there. Even have Blue dragonflight dragons in the city. And Silver Covenant would be great as the Faction for Alliance High elves as they are trying to be how High elves were in the past like in Warcraft 2 with Unicorn mounts. And they have their own tabard that is different from Blood elves. In the past the Alliance High elves did look diffrent from Blood elves but Blizzard changed that. In the past they were more pale than Blood elves due to mana withdrawl and they lost their eye glow and had almost human eyes. And Silver Covenant was created to be diffrent from the Blood elves and fighting for the Alliance. And yes the Silver Covenant have been Alliance since WOTLK, recruited by High Commander Halford Wyrmbane into the 7th legion. In Wintergarde Keep.

And the Alliance High elves can replenish their number there in Crystalsong forest, with their own source of arcane power. If Bloodhoof tauren can replenish their number who in Warcraft 3 was only 1 village. That’s it, 1 Village was all that was left after the centaurs had hunted the taurens for long time but in WOW after the Taurens built Thunderbluff and by “Blizzard magic”…they now have a steady population…Hmm weird right. Even the Darkspear trolls was only 1…that’s 1 village able to replenish their number in WOW by “Blizzard Magic” but for some reason the Alliance High elves can’t?? Very suspicious Blizzard!!

Even many suggested Dalaran as a home for Alliance High elves. And there for Blood elves could keep Silvermoon for the Horde and the Alliance would have their own Magical City. But it is Blizzard who have decided to make Silvermoon neutral with uniting the Scattered Elven tribes.

Hmm seems N’Zoth’s vision was true.