Quel’dorei High Elves as an Alliance allied race (Part 1)

G*ddamn right.

I wasnt asking you :dracthyr_heart:

By the way, people, crystalsong area is very ugly and poor of life and green stuff.

Surrounded by frost areas 3x, dead zone and evil troll area.

I wonder what the playerbase would talk about if Blizz had never made horde blood elves and just added high elves in the alliance a few years after vanilla.

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Well Blood elves was never meant to be in the Horde in the First place. The devs themshelves admitted that in a video before TBC launched. They only gave the Horde Blood elves for the horde outcry of unfairness of player populations. The devs were willing to brake the Lore to make Horde players happy. “We had make alot of changes to make it work”, Meaning change the entire lore to make any kind of sense for why Blood Elves to be in the Horde.

Still doesn’t make any sense today. As the Blood elves are more Alliance than Horde, but as we see today that the Horde have become more Red Alliance than Horde. They have abandoned the old ways with Warcheif system and embrace the more Alliance system with a council. The Alliance asked for High elves to be playable and the Horde ask for pretty race to balance the player base. So Blizzard thought they could kill two birds with one stone. Give Horde Blood elves, an Alliance race. You can see in the video that Chris Metzen was not happy about the decision. They could have still made a pretty race for the Horde and that used magic and made more sense for the Horde. The Horde would still have kept their Identity with Survival at all cost, wild, barbaric. I mean even in TBC that Blizzard have removed that option you could ask as a non Blood elf player, ask Nasgrim in Thrallmar. “What are the Blood elves doing here??” and General Nazgrim answer was “They are looking for a new home”.

So even the Horde races ingame back in TBC were confused what Blood elves was doing in the Horde as it does not make sense. And what does the Horde have in Horde, Trolls and Blood/High elves have 1000s years of hatred for trolls if not more, so why would they join the Horde. Such hatred does not go away in seconds Blizzard, What does the Horde have? Orcs and what did the Orcs do to Elves in WC 2? So still does not make sense why they join the Horde “the enemy”. And then they also have Forsaken who “were” the Humans that treated High/Blood elves Poorly. So again Why would the Blood elves join the Horde Blizzard?? Stormwind Humans did not treat Elves Poorly, they saw Elves as friends, Even Garithos noticed this and hated humans in Stormwind and their king for being goody two shoes with other races like elves, dwarves, gnomes when they should be ruling over them. That’s why he left Stormwind and joined Lorderon’s army as they were thinking the same as him. Being the superior race over other races. Lorderon Humans who now are the Forsaken in the Horde.

The Void elves however makes more sense to be in the Horde as Umbric and His followers are more like what Blood elves were before and during TBC. “Power is power, its what we do with it that matters” as magic matter the most for them, the more powerful magic the better, even If it was evil magic like fel, blood or necromancy and as we know that even void magic was interesting for them. So they were trying everything desperately, just to rebuild their empire. Just to be the most powerful race on Azeroth. The Alliance High elves did not try anything like that, they tried to be as they always been and trying to survive as best they could and siphon mana from artifacts and not look for new source of power which could change who they were. Hell even Rhonin, Vereesa Windrunners Husband went out on expeditions to find magical artifact to help his wife with her mana withdrawl. Ofcourse Alleria would never join the Horde. Or Perhaps they fix that in Warwithin and Alleria will join her sister Veeresa and her Silver covenant.

So Void elves in the Alliance makes no sense either since the Alliance is all about the Light,Nature, Arcane magic…um void?? goes against everything that is Alliance stand for. The races in the Alliance have something in common which is about the Light and Nature and Arcane magic and Void is just foreign to them. If Blizzard had made High/Blood elves for the Alliance and Void elves for the Horde no one would have complained. Lightskinned High/Blood Elves for the Alliance and Dark skin Void elves for the Horde makes more sense like High elves for Alliance and Dark elves/Drow for the Horde.

But Im not against Nightborne being in the Horde as they are like Blood elves also were, Power is power etc. and also they are a like a Drow race and they also played with fel just like the TBC Blood elves. So they fit perfect with the Horde and that’s what Blizzard should have thought about back in vanilla wow when making new playable races. Do the playable race make sense for the faction they going to join. And they also a pretty race, they use wild arcane magic and dark elves, so they make alot sense for the Horde. There also are som spider-like Nightborne, the Fal’dorei (Fallen Elves) in Suramar outskirts in old Nightborne ruins which gives the Drow vibe from Dnd. Arcan’dor tree, the same tree that the Nightborne now use to gain mana and give back their Nightborne form from Nightfallen and make their Arc wine is from the fruits of that Tree. Which it says in the lore, that the tree became unstable and in a flash changed the Nightborne there into spiderlike creatures. Ooops we might have doomed the Nightborne in trying to save them.


Nothing, cause there probably wouldn’t be one. The Horde was dying. I know, I was there. It was harder and harder to find anything above 10 man groups for battlegrounds, never mind 40 mans for raids. Fact is belfs saved the Horde and therefore the game.

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Blood elve was in the horde in 2007 because put draeni in the horde wasnt possible because of the ex-slavery relation between orcs and draeneis

That vision is more glorious than anything!



Now this is an interesting change. Thats Legions Dalaran aye?


I think the update is not finished.

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With telogrus rift likely gaining a portal to dalaran, i am very curious where they are going with this.


I got so excited when I saw that SC is making a comeback in the latest version of Dalaran. :star_struck:

Considering the addition of the Kirin Tor banner and portal in Telogrus Rift, plus the Blizzcon teaser having Alleria flying to Dalaran, could we be having the SC high elves officially integrating with the void elves?
IMO that would smooth things so much for the lore to justify giving HE/VEs paladins without kinda having to reinvent the wheel!

Can’t wait for more PTR updates :popcorn:

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The question we have to ask ourselves is, how vital were High Elf Paladins in the first place? As somebody who has studied the ins and outs of Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei - Paladins were just not a big uptake within Quel’Thalas society. You had Silvermoon’s Priesthood, which again - that was niche and then you had the other branches with a far greater uptake:
The Farstriders under Sylvanas
The Magisters under Belo’vir

We had a known student under Uther, between the Second and Third War, but again - High Elf involvement in the aftermath of the Second War was extremely slim. They basically became an independent nation with very little contact to those outside of Quel’Thalas, aside from the Archmages of Dalaran.

And it would still be a “Void Elf Paladin” which uses the Light in all forms, which is a direct counter to the Void. Void Elf Priests make sense because all Void Elf Priests in the lore are Shadow Priests.
I’d rather Void Elf Paladins don’t happen at all and High Elves just get created. It avoids a lot of “lolwut…”

We already know that the plan is for paladin to be given to all races. So void elf paladin is coming regardless of how much of an oxymoron it is.
So yeah, having the silver cov find a home within the ranks of the void elves could make the addition less painful :stuck_out_tongue:


Blizzard likes the Silver Covenant high elves.:heart_hands:

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I feel like since Danuser ‘necromancy isn’t exclusive to death magic’ left there’s been radio silence on all classes for all races
I hope that’s the case because some combinations are so weird no matter what lore you will write for it, it’ll feel cheap

High elf paladins would be acceptable to be honest, because you can just say that after they split from Quel’thalas at the dawn of the Blood Elves they simply joined human paladin orders and brotherhoods, iirc it was hinted that some high elves integrated themselves into human society so why not?
as long as high elf is just a customization option for void elf tho, I’d argue its problematic because it hurts the games worldbuilding and shadowlands already did enough damage to that.
At the same time, no one is going to be cheering for playable elf race #who-is-even-still-counting

The only ones that can wield both light and void are discipline priests and from what I know of disc priests is they’re too busy balancing void and light without imploding in on themselves to also pick up and focus on martial combat training while wielding light and void

PERHAPS :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Glory to the Quel dorei !

Death to the false one eyed king :dracthyr_lulmao:

Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword-day, a blue day ere the sun rises!


So umm… wowheads news.

Silver covenant :v: